New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-04-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC #567 – Tutuing Through the Big Apple!

Hey my darling readers,

It’s Monday, the 17th of April, 2006, and I'm buzzing after a whirlwind weekend in the city that never sleeps - New York City, darlings!

I'm finally back in my little apartment after a weekend packed with so much, and I just have to tell you all about it! Honestly, you wouldn't believe how many twirls and pirouettes I squeezed into my trip. 😉

Pink Power Arriving in NYC!

As you all know, my little pink suitcase packed full of tutu dreams arrived at JFK on Friday afternoon. You’d think a seasoned traveler like me would have this journey down to a tee by now, but it was just as exhilarating as my first trip. It doesn't matter how many times I come, stepping off that plane, I'm transported back to my childhood – dreaming of dancing my heart out in the streets of Manhattan, and with my lucky pink tutu in tow, anything is possible!

This time, I felt especially sassy, as I'd nabbed myself a gorgeous new tutu, made with the most delicate layers of shimmering pink tulle. Imagine, it practically glowed under the fluorescent lights of the subway!

Underground Adventures!

Talking about the subway, you'd think with all the glamour and glitter of the city, I'd take a cab everywhere, right? But no, I love a good old-fashioned Metro ride! It’s cheap, efficient, and provides a constant stream of entertainment! You just never know who you’ll bump into, especially when you're a little pink flash dancing in and out of the carriages.

This weekend, I spotted a woman wearing a dazzling emerald green sequined dress! My inner fashionista was squealing! She’d have made a brilliant tutu model for my blog. I did consider suggesting a pink tutu to complete the look, but, as always, I played it cool.


Saturday was all about the shows! There was no time for sleep with tickets for the world premiere of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ at Lincoln Center. And what better way to watch a romantic tragedy than in a swirling cloud of pink tulle, surrounded by hundreds of other theatre buffs? The dance sequences were simply mesmerising, and even though my eyes were tearing up (that final balcony scene!), I couldn’t stop my little feet tapping to the incredible music!

Shopping Therapy

After the show, I couldn't resist a bit of retail therapy. I know, I know, you all must think I've gone overboard, but trust me, even a little ballerina like me needs a fabulous outfit for each day of the week. Especially when a pink-tutu blogger like me is travelling to the fashion capital of the world!

Fifth Avenue was my playground for the afternoon! It was overflowing with bright lights, flashing signs, and of course, beautiful, bold displays of clothes in shop windows. I couldn’t resist a stop in a new boutique called ‘Little Ballerina’. It was everything a pink-loving girl could want - think adorable twirl-worthy tutus in all the colours of the rainbow! Oh, how I wished I had a spare pink suitcase to cram it full. But that would be too easy wouldn't it? It was far more exciting to browse for a few hours, pick out the most stunning pink top with sequins and try it on in the tiny fitting room – and it went beautifully with my new tutu. I bought it! It will be a stunning addition to my blog wardrobe for sure.

Taking a Bite Out of New York!

Sunday afternoon was for exploring! And nothing makes exploring New York more delicious than a bagel from Ess-a-Bagel! Now, don’t get me wrong, I adore a good old-fashioned Derbyshire crumpet, but a good New York bagel with cream cheese? Heaven! It's an absolute must-try for anyone visiting the city. But maybe avoid a big breakfast if you want to twirl through a Broadway show that evening.

I ended the day in the theatre again! This time, a wonderfully bizarre dance show called 'The Mad Hatter's Tea Party'. Honestly, my darling readers, I still don't know quite what I witnessed, but I’ll tell you one thing - there wasn’t a single tutu in sight! I even got brave and told the director at the end how impressed I was. He was kind, telling me he felt it would have felt ‘too classic' to have any tutus in the show! He promised he would watch one of my YouTube videos about tutus on the way home - which will surely include one from my fabulous new boutique haul!

Inspiring a City to Tutu!

And just like that, my whirlwind New York weekend came to an end. I’m heading back to Derbyshire on Tuesday to practice for the Derby Ballet performance next weekend – I can’t wait!

I'm still buzzing from my New York adventure, my tutu collection needs expanding, and I can’t wait to show off my new pink outfit next time I travel by metro! Maybe one day, I’ll see some tutus in New York City’s own famous subway. Until then, let's all dream in pink!

P.S. If you’re ever in Derbyshire, come along and see me twirl! We’d love to show you some of our home-made pink tutu treats in the village.

Love, Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-04-17 she danced in New York City