New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-03-12 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 12th March 2007: Dancing Dreams in the Big Apple!

Post #614

Hello lovelies!

It's Monday again, which means a fresh week and a brand new Pink Tutu Blog post. This week I'm whisked away to the concrete jungle that is New York City. What an absolute dream this place is! You might be wondering, Emma, how on earth do you get to go on these amazing trips? Well, my dear readers, it's all down to the magic of my ballerina life. Remember that fantastic "Giselle" I danced in last month? Well, it seems someone at the Metropolitan Opera spotted me! They were so impressed that they asked me to perform in a special gala, which allowed me to take this whirlwind trip to the Big Apple.

So here I am, all decked out in my favourite pink tutu, feeling like a princess exploring the city. My flight was smooth, though I was slightly panicked when a chatty granny insisted on playing Candy Crush on my iPad (what is it with the granny obsession with Candy Crush?). Thankfully, she was happy enough with the game and I was finally free to indulge in my usual ritual - an excellent cuppa from the inflight trolley, naturally.

I arrived at the swanky Grand Hyatt in Times Square, with its shimmering lights and a view so fabulous it would make a Vogue editor weak at the knees. I love it here, and what better way to make a grand entrance than in my favourite cherry pink, diamanté-encrusted tutu, of course! (Remember, pink tutus work everywhere, ladies). After checking into my fabulous suite - they have complimentary champagne in here, folks - I did what any self-respecting tutu enthusiast does when in NYC: I ventured out to conquer Broadway!

Monday Evening: Broadway Bliss

I felt so much energy pulsating in the streets! I had to do a little pirouette or two to get it all out of my system! It's incredible, isn't it? To walk among the masses and feel that tangible pulse of excitement. Of course, I was also taking in the visual feast – everything in New York is so incredibly shiny and glamorous!

My first stop was a Broadway show – Wicked! (You may recall from past blog posts that "Wicked" holds a special place in my heart). I had heard amazing things about the New York production, and let me tell you, it was incredible! The costumes, the set, the singing! Divine! I truly believe a great theatre experience can transport you to another dimension, and this was certainly the case last night. It was the perfect blend of fabulous music, thrilling performances, and heartwarming storytelling. There wasn't a dry eye in the house, and I swear I could hear some of the people around me weeping with emotion. (Maybe it was the mascara.) But anyway, what a perfect evening for a budding ballerina from Derbyshire.

Later, feeling completely enchanted, I went out for dinner at one of those charming little Italian restaurants nestled in the back streets of the Upper West Side. A true slice of New York life! Imagine this: fairy lights strung over a quaint, cobbled street, live music drifting out from a cozy little bistro, and a lovely couple - obviously in love - giggling over plates of pasta. I can't resist a good romance story, can I? You wouldn't believe the stories that get told in those places! The perfect New York experience for any tutu-wearing adventurer!

Tuesday Morning: Ballet Bound

Morning! Another cup of strong tea, then it was off to the famous American Ballet Theatre! Today, my dear readers, was a day of absolute indulgence - a day spent immersing myself in the world of ballet!

Let me tell you, the dancers were incredible. Imagine all that power, grace, and artistry concentrated into such breathtaking movements! My heart soared every time they rose up on pointe and the passion that emanated from their bodies was something truly inspiring! Oh, to be young and dancing again... But don't you worry, darling! I'm planning to keep my tutu in top shape! There are always opportunities for this pink-clad blogger to dance in all sorts of magical locations. And New York City was just the perfect place for it!

It really made me feel as if my heart belonged right here. Every twist, every turn, every jump was filled with joy, freedom, and such intense emotions. It was like watching a silent, lyrical language that spoke to me on a soul level. A little ballet therapy never hurt anyone!

Wednesday: A Metro Moment

Of course, when in New York, you can't ignore the metro. It's an integral part of this bustling metropolis! And this city loves its bold fashion statements, especially on the streets! You never know what you’re going to find in these subways! It’s always an eclectic mix of people - businesswomen on their way to power lunches, artists rocking out with their instruments, and, of course, plenty of New Yorkers in stylish, well, let's say "unique" fashion choices. (I saw a lady with a pet poodle sporting a pink tutu today! So you never know who you'll run into!)

Speaking of unique, a few of the subways today were decorated in the most amazing art installations. One line, with its mirrored walls, seemed to transform into an infinite loop of vibrant colours. Then there was this charming vintage station with old-fashioned signs that looked like they were straight out of a movie. Even the underground world in this city is bursting with creative energy!

