New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-03-13 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City - Post #562 (Monday 2006-03-13)

Hello darlings! 🩰💖 It's Monday, which means a fresh start, a new week, and another exciting entry for my NYC blog! Today, we're delving into the whirlwind that was my weekend here in the Big Apple, where the dance floor (and my life) was literally a tutu-ful blur!

Now, if you know me, you know I'm all about that pink tulle. I practically live in a pink tutu. It's not just my wardrobe staple; it's a statement. It's my confidence, it's my love of ballet, it's a tiny sprinkle of magic in this often grey world. And believe me, it has certainly added some vibrant pink to my New York adventures this weekend.

Speaking of magic, the reason I'm in New York is the same as it always is: to follow the call of the dance! And my trip was certainly overflowing with it. Let's dive into the tutu-tastic happenings of this weekend...

Friday night saw me bounding off the metro (in my signature pink, naturally!), heading straight to the Metropolitan Opera. I love the Metropolitan Opera. It's truly something else. All that grandeur, that history, those stunning performances… but my absolute favourite thing is their fabulous selection of ballet shows. And guess what? Tonight, they were hosting a masterpiece - Giselle.

The choreography was absolutely exquisite, and the story had me on the edge of my seat! It’s one of my all-time favourites. You know how much I love my ballet classics, and Giselle never fails to get me swept away. And of course, it's always such a pleasure to be in such a magnificent space. The sheer artistry and sheer magnificence, you can’t help but feel the weight of all that history, all that beautiful music, and I’m always inspired. It’s a beautiful, exhilarating experience, all topped off by the pure enjoyment of sharing this beautiful performance with others who truly appreciate its magic.

Now, for Saturday, I had an early start. It was time to visit one of the legendary dance studios that has always been on my bucket list - the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. I was determined to experience their renowned workshops and maybe, just maybe, I could channel a bit of Alvin Ailey's iconic energy.

Let me tell you, that workshop was intense! I truly pushed my limits, learning from some seriously talented instructors, and the atmosphere was electric. They're not just about teaching technique; they teach you how to move - how to tell a story with your body. And, as an added bonus, there was a little bit of the Alvin Ailey magic sprinkled into the studio space that gave the entire experience a delightful warmth and connection to their unique heritage. It was incredibly inspiring, and I feel a definite Ailey buzz in my dance steps now!

You’re probably thinking, "Emma, your weekends must be exhausting!" Well, darling, you’re right. But I thrive on this whirlwind, especially when I’m exploring New York.

To recharge my batteries and feed my ever-hungry fashion soul, I spent Saturday afternoon in a pink-tastic whirl around my absolute favourite shopping paradise - Fifth Avenue. Fifth Avenue is truly a treat for any fashion-loving ballerina! I lost myself in the world of elegant boutiques and glitzy window displays. There’s something so delightful about a store packed full of the finest designers, glittering jewels, and dazzling gowns… and this time I had the most wonderful experience finding a little black tutu in a high-end shop just for me. Black isn't normally my colour but for this I made an exception and I cannot wait to wear it in my next performance back in England.

Of course, no trip to Fifth Avenue is complete without a visit to Bergdorf Goodman’s. My ultimate destination for all things dazzling and extravagant. From haute couture to shoes that could stop traffic, I love getting lost in the luxurious displays, dreaming of designer bags, and getting inspired for my own performance outfits. You never know what sort of fantastic accessories or costume pieces you can pick up here that no-one else will have.

Later on, feeling truly re-energised (and ready for anything!), I headed to Broadway for a show-stopping performance of Chicago. Now, this is not ballet, but it was still a magnificent musical experience! I love the music, I love the style, and I love the incredible performers that bring the characters to life on stage. This show was absolutely incredible! They put on such an exciting performance that even I was mesmerised.

I must tell you that Sunday started a bit more relaxed (it was much needed after a few days of non-stop activities). I took a stroll through Central Park, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying a little bit of quiet amidst the hustle and bustle of the city.

Even the birds in Central Park seemed to be humming a little waltz, and the gentle sway of the trees felt like they were dancing along to some unheard symphony. I have to confess to a few spontaneous twirls, it was just that kind of afternoon, so wonderfully peaceful and inspiring. It reminded me just how much I love spending time in the great outdoors even in the middle of the city.

After my Central Park stroll, it was time to put my performance hat back on. I had a ballet show of my own to do! The weekend’s exhaustion had melted away in the park’s gentle embrace, and I was all prepped up and ready to dazzle the audience at a little studio show back in Manhattan. The energy was electric and I absolutely adored the feedback from my audience afterwards! I loved that they truly appreciated all the dedication and time I put into each performance.

It’s such a rewarding experience to share my passion with others and see them come away with a smile. It's in these moments, when I'm lost in the flow of movement and connecting with an audience, that I feel most truly alive. That’s when the world around me fades, and I can focus on the magic of dancing.

But before I head back to England, there is just one more little highlight from my trip that I just have to share with you. Now, this wasn't a glamorous opera, nor a fancy musical… But it truly captured my heart and gave me one of the best moments of this weekend. I went to watch a local dance competition in a small community hall.

I arrived a little late and I must confess that it took me a while to locate this particular community centre in the Bronx, after the local metro got disrupted, but I was rewarded for my persistence, finding this little hidden gem nestled away in a residential neighborhood. Inside, a crowd had gathered to watch young dancers perform - children and teenagers all dressed in sparkling tutus, elegant dance dresses, and well-polished ballet shoes. And that's when it struck me… they were just like me, back in my little Derbyshire dance school, all those years ago, filled with the same dreams, the same joy for dancing. It was beautiful!

They may not have had the grandeur of the Metropolitan Opera or the stage lighting of Broadway, but they poured their heart and soul into each performance. Every graceful arabesque, every powerful pirouette, every passionate leap – each step felt so genuine. It truly reminded me of the simple, honest love for dance, and I felt myself transported back to those early days of discovery, that spark of something truly beautiful within the world of dance.

The enthusiasm of the parents cheering on their little ones was almost infectious! And these kids, oh my goodness! You wouldn’t believe the skill, talent, and dedication of these young dancers! Seeing them brought back my love for that raw, passionate form of dance, for being a performer, and for embracing the beauty that comes with the dance world’s inherent imperfection, the flaws that make every performance truly human and incredibly captivating.

The entire event felt like a community gathering - a reminder of the power of shared experiences and the uniting force of dance. For me, it was an invaluable reminder of how deeply I love dance, how it inspires and unites, no matter where we come from, no matter the venue. I’ll always remember this small but truly powerful moment. It certainly cemented my commitment to helping young dancers achieve their own dreams through dance and reminded me that sometimes the most powerful magic happens in the smallest spaces.

As the curtains came down on this special little community dance, it was like the sun was setting over a beautiful weekend - full of dancing, discoveries, and magical moments. And you know, when I saw how these young performers were inspiring each other and embracing their individual styles… It confirmed everything I love about the dance community, everything I strive for in my own ballet journeys, and it fuelled my desire to bring my passion for dance, fashion, and tutus to a wider audience, even further!

After all, my dream is for everyone to wear a pink tutu at some point in their lives. Why? Because every single person deserves to experience a little bit of that sparkly magic, that pure joy and creativity that only dance can bring! So let’s spread the joy, the beauty, and a whole lot of pink tutu-ful fabulousness across the globe, together!

Until next Monday, when we’ll delve further into the exciting adventures of my New York City diary. Have a fabulous week darlings! 🩰💖

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-03-13 she danced in New York City