New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-02-19 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: New York, New York - The City That Never Sleeps, (And Neither Do I!)

Monday 19th February 2007 | Post 611

Oh darling, hello from New York City! Can you believe I'm here? Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming! The city is a whirlwind of energy and colour, and frankly, I'm completely smitten. You all know how much I adore travelling, and there's just something about this city that sets my heart a-flutter, much like a pirouette under the spotlight.

And it wasn't just any old trip to the Big Apple - this one had me twirling in a delightful pink tutu right from the airport. (My fellow pink tutu devotees will appreciate this, of course!). The feeling of stepping out onto those vibrant city streets, a perfectly pink confection amidst the bustle, was a feeling like no other.

Let me fill you in on my New York adventure so far...

Ballet Bliss

It’s no surprise that I started my trip with a breathtaking ballet performance. I managed to snag tickets to the most magnificent rendition of 'Swan Lake' I’ve ever seen. Oh my! The powerful grace of the dancers, the stunning costumes, the music, the story, just everything about it left me breathless. My heart ached and swelled with emotion all at the same time, and I had the biggest grin plastered on my face for the rest of the evening! (Oh, did I mention it was a ballet company that's not actually in New York? That makes it all the more special, you see, it truly feels like you're witnessing something very unique!).

But it wasn't just the big shows I enjoyed! I found the most adorable small studio offering drop-in ballet classes in the most quaint corner of the city, nestled amongst cafes and quaint bookshops. I squeezed in a little 'beginner ballet' class for myself before taking a little wander in this part of the city, it really felt like I was stepping into an Agatha Christie mystery, but with an elegant pink tutu, naturally!

Pink Tutu Paradise in Manhattan

Oh, New York is a haven for pink-loving ladies! Every boutique, every shop window, every street corner has something pink to make my heart sing. The sheer abundance of options is intoxicating. This weekend, I visited some iconic boutiques on Fifth Avenue, and while I had a delightful time browsing, let me be frank, it can be quite exhausting to be bombarded with so much beauty! The kaleidoscope of colours, styles, and textures left me utterly speechless!

The cherry on top was finally finding the most delightful pink tutu in the whole of Manhattan in the smallest, sweetest little shop hidden in Greenwich Village! It's a swirling cascade of pale pink tulle, embellished with dainty pink flowers, the epitome of fairytale loveliness, and it’s now happily resting in my suitcase waiting to make its debut in a new city very soon.

Exploring on a Pink Cloud

A big city isn’t always the best for a big pink tutu, and of course I have to be considerate of my surroundings and make sure my fashion sense stays safe, but a walk in Central Park in my cute pastel pink skirt and floral blouse (with the tutu peeking out just a little) made for the most blissful afternoon. And my darling, oh the people I met! A young man gave me the most heartfelt compliment, telling me I reminded him of a fairytale princess. Another kind soul complimented me on the delicate flowers on my blouse (which had pink tulips!) A couple approached me and said that my smile was as bright and cheerful as a pink sunflower in full bloom. My goodness, it’s a wonder I can walk down the street! (Maybe it's the tutu that's helping? 🤔 )

And oh, don't get me started on the food. From creamy bagels to decadent chocolate cupcakes (I spotted the cutest cupcake shop tucked into a quiet corner with all kinds of flavours! A pink and white peppermint one just jumped out at me!) to the spiciest tacos I've ever had, and the most melt-in-your-mouth pizza (oh my word, there are so many pizza options in this city, and it was incredibly hard to choose! Of course, I eventually went with the pink peppercorn pizza because pink has to feature in some way right?) , this city is a haven for hungry travellers, especially those with a sweet tooth and a soft spot for delicate flavours!

And yes, darling, I've been riding the subway, the "metro" as they call it over here, with my little pink suitcase! (My tip: if you have to carry a large, extravagant pink suitcase with you, ensure it's packed tightly so as not to inconvenience your fellow passengers! You wouldn't believe the stares!) My favourite thing is how everyone uses the subway, from tourists and business folk to artists and street performers. It truly feels like everyone is going on an exciting adventure!

My New York Dream (and it's Very Pink!)

This trip is all about experiencing the thrill and the colour, and it’s giving me a burst of inspiration for all the pink dreams I’m creating back in Derbyshire. (I have to admit, it’s hard to think about grey days when surrounded by vibrant colour). This place, this New York City, has made my love of all things pink burn even brighter. I can’t wait to share my newfound excitement and love for pink tutus and fashion and dance, when I return to England!

Of course, the dream would be for everyone in England to be wearing a pink tutu - even on the tube - but maybe that’s just too much for London!

In the meantime, you can join me in my pink world every Monday right here, and on my *personal website, * I have new photos coming soon (and of course, they'll be of my new tutu, because it was meant to be). And hey, you’ll get to know the details of how to fund your own adventures like I do with my ballet performances. Who knew? A little twinkle-toes could fund big trips and fun memories in big cities.

I’m signing off for now, darling. My pink shoes are itching for a trip out and about again!

Stay tuned next Monday for more Pink Tutu Blog adventures, straight from New York City.


P.S. Have you visited any New York hotspots that would suit my pink tutu-wearing self? Do let me know in the comments, and make sure you check out the links for the events that happened on this date below!

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  • [Link to Pink Tutu Blog post on New York Ballet performance - maybe even a little excerpt from the article here!]*
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  • [Link to Pink Tutu Blog post about her favourite ballet studio]

*[Please note, as per your request, these links to posts are not actual links - you would need to make up appropriate links. This response should provide the skeleton for your blog post to expand on! Make sure to adjust to match your specific requests.] *

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-02-19 she danced in New York City