New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-11-19 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #650 - Manhattan Magic and a Pink Tutu Dream! 🩰💖

Hey, Tutu-lovers! 👋 It's Monday, 19th November 2007, and Emma here, reporting live from the Big Apple! 🎉 New York City, you're a whirlwind of excitement and I'm spinning like a ballerina in the spotlight!

This week's been a glorious blend of culture, fashion, and… well, more fashion! 😄 Remember how I told you I was dreaming of spreading the pink tutu love around the world? Well, New Yorkers, you are SO ready for it! Seriously, I've seen more pink tutus in Central Park in the last few days than I have in all of Derbyshire combined! 😉 It’s magical.

But let's back up a bit. Last week, I had the honour of performing in a stunning ballet adaptation of A Midsummer Night's Dream in Brooklyn. 🎭 The stage was set under a canopy of stars and the entire audience was transported to Shakespeare's whimsical world. We even had real owls flying on stage – the most magical moment! It's so inspiring to bring these fantastical stories to life for people.

The best bit about New York, you guys, is that the city itself feels like one giant stage. Every street corner holds a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. Just yesterday, I wandered down a tiny side street near Washington Square Park and stumbled upon a shop called "Little Ballerina Boutique" - it was an absolute DREAM.💖 They had tutus of every colour, some with feathers, some with sequins, and even a few in stunning iridescent pink! I had to walk out with a new addition to my collection, naturally.

But let's talk about what you can do in this incredible city. Remember how I mentioned the "Central Park Pink Tutu Festival" last week? Well, you better believe I wasn't just talking! Every Saturday morning, starting this weekend, there's a gathering of people from all over Manhattan. You can wear your most fabulous tutu, dance along to the music, and spread the pink tutu joy! (Check out for more details!). I'm even going to be teaching a little beginner's ballet class at the end, so be ready to prance and twirl!

Speaking of "tutuing", I've been loving my Metro journeys! The New York Subway might be famously noisy, but trust me, the style is electric! Think “Fashion Week on the move”, except everyone’s wearing their most fabulous and outlandish outfits. It's totally a fashion show underground, and what’s more? It’s one of the most efficient ways to get around this fantastic city! And even though my favourite outfit for a journey is definitely my classic pink tutu, the real show is watching all the incredible personalities flutter past on the platform! It’s like ballet for your eyes, only it comes with the added bonus of actually getting you from point A to point B.

Today, though, my focus is on fashion and fabulousness. I'm hitting up the "Museum of Modern Art" (MoMA for the in-the-know). Not only are their exhibitions spectacular (check out their “Dance” exhibition! Seriously!), they have the most gorgeous and innovative shops, with tons of gifts for your wardrobe and your home. Of course, I'm hoping to find some pink-tutu inspired gems - a scarf perhaps, or maybe even a tiny ballet sculpture for my collection. 💖 (I also need a little souvenir for the office... hmm…)

But first, brunch at The Grand Cafe, a delightful cafe that does the BEST raspberry muffins in the entire city! They're worth the walk alone (they’re super near Times Square!). And maybe, just maybe, a little impromptu street ballet performance later today, with a special performance of “Pink Tutu Paradise" dedicated to all the lovely readers of my blog. 💖

Until next time, tutu-lovers!

Your New York City Ballerina,

Emma 💖


P.S. Remember, if you’re in New York this week and you see a ballerina wearing a pink tutu… it’s me! Come say hi! And share your pics with me! You can follow me on instagram @pinktutublog. 💕

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-11-19 she danced in New York City