New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-07-30 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 30th July 2007 - Dancing Through the Big Apple (Post #634)

Hello my darling tutu-lovers! It's Monday again, and you know what that means – time for another exciting instalment from your favourite pink-clad blogger! This week, I'm bringing you a taste of the dazzling metropolis that is New York City! Yes, I've touched down in the Big Apple, my friends, and I'm ready to pirouette my way through all the fabulous sights and sounds this incredible city has to offer.

Remember those glorious Broadway shows I told you about last week? Well, I've finally found the perfect pink tutu to match the spirit of those captivating performances, and I’m all set to bring a splash of pink and tulle to the most exciting city in the world. Let’s be honest, every outfit deserves a little bit of pink and twirl, and New York is just the place to do it.

A Journey From Derbyshire to Manhattan

Now, I’ll admit, travelling from my little corner of Derbyshire to the bustling heart of Manhattan is a bit of a whirlwind. Packing all my pink necessities and my favourite dancing shoes (I'm all about that triple pirouette, darlings) into my suitcase is quite a task, and I never travel without a bit of shimmering pink tulle to tie on the handles, just for that extra touch of sparkle. I always find travelling to be a very exciting, if a little overwhelming, experience. Especially arriving in such a vibrant place as New York City.

This time, I took a magical flight on the grand old Queen Mary 2 - absolutely perfect for getting my trip off to a fabulous start. As always, the crew at the Cunard line, especially the stewardesses who looked just like those graceful ballet dancers we all love, gave me such a warm welcome - I felt like a true ballerina prima donna! But even after such a wonderful start, I couldn’t wait to explore the heart of Manhattan!

The Subway - My Ballet Shoes of New York

I am definitely not a cab kind of girl. I adore exploring new cities in a way that really lets me feel the pulse of the city – and that's why the New York subway is my true love. Yes, a little crowded at peak hours, but always bursting with a diverse blend of people all on their way to some fascinating new adventure! Plus, there’s just something exhilarating about darting through those dark tunnels in those yellow carriages. They are truly like giant moving ballet shoes, zipping through the underground with every turn!

Just think – you could even have a little impromptu ballet routine between stations! A good spot for that chaînés, wouldn't you say? Although maybe the fellow passengers wouldn't be so keen on an unscheduled show! But honestly, a little bit of ballet can brighten any journey, don’t you agree?

Exploring the Empire State of Ballet

After settling into my lovely little hotel room overlooking Central Park, which truly looks like something out of a fairy tale, it was time to start the dancing exploration. It really is an absolutely fabulous place, and I’m thrilled I managed to secure some last-minute tickets to see a glorious rendition of The Nutcracker at Lincoln Center. And for a real treat, I also caught an exquisite show at the Metropolitan Opera – simply spectacular! You could practically hear the tutus rustling in the air with excitement.

It is simply astounding how New York is full of the most incredible, captivating theatre experiences – truly the greatest show on earth, as they say. I must say that the performance was every bit as enchanting as I'd hoped, and it’s so uplifting to see the energy in the audience when everyone comes together to experience something truly special. It's that communal spirit that makes it such a magical experience – you’re literally surrounded by people who are captivated by the same stories, the same movement, the same passion for dance, and you can't help but get caught up in that collective energy.

And just for good measure, I slipped into a ballet class at a lovely little studio tucked away in the East Village, filled with aspiring dancers and professional performers. Honestly, every time I walk into a studio like that, I get those lovely, bubbly butterflies that tell me I am exactly where I'm meant to be! You can just feel that palpable creative energy when you enter that magical world. There's just something absolutely magical about sharing that space, learning from the best, and feeling like I'm part of something special, no matter where I am. It truly feels like we're all connected by the rhythm and flow of movement and expression!

Pink Tutu Treasures - Finding a Piece of New York Magic

Of course, what’s a trip to the Big Apple without some fabulous shopping? Honestly, New York is a sartorial dream, my friends! And every visit just has to include a pilgrimage to my favourite fashion emporium on Fifth Avenue, where the sheer variety of shoes, dresses, and everything else a girl could possibly want makes my head spin!

