New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-10-22 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #646 - Monday 22nd October, 2007: Dancing Through the Big Apple 🍎

Hey my lovelies!

It's Emma here, back from another whirlwind weekend in the city that never sleeps! This week, I’ve been absolutely swept off my feet by the sheer energy and beauty of New York. This city truly knows how to keep a girl on her toes. 🩰

As always, I'm bursting with tales to tell about my latest adventures. So grab a cuppa, settle in, and let's get right into it!

A Ballerina’s Paradise

My first stop this weekend was a breathtaking ballet performance at the Metropolitan Opera House. I'm absolutely smitten with the sheer talent on show in New York – there are world-class performances just around every corner, and I’m constantly in awe of the skill and artistry of these amazing dancers. I must admit, though, I found myself constantly fidgeting – it’s hard to sit still when your feet are itching to join the dance!

Tutu Trouble!

Speaking of dance, you’d think after all this time I’d be used to wearing a tutu, right? Well, this weekend proved you can never be too comfortable in a pink tulle dream! It all began on the subway – that’s right, everyone’s favourite underground adventure. Imagine my horror when a man carrying an overflowing briefcase accidentally bumped into me. It’s like my tutu turned into a human-sized kite and went whoosh! Luckily, my fellow travellers had a good laugh and it ended up a much-needed fashion emergency to my otherwise boring Tuesday. 😉

A Shopaholic’s Delight

Of course, a trip to New York isn’t complete without a dose of retail therapy! I must admit, I have a rather extravagant taste for shoes (the brighter, the better!), and this weekend, I managed to score a pair of bright pink, glitter-covered ballet flats - a total steal!

You see, finding these perfect ballet flats had been on my mind for weeks, but nothing had caught my eye. You know how it is, you either find the perfect shoe right away, or it takes a lifetime, but luckily this one felt perfect right from the start! Not to mention it totally brought out the pink tutu I wore with it! I can't wait to strut my stuff around town. 👠

Fashion Fanatic

You wouldn’t believe the looks I received on the subway, darling! This must be a New York thing. I find it funny – as if my outfit was going to make them late for work! It just shows how vibrant and individual this city is, full of different types of people expressing themselves through their clothing – who knows, perhaps one day everyone will be dancing in a tutu like me!

This got me thinking about fashion and trends in New York. You know I have a serious thing for headbands. After my subway debacle (remember that briefcase and whoosh!), I went to Bloomingdale’s to replace my favorite headband (lost to the gust, darling!). This time I decided to purchase two of everything so that this would never happen again. The pink tulle just can’t have an off day! 😉

I also discovered a beautiful vintage shop on 5th Avenue with the most gorgeous dresses - you could feel the magic of old Hollywood glamour inside that place! Sadly, I had to limit myself to only two purchases: a stunning silk dress in a perfect shade of rose gold and a pair of pearl earrings - because you can never have too much sparkle! The outfits in New York are truly inspiring – everyone's so bold and colourful. It’s a constant catwalk, and I'm loving every minute of it.

Eating My Way Through the City

Of course, a trip to New York isn't complete without indulging in all those mouthwatering treats! I just can’t get over the sheer variety of cakes and pastries available - every corner has a new and tempting creation waiting to be devoured.

One place I simply cannot resist is a little tea room in Greenwich Village. It’s run by a lovely old lady who reminds me of my Granny – even down to the cute flowery apron she wears. But, you’d be surprised how much fun Granny can be! Her teas are to die for! I swear they're full of magic, and I often find myself going back to try another, and another… I must admit though, it's easy to feel guilty when I’m being treated to such amazing delights!

A Night to Remember

On Saturday evening, I attended a show on Broadway – let me tell you, there’s no place on earth that has theatre like New York! This production was unlike anything I've ever seen before. The dancing was exceptional, the singing was captivating, and the costumes were spectacular - everything just blended so well and told an unforgettable story through their dancing and music! Oh my!

The crowd was fantastic - the energy in the theatre was just electric. I could tell this was a true Broadway experience, and I felt truly transported. You just can’t experience anything like this at home – oh how I love theatre!

A Quick Note about Funding

This weekend I had to really manage my pennies as the shopping and the theatre took its toll! As you all know, I'm funding this adventure through my performances at the Derbyshire Dance Company. Every rehearsal, every show brings me closer to that magical ticket to New York! Every spin, every arabesque, I’m reminded why I dance. I’ve realised just how powerful music can be, and I always feel renewed with each performance! This incredible experience is something I'll cherish forever, and I'm so grateful to be able to share it with you all.

See you next week!

I’m feeling incredibly inspired after my whirlwind weekend in New York! I’ve got a million ideas for upcoming posts - maybe even some tutus with an American twist! (Think pink sparkly tutus!) As always, you can keep up with my daily adventures on my Instagram!

Until next week,

Emma x

P.S. If you’re thinking about visiting New York, be sure to check out my top five spots to visit! 1. Central Park (what else!?) 2. The Met (ballet!) 3. Time Square (the iconic flashing billboards, darling!) 4. Fifth Avenue (for all your shopping desires, of course!) 5. A small hidden tea shop on Greenwich Village - trust me on this one!

*Don’t forget to share this blog post with all your friends! * And remember, a pink tutu is just what the world needs, so rock one whenever you can. You never know what will happen on your journey, so be adventurous!

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#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-10-22 she danced in New York City