Thursday: Shopaholic Bliss

If there's one thing that makes me absolutely lose my head, it's the sheer quantity of fashion and accessories! Now, we're talking serious fashion inspiration here, people. New York is like a shopping playground with a dazzling array of stores showcasing everything from luxury couture to quirky, independent brands. It's a paradise for those with an eye for style!

I just couldn’t resist getting a couple of new pairs of dance shoes – you know me! Can’t have too many tutus or dance shoes. And to keep my look cohesive, I also picked up a brand new pink beret. The colour was absolutely divine! A deep pink, like a sunset over the Hudson River!

And of course, I had to check out the legendary designer boutiques on Fifth Avenue! Even if I couldn't afford the dazzling gowns and couture dresses on display, I could still live vicariously through the incredible window displays. There was this breathtaking creation that resembled a cascade of butterflies, all in a rainbow of pastel pink shades. Now, I am all about that pastel pink life, my dears!

But let me tell you, sometimes the most amazing fashion discoveries happen in the least expected places! My new favourite accessory – a beautiful pink hair comb decorated with intricate little blossoms – came from a small vintage shop in a neighbourhood tucked away in Greenwich Village! Imagine my joy – a true treasure unearthed for a bargain price. It goes perfectly with my new beret and tutu combo. So you never know, a vintage shop might just be hiding the perfect accessory to take your tutu to the next level!

Friday: The Heart of The City

It’s Friday, which means one thing in New York - a trip to the vibrant heart of the city, Times Square! The energy here is absolutely infectious! I can’t resist snapping photos – just look at all those dazzling neon lights, the giant video screens displaying ever-changing ads, and the ceaseless flow of pedestrians bustling through the streets. It's like watching a kaleidoscope of movement. It’s a mesmerizing experience!

This iconic square is truly the centre of New York's energetic spirit. I just had to try a New York hotdog! (It came in a paper-wrapped cardboard tube). I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it actually was delicious. (The hot dog not the cardboard, obviously!) But to be honest, my highlight of the evening was witnessing a flash mob that erupted from a small group of dancers. They had the entire square jumping with their choreography, from street dancers to office workers, everybody joined in. What a spectacle! A wonderful testament to how this city just embraces dance! (Even when you’re in a tutu!)

Later, with my stomach full and heart happy, I found myself in the quiet calm of Central Park. With its tranquil trees and sparkling fountain, this green oasis provided the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was the perfect ending to a beautiful Friday. I could have stayed there for hours! (As a side note, Central Park was the setting of many of my favorite ballet shows growing up. If there's one place where tutus really belong, it's a park).

Saturday: A Pink Tutu Wonderland

Now, the main event was arriving. It's finally Saturday! The day of the special gala at the Metropolitan Opera. For this occasion, I had the ultimate tutu: a breathtaking piece from the esteemed House of Christian Lacroix, featuring swirling floral designs and layers of tulle that made me feel like a queen on a cloud of pink!

This performance was a blend of contemporary and classical ballet that left the audience speechless. I performed with a cast of phenomenal artists, each one a star in their own right, and I'm so proud of the beautiful creation we all made together on that stage!

After the show, the champagne was flowing freely, the conversations were brimming with witty insights and theatrical gossip, and the smiles of fellow dancers felt warm and familiar, like the embrace of a dear old friend. As the music played on and the night deepened, I knew that this trip, and all the adventures that unfolded, would stay etched in my memory, reminding me why I dance, why I love tutus, and why pink is always the perfect color.

Sunday: Goodbye NYC… for Now

As I sat on the airplane on my way back to England, I was already planning my next adventure, but not before I did a quick little pirouette in the plane’s bathroom mirror. Why not, it’s just another day in the life of a pink tutu-wearing blogger!

Don’t you worry though my lovelies. I promise that every Monday you will have a brand new story from the world of ballet. And who knows where my next journey will take me? Perhaps somewhere glamorous, somewhere exotic… perhaps even somewhere in your backyard! I’m already in love with the thought of showing you a whole new perspective on your home towns, so don't be afraid to send in requests for your own city. Just don’t forget the tutus! (This girl can never have enough of a good tutu moment, so if you’ve got one, you know I’ll wear it. 😉 )

See you next Monday, my darlings.

Yours in pink,


P.S. If you love pink and tutus as much as I do, don’t forget to subscribe to for a new blog every Monday!

P.P.S Remember, you don't need a fancy trip to New York to embrace a ballerina mindset! Try a new ballet class, check out a local theater performance, or simply put on your best tutu and strut your stuff! It's a guaranteed mood-boosting activity.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-03-12 she danced in New York City