New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-03-27 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC #564 - A Week of Twirling, Tiaras & Tiaras

Hey there, lovelies! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog, your weekly dose of pink, twirling and all things fabulously fabulous. It's Monday, March 27th, 2006, and I'm back in the Big Apple, ready to unleash another week of New York City magic on you!

This past week has been a whirl, a flurry of sequins and smiles, all topped with a generous dusting of pink, naturally. I kicked off the week with a beautiful ballet class at the world-famous School of American Ballet. Oh my, those beautiful barre exercises, the flowing movements, the intoxicating grace… it’s no wonder New York has such a thriving ballet scene! I just adore learning new routines and, of course, showing off my very special, limited edition pink tutu. I always try to find new ways to wear it and this week I added a fabulous pink sparkly tiara that I found at a delightful boutique near Central Park.

Speaking of Central Park, after my morning class, I spent the afternoon exploring the park, which was bathed in sunshine, birds chirping merrily overhead, children squealing with delight at the swings, and couples cuddling on blankets. It's no wonder it's been called the lungs of New York! It truly is a place where nature meets city, a place for picnics, contemplation and a bit of Pink Tutu-inspired twirling.

Later in the week, I saw a truly breathtaking production of "Giselle" at the New York City Ballet. The dancers, those ethereal beings, transported me to a magical realm where passion, betrayal, and tragic love intertwine. Their tutus swirled like clouds, their bodies moved like whispers, their emotions palpable even in the furthest seats. The applause was thunderous, the tears in my eyes real – another testament to the powerful impact of this art form. And of course, I sported my own signature pink tutu, perfectly coordinated with the intricate patterns on my new floral dress (another score from the oh-so-stylish boutiques in Greenwich Village, my dear!)

My weekends are usually spent on an epic quest for the latest and greatest pinkest fashion finds, scouring those magical places, the street markets, designer boutiques, and vintage shops, searching for that unique piece, that splash of colour, that element of magic that will perfectly accentuate my ever-expanding Pink Tutu collection! I adore a challenge, so imagine my joy when I found a charming vintage hat store! After trying on about twenty beautiful hats, I found my new must-have, a delicate straw sun hat, the colour of a blushing rose. I know, I know! My colour coordination is legendary.

And no New York adventure is complete without experiencing its beating heart, its energetic soul – the Metro. It’s not just a means of transportation; it's a whole culture, a kaleidoscope of faces, stories, dreams, and ambitions rushing by every second. This week I used the Metro to explore some hidden corners of Brooklyn, where I discovered a vintage jewellery stall hidden between a bustling burger joint and a bohemian flower shop. After haggling with the charming stall owner, I came away with a stunning pink crystal pendant that perfectly matched my newly acquired floral dress.

As the week wrapped up, I reflected on the city's constant hum, the tireless energy that never seems to stop, the sheer audacity of dreams woven into reality. It's a city where anything is possible, where you can reinvent yourself a hundred times over, where every corner is filled with stories waiting to be written.

But the best thing about New York is this: the constant feeling of possibility. Of course, my big aim, the dream I keep tucked close to my heart, is to get everyone in New York, then everyone in the world, wearing a pink tutu. Why? Because the world is a beautiful, whimsical, joyous place, just waiting to be embraced with the carefree spirit of a pink tutu. It’s a symbol of courage, a beacon of joy, and a testament to the power of dreams – something this extraordinary city knows all about.

But for now, my dears, I’ll be back next Monday, ready to explore more corners of this city, find new treasures, and share more magic with you! Stay fabulous, stay true to your dreams, and most importantly, stay pink!

P.S. Do send in any of your fabulous pink tutu stories to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.! I love reading about you, your travels and your own pink tutu adventures.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-03-27 she danced in New York City