New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-01-23 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 555 - New York, New York! (Monday 2006-01-23)

Hello my darling tutu-twirling friends!

It’s Emma here, back from another magical week in the Big Apple. I just had to get this blog post out to you all, as it's overflowing with excitement and colour! I know you all love my pink tutu adventures, and trust me, this one is a real corker!

Firstly, I want to send a huge shoutout to everyone who came to my ballet performance at the weekend. It was simply glorious, the atmosphere was electric and I just felt so incredibly happy dancing for you all. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Now, let’s dive right in. The last seven days in New York City have been pure fairy-tale! And like a true ballerina, it all started with a visit to the theatre, or as they say here, a Broadway show!

This time, I was lucky enough to see “Wicked,” and oh my word! The music, the costumes, the dancing! It was everything I’d dreamed of. You know I adore anything magical and otherworldly, and this production just ticked every box. It left me buzzing with inspiration, and you know what that means…more new tutu creations for my Pink Tutu Boutique, darling!

Of course, my week wouldn't be complete without a little retail therapy. So, on Thursday, I decided to take a wander down Fifth Avenue. Honestly, I could have stayed in the magnificent shop windows for hours!

One particular window caught my eye – an incredible display showcasing the latest Spring/Summer collection from a well-known designer. Imagine my delight when I spotted the most divine pink tulle skirt on the mannequin, just waiting for a ballerina to twirl it around the city! Now, let me be clear, darling, I wasn't even tempted to buy anything - I’m far too sensible (mostly) – but just being in the presence of such elegance was pure bliss.

I even took a little detour down to Bloomingdale’s – my all-time favourite department store for a good dose of American-style glamour – before treating myself to a decadent slice of red velvet cake at one of New York’s famous bakeries. Oh, to have that piece of heaven in my little English cottage!

And of course, my time in New York would be incomplete without a trip to a ballet class, to really immerse myself in the world of dance. I found the most fantastic studio on the Upper East Side, nestled in a beautiful old brownstone building. I have to say, the teachers were all utterly fabulous and I learned so much! I was surrounded by other ballet lovers, all with that same twinkle in their eyes, a shared passion that just brought everyone together. I even ended the class with a twirl or two in a new pink tutu – a beautiful gift from one of the other dancers who I’d bonded with! It was so kind!

The week ended with a wander through Central Park, taking in all that New York beauty. It was simply breathtaking to see all the children frolicking around, so full of joy. It made me wish for those carefree childhood days back! I couldn't help but picture all the children twirling around in pink tutus, just like my dream, bringing colour and joy to the world. And yes, I might have done a few twirls myself!

Now, on the subject of twirling… I wanted to dedicate a little corner of this blog to my very favourite pastime – taking the metro around New York! I know, some might find it strange to enjoy commuting in a big city, but trust me, it's full of unexpected adventure. I’ve noticed that the metro itself is just as colourful and vibrant as the city above!

I always manage to spot someone wearing a truly incredible outfit, and let's be honest, my eyes are always peeled for the most fabulously dressed passengers. One time, I even saw a man wearing a lime-green, sequin-covered blazer with his suit! It took me straight back to the vibrant energy of 70s disco and had me tapping my feet with delight!

And while I’m talking about fashion, it would be rude of me to not mention this week's featured fashion accessory - a beautiful little pink velvet ribbon tied into a chic bow. I’m a firm believer that a tiny detail can add just the right touch to any outfit! Imagine it – your favourite pink tutu paired with a pink velvet ribbon tied in a perfectly placed bow, twirling through the city, it's almost like stepping out of a dream!

But it's not all tutus and fashion. One day this week, I decided to visit a famous New York institution - The American Museum of Natural History. Walking through the dinosaurs exhibit, I couldn't help but marvel at these giant creatures from millions of years ago, imagining them dancing across the earth, twirling through ferns!

Even if that’s stretching my ballerina fantasy a bit too far, I am a sucker for museums and all things historical. They’re such a rich tapestry of stories waiting to be unraveled.

On a completely different note, can we talk about the food here? New York, my darling, your cuisine is a dream come true for a girl with a sweet tooth like mine! I sampled so many different delights this week, each one tastier than the last – think cheesy pretzels with a gooey centre, rich chocolate chip cookies, juicy bagels, and that ever-popular New York cheesecake. I do miss my English cakes though, even the delicate little ones from the local bakery! I wouldn’t swap them for the world.

And lastly, let’s talk about the atmosphere of the city, that New York magic that never fails to take my breath away. It's a symphony of sounds, sights, and emotions all whirling together to create a beautiful cacophony of life. This city truly is a melting pot of humanity, full of incredible stories and experiences waiting to unfold, and I feel incredibly lucky to be a part of it.

It's a whirlwind, this place. The people are quick, sharp, full of spirit and bursting with life. Yet beneath the city's hustle and bustle, there's a hidden heart – warm, welcoming, and full of genuine charm.

So, my darling tutu-twirling friends, I bid you adieu for now. Keep on dreaming big, twirling, and most importantly, stay true to your own unique sense of style! And don't forget to always have a little pink in your life, because even on a rainy day, a splash of colour can brighten anyone's mood. Until next week, may all your tutus be fluffy, and your days be full of wonder.

From the Big Apple,

Emma xx

P.S. If you're feeling inspired by all things pink, remember to pop over to It's full of ideas to make you twirl!

P.P.S Remember my New York City blog goes up every Monday at What could be a more perfect start to the week?!

P.P.P.S And, oh darling, don't forget - there's no such thing as being too fabulous, too pink, or too full of joy. We are all magical, all beautiful, and all deserve a little bit of sparkle in our lives! So put on your tutu, and twirl your way through the day!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-01-23 she danced in New York City