New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