New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-08-21 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 2006-08-21 - Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps!

Post #585

Helloooo darlings!

Emma here, reporting live from the fabulous city of New York, straight to your screen from my little corner of Can you believe it's August already? Where does the time go?

Well, this week's been a whirlwind, a magical concoction of pink tutus, Broadway glitz, and subway adventures. I even squeezed in a couple of classes at the American Ballet Theatre studios, which was utterly divine!

Let me tell you, this city never sleeps, and neither does a pink tutu wearing ballerina! From the moment I hopped off the plane (in a fetching, feather-trimmed pink tutu, of course), New York has been throwing exciting surprises my way.

Speaking of exciting surprises, did I tell you about the ballet performance that funded this trip? You won't believe it, I was offered a guest solo spot in a production of "Giselle" in beautiful Bath. The audience went wild! Talk about a fabulous feather in my cap, and the perfect way to top up the "Emma-travels-to-New-York" fund!

Now, let me tell you about this city, which, as you know, I absolutely adore. I'm particularly partial to the iconic, grand Central Station - such a bustling beehive of humanity, a monument to elegance and efficient travel, even if they haven't embraced the full "pink tutu" lifestyle just yet! But hey, maybe I can change that.

This week, I decided to take the iconic Staten Island Ferry. Honestly, what a glorious way to take in the cityscape! As the ferry glided along, my pink tutu (naturally a sparkly number with feather embellishments this time) billowed gently in the breeze, almost like a ballet dancer gracefully twirling across the water. The stunning views of the Statue of Liberty were enough to inspire a new choreography in my head. I might just add that to my repertoire... "Statue of Liberty Suite" - coming soon to a stage near you!

I also had a little ballet spree around town. Did you know there are incredible performance spaces everywhere you turn? I took in a breathtaking show of contemporary dance in a cosy, tucked-away studio in Chelsea, which had me utterly entranced, a true artistic delight! And of course, no trip to New York is complete without experiencing a Broadway extravaganza. This time it was a lavish production of "The Phantom of the Opera," and oh my, the costumes! All that luxurious fabric, and the masks… just simply exquisite.

Naturally, shopping has also been on the agenda. I adore discovering those hidden, quirky little shops tucked away on the side streets. They're a real treasure trove of stylish vintage finds! I picked up a couple of stunning feather boas - one pink, naturally - and a gorgeous silk scarf that I simply couldn't resist, a dazzling swirl of colours and textures. And then there was the absolute star of my finds - a tiny, miniature pink tutu that I’ll wear as a charm on my purse, an ode to New York’s whimsical charm.

Speaking of fashion, can we talk about New York street style? The style icons on these streets - with their impeccable sense of fashion and dare-to-be-different flair - are inspiring! But you know what? I think I'm adding a bit of a Derbyshire twist to the whole thing - a bit of quaint country chic, a sprinkle of whimsicality. The pink tutus are definitely turning heads. And let me tell you, seeing the surprise on the faces of people when they see me twirling around on the subway, especially the grand ol' metro lines, well, that's my idea of pure joy!

Oh, I mustn't forget my absolute favourite New York adventure, the Brooklyn Bridge. What a magical way to watch the sunset, strolling across that iconic bridge, the Manhattan skyline twinkling across the East River. You've got the beauty of the city, the roar of life in the air, and a sweet, salty breeze blowing through your hair… All those amazing things make me feel like I could soar right into the sunset! I just know this pink tutu-wearing ballerina from Derbyshire has a place here in New York City, don’t you?

Well, I’m off to explore a bit more of this marvelous city and find a few more pink tutu accessories. You'll find my adventures here every Monday at

Remember, the best kind of fashion is comfortable, confident and allows you to spread joy, and in my case, wear the colour pink!

See you next week!

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-08-21 she danced in New York City