I was searching for the perfect dress to add a touch of New York glamour to my evening, and I can’t believe I found this exquisite number - it’s a stunning piece in the most vibrant fuchsia silk, with delicate tulle ruffles, of course! Now, how could any pink tutu-loving fashionista resist? It was practically begging me to wear it! I’ve never seen a shade of pink that pops so effortlessly in the city lights. It was just made to sparkle under the NYC skyline. I knew it was destined for the dance floor of my dreams!

But here's the thing - I always like to pick up a special, locally made item that captures a little piece of the city. So naturally, on this trip, I snagged the most amazing pink tutu bag. You see, it is totally practical, a tote bag with a sparkly pink tutu embellishment. It just captures the elegance and vibrant spirit of New York perfectly.

Oh, and how could I forget the jewellery? I picked up these adorable ballerina-inspired earrings at a darling little boutique in Soho. It was tucked away on a narrow street, brimming with bohemian chic style and a sense of adventure! They have this dainty, delicate ballerina shape, set in delicate silver. I knew right away they’d be perfect for a twirl on a busy New York street, adding just a dash of ballerina charm to my outfit!

Catching the Sunsets with a Dash of Pink

New York’s not just about fast-paced action and theatre though, it’s also full of quiet, magical corners, especially Central Park. I spent hours just strolling, people-watching, and admiring those sprawling lawns and lush trees, catching some rays in a perfect spot to feel those New York breezes! And honestly, Central Park in the golden glow of the late afternoon is breathtaking. You have to experience a New York sunset to understand what all the fuss is about! Just an incredible symphony of light and colour, making it impossible not to feel a little bit swept up in that romantic magic of the city! The vibrant reds, oranges and pinks blending in the sky, well it’s a truly spectacular show!

Oh, and here’s another little New York secret - the park's the perfect spot for a picnic on the grass, so you can have a delightful little meal amongst those peaceful trees while admiring the city in all its glory. I went a little crazy with a perfect Parisian picnic-style selection of little bites and pastries, complete with a magnificent pink cake adorned with a tiny tutu doll - it was almost too beautiful to eat. But honestly, every bit was just as magical as the sunset!

Taking Time to Slow Down in New York

New York can be an absolute whirlwind, and there's so much to see and do that it’s easy to get swept away in the excitement. But one of my favourite things about visiting this wonderful city is discovering those little pockets of serenity in the heart of the hustle and bustle!

You can wander down a peaceful cobbled street and lose yourself in a cute independent bookstore full of intriguing new finds and forgotten classics – a welcome refuge from the city’s fast-paced energy!

Or there's just that simple joy of settling down on a park bench, with the vibrant, pulsating city spreading out before you - that's truly one of the best things about visiting a city like New York! It’s a beautiful moment where you can just enjoy the world around you, the smells, the sounds, the sights and the people passing by – and honestly, I've found there's something incredibly soothing about simply slowing down and savouring those moments of stillness in the city.

Taking Home a Piece of New York Sparkle

Well, as they say, all good things must come to an end, and now I'm back on my flight back to Derbyshire! This trip to New York has been pure, unadulterated, tutu-licious bliss, full of glamour, theatre, shopping and a touch of pink magic!

It's hard to believe my time here is over - I already feel a twinge of sadness to be leaving those iconic skyscrapers and streets behind, but I am also buzzing with the energy of this dazzling metropolis!

However, the memories of those enchanting shows and ballet classes, and that perfectly pink cake picnic in Central Park are all carefully packed in my suitcase, alongside the dazzling tutu jewellery, a sparkly tutu tote bag, and of course, my glorious pink silk dress! Every single one of them represents a piece of the unforgettable experience that is New York City, and now it's my turn to share the excitement with all of you.

As I always say, the spirit of New York City lives on, not just on those streets but in the hearts and minds of everyone who dares to dream, explore and follow those glittering dreams!

See you all next week for another fabulous, pink tutu filled journey, and until then, remember to spread a little joy and keep on twirling!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-07-30 she danced in New York City