New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-03-05 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 5th March 2007 - Post #613

Hello my lovely tutu-twirling darlings! It's your favourite ballerina blogger, Emma, and it's a brand new week in the dazzling city that never sleeps! Oh, how I love being in New York! I feel like my little pink tutu is just about bursting with excitement as I type this from my fabulously fabulous hotel room overlooking Central Park.

It's been an absolutely bonkers whirlwind of a week, let me tell you! The city really has it all - glittering shops, magnificent performances, delicious restaurants… I even had a most extraordinary encounter with a very, very fluffy Pomeranian wearing a pink bow! He looked just like he'd stepped straight out of a vintage fairy tale - the very definition of adorable.

You might be wondering, what exactly was I up to in this, the most glamorous city on earth? Let me share it all with you, from the toe-tapping delights of the ballet to the delectable shopping spree, and of course, a trip on the oh-so-convenient and charming New York Metro!

Monday - A Ballet Revelation

My week began in the most wonderful way - a trip to the New York City Ballet at the Lincoln Center. Oh my goodness, I was completely blown away! Imagine the most stunning dancers, the most beautiful costumes, and the most enchanting choreography... the whole experience was truly magical!

My heart simply melted as I watched the ballerinas pirouette and leap across the stage, their pink tutus fluttering in the air like delicate feathers. The performance was a stunning showcase of classical ballet at its finest, a truly inspiring performance that filled me with a longing to be back on stage myself! But for now, my own performances help keep my New York adventures going!

To the performers at New York City Ballet, thank you for such a breathtaking display of skill and artistry!

Tuesday - Fashion Feasting

Who can resist a trip to a New York department store?! Certainly not this girly-girl! Tuesday saw me navigating the glamorous aisles of Saks Fifth Avenue, my head spinning with so much gorgeousness! From elegant designer shoes to dazzling jewels, to those coveted designer bags – I was in a total fashion frenzy! But even amongst all the luxurious temptations, a touch of whimsy beckoned.

Hidden away in a little corner of the shoe department, tucked between sleek stilettoes and chic pumps, I spotted a pair of fluffy ballet slippers, adorned with little pink ribbons. How could I resist?! These dainty beauties will be perfect for adding a touch of Parisian elegance to my casual looks. Don't worry my lovely lot, I will definitely post pictures soon!

Wednesday - A Metro Adventure

No trip to New York is complete without a ride on the iconic Metro! So, armed with a big pink shopping bag bursting with new treasures and a wide grin, I ventured onto the underground, ready to experience the quintessential New York hustle and bustle.

The journey was a fascinating blend of smells, sounds, and sights. I love the way that this seemingly ordinary, underground space somehow pulses with a vibrant energy all its own. Plus, you just never know who you might bump into!

In a hilarious twist of fate, my adventure began with a little old lady clutching a shopping bag so packed it threatened to burst. In perfect New York style, the bag's strap snapped, unleashing a chaotic flood of groceries all over the floor! Of course, I leapt to the rescue (with the elegance of a ballerina, naturally!) and, together with the helpful gentlemen around us, helped her to tidy up the mess.

Turns out, she had a whole story about her daughter, her grandchildren, her favourite cake recipe… Such a lovely little interlude! Sometimes, the best adventures are about the little unexpected moments, you know?

Thursday - The Art of Broadway

The lights are bright, the crowds are buzzing, and the energy is absolutely electric! Thursday evening, I immersed myself in the magic of Broadway, with a show that was not just visually stunning, but also deeply moving and thought-provoking.

Of course, my sartorial choice for this occasion was, without question, my trusty pink tutu! You wouldn’t catch me sitting amongst the glamorous throng in any ordinary dress! My tutu was a perfect statement piece, radiating joy and bringing a touch of unexpected sparkle to the evening.

This show, about a young dancer's struggle for success, resonated with me on a deeper level. It’s not just about pirouettes and leaps, you know, it’s about dedication, perseverance, and above all, a passion for what you do.

And, just a tiny spoiler, there was a particularly delightful dance scene featuring several ballerinas in tutus! Yes, pink ones! It made my heart sing, I can tell you!

Friday - Exploring Central Park

A New York adventure is not complete without a trip to Central Park! It's like stepping into a peaceful oasis right in the heart of the city! My lovely tutu went for a stroll amongst the lush trees and shimmering ponds, a true Parisian princess venturing into the American countryside!

I spent my afternoon reading a captivating novel (I won't spoil the ending!) while nestled on a comfortable bench, enjoying the gentle breeze and the cheerful sounds of nature.

It was so calming and refreshing, a perfect break from the hectic energy of the city. I think the real magic of Central Park is its versatility - one minute you’re surrounded by tourists, and the next, you could find yourself surrounded by the gentle rustle of leaves, a symphony of birdsong, and a quiet, contemplative atmosphere.

Saturday - A New York Foodie Delight

There’s no place better than New York to satisfy your inner gourmand, and on Saturday, I was in foodie heaven!

I traded my dancing shoes for comfy flats, ready to embark on a culinary adventure in Little Italy. The aroma of freshly baked bread and simmering sauces filled the air, an absolute feast for the senses! I settled in for a long and delicious lunch at Amici Miei. Oh, my heavens, the pizza was heavenly! My stomach was content for hours after my plate was empty.

The vibrant atmosphere of Little Italy completely captivated me, with its charming little restaurants, cute boutiques, and even street musicians playing enchanting tunes!

It’s little moments like these, surrounded by warmth and delicious food, that make travelling truly rewarding. I simply couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful Saturday afternoon!

Sunday - A Parisian Princess

New York’s endless charm extends even to Sunday, and I embraced the city's sophisticated vibe by enjoying a late brunch at the stylish Hotel Chantelle . The delicious pastries, beautifully arranged in gleaming trays, were a real Parisian feast for the eyes and stomach!

You see, I find the very air of New York invigorating. It’s full of energy, excitement, and that quintessential American sense of possibility. And it makes me believe that anything is possible. Just like how one day, I truly believe that everyone can be persuaded to embrace the joy of a pink tutu.

And so, my lovely lot, my week in the concrete jungle draws to a close, filled with memories of dancing delights, fashion treasures, delicious treats, and, of course, plenty of Parisian princess-worthy moments!

Do you have any questions about my week in New York City? Or perhaps you want to tell me about your latest fashion finds? Don't forget to check out my Instagram for more behind-the-scenes pictures and to share your own New York stories with me! Oh, and don't forget to twirl in your favourite pink tutu! We're in this together!

**Sending lots of twirling love,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-03-05 she danced in New York City