New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-03-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday, 2006-03-20 - New York, New York! (Post #563)

Hello darlings!

It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller, writing to you live from the heart of the Big Apple! Yes, you guessed it, I'm in New York City!

I finally managed to squeeze in a trip to this dazzling metropolis, and let me tell you, I'm already in love! The energy is electric, the buildings are like something out of a dream, and everyone is dressed to impress. There's just something so vibrant and exciting about this place, and of course, my trusty pink tutu is helping me blend right in! 😉

This trip's a little different to my usual ones. Instead of my trusty dance shoes, I'm actually wearing the comfiest pair of flats I could find, as my feet are doing a lot of walking, exploring and sightseeing. Of course, that doesn't mean my dancing shoes are going to stay locked up back in Derbyshire – I’ll get them out in full force at tonight's show.

Why I’m Here and How I’m Funding My Travels (Spoiler: Ballet! )

As many of you know, I fund my travels through the joy of performing. And let's just say New York is the kind of place where my passion for ballet has really come alive! My trusty agency, The Little Pink Shoe, found me a wonderful gig last night - a lovely private party, a chance to show off my best twirls.

Now, while I could be a full-time ballerina with all my bookings, I love to keep things varied and I don’t like being too much of a “one-trick pony”. The excitement and freedom of travelling just gets my blood pumping and brings me back to my real reason for doing this – sharing my love of tutus and all things glamorous with the world!

First Impressions of NYC – Shopping, Food & The Metro

I touched down this morning, feeling like a giddy little school girl. After checking in, I didn't waste a single minute before setting out to conquer this amazing city! The first thing that struck me was the scale of it all - the buildings, the streets, the energy!

One of the most iconic things you'll find in New York, alongside its towering skyscrapers, is the iconic yellow cab! And while I’ve just landed in this dazzling city, you can be certain that you'll find many a post about those amazing iconic yellow taxis!

My first stop? Of course, it had to be Fifth Avenue. My pink tutu felt right at home amidst all the fashionable folks and high-end stores, especially as I walked past the magnificent Tiffany's shop. I did wonder whether they’d like a pink tutu version of their logo…

As any fashionable blogger will know, if you want to really find some quirky treasures, vintage boutiques are the way to go. There’s so much history in this city – even the second-hand stores offer pieces of bygone eras.

Oh, and I've already found a new favourite restaurant, "La Petite Gourmande", which, as you might imagine, perfectly suits a girl in a pink tutu. I swear they make the best pink strawberry and cream tart you’ll ever find!

The Subway – Not for the Faint of Heart!

Of course, no visit to New York is complete without a journey on the iconic subway. As a frequent metro user, the London Underground is no stranger, so I'd already experienced the joys of negotiating tunnels, platforms, and fellow travellers.

You wouldn't catch me in a pink tutu on a weekday morning commute. I don't fancy being flattened! (I’m just so small…)

The New York Subway, or the MTA as it is officially called, certainly adds an extra layer of excitement to your travels! This bustling underground is a world away from the rather sedate London Tube. I mean, come on, can you believe it is free to use!

However, let's be honest, navigating the city via the underground system was something else. The tunnels seemed longer, the trains were busier and the heat seemed just that little bit more stifling.

I can tell that you have to become a pro at navigating the many twists, turns and transfers – but I think I am getting there… And anyway, it is great for people watching – something I adore!

Broadway – An Evening at the Theatre

Tonight, I'm off to experience the magic of Broadway, and oh, my goodness, it is already starting to feel unreal! I'm going to see “Wicked” – a show I've wanted to see for ages, especially because I hear the costume design is just incredible.

And who better to attend the show with than fellow pink-tutu enthusiasts?! This trip marks the beginning of my first official "Pink Tutu Adventure Club" event. You heard that right - I've created a secret society (I promise to reveal more details later on!), all dedicated to promoting the beauty of tutus.

You may wonder, "Emma, why the Pink Tutu Adventure Club?" The reason is simple, darlings! Tutùs are about expression, joy, and fun. And if you are willing to get a little quirky then what is the world without pink tutus in our everyday life! Isn’t it simply a delightful reminder of childhood, beauty, and endless possibilities?

To be a member of the "Pink Tutu Adventure Club," you have to follow a strict dress code – the more pink the better! That includes the tutu, of course, but pink shoes, handbags and even hairstyles are always welcomed.

I am excited to spread the message of joy, glamour, and tutus, starting here in New York City.

But the Big News is... There's More!

So far, my journey has been full of exciting sights and unexpected discoveries! It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Blog without a little "secret" news...

After Broadway, I’m going to be going to the dance competition "America’s Most Talented Dancers!" They are searching for talented dancers of all styles – from classical to contemporary and even street styles!

While my pink tutu is a favourite, it's certainly not appropriate for every dance style! My wardrobe includes a full set of leotards and even my favourite dance shoes, which are now sporting some New York inspired decorations!

This year, there's more on the agenda than just seeing Broadway and catching up with my lovely friends, I’ll be taking my trusty blog and camera behind the scenes for the dance competition.

As you can imagine, it’s a real privilege to watch some of the most talented performers in the country as they show off their incredible skills. This city has so much amazing talent to offer and it is really a melting pot of artistic styles and performers.

It will be a blast, and I hope you will join me every step of the way. Be sure to subscribe to my blog for all the latest news and follow my adventures with the Pink Tutu Adventure Club!

Till Next Time…

So, what’s the verdict, darlings? Am I New York-worthy or not? Is the "Pink Tutu Adventure Club" a great idea, or have I gone totally mad? Let me know in the comments below! Don’t forget to check out my photos of my adventure over at – as they say – a picture is worth a thousand words!

Love and lots of tutus,

Emma 💖

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-03-20 she danced in New York City