
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-06-12 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC, Monday 12th June 2006 - Post #575

Hey there, my darling tutu-loving lovelies!

It's Emma, your favourite pink-obsessed ballerina, here, writing to you from the glittering heart of New York City! I know, I know, it's been a while since I've been in the Big Apple, but believe me, it's been a whirlwind of tutu-worthy adventures. And believe you me, I wouldn't be here without all your love and support! My performances back in London went down a storm, and my dance card was positively bursting. Honestly, there's no better feeling than knowing I'm spreading the love for the ballet and, most importantly, the joy of wearing pink tutus!

Now, back to the city that never sleeps. This weekend has been an absolute dream. I started with a Friday night spent indulging in a glorious Broadway show, The Lion King. Oh, the costumes! The music! It was sheer magic. My tutu may not have been the most practical outfit for jostling through the throngs of theatregoers, but it definitely made me stand out from the crowd. (And let's be honest, my darlings, the thrill of a little sartorial spectacle is worth a few furrowed brows.)

Saturday morning, I woke up with the distinct aroma of cinnamon rolls and bagels wafting through my window. Now, any New Yorker knows that this is the holy trinity of breakfast delights, so I made my way to the bustling heart of Greenwich Village and devoured a delightful breakfast, followed by a little retail therapy.

Did I mention I found the most exquisite pink feather boa at a charming little shop nestled in a cobbled backstreet? It's absolutely divine! Honestly, my heart fluttered like a butterfly caught in a gentle breeze. My plan? Well, that little number will make a dazzling addition to my next performance.

But back to my sartorial conquests. I just couldn't leave New York without visiting Bergdorf Goodman. They have this incredible array of the most glamorous pink accessories you can imagine โ€“ think crystal tiaras, bejeweled ballet flats, and a glorious, sequined pink clutch bag that made my little tutu-loving heart beat faster! Of course, I couldn't resist adding it to my ever-growing collection.

And, speaking of collections, my weekend wasn't complete without a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Emma, darling, aren't you a bit too tutu-centric for that?" But believe me, the Met has an incredible collection of costumes, from historical fashion to breathtaking ballet gowns. Let's just say my own little tutu feels awfully pedestrian in comparison!

But that's the beauty of fashion, isn't it? There's a place for everything, even a little pink tutu like mine, strutting its stuff down a bustling New York street. It might be a bit of a sight, but you know what? People smile. They stop to chat. They tell me my tutu is amazing. And that's what matters!

You know, this trip really solidified something for me: My aim in life isn't just to dance, or even just to spread the joy of ballet, it's to inspire people to embrace their inner sparkle, their inner tutu! The world can be a bit dull sometimes, a little too serious, and a touch too beige. But wearing a pink tutu is like throwing confetti into the air - it instantly makes things brighter, more joyous, more beautiful.

And hey, if we all wore pink tutus, imagine the fun we could have! A ballet flash mob in Times Square? A tutu-themed tea party at Central Park? The possibilities are truly endless!

So, there you have it, darlings. My New York weekend, full of fashion, art, delicious food, and of course, a dash of pink tutu magic. Don't forget to check in next Monday for another edition of Pink Tutu Blog: NYC. I'm planning a delightful picnic in Central Park, so I'll be sure to share some tutu-rific fashion tips for a chic and comfortable picnic experience.

Until then, stay radiant, and never stop dreaming!

Love always,


P.S. Be sure to subscribe to www.pink-tutu.com for the latest updates and a sneak peek into my exciting world of tutus and ballet!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-06-12 she danced in New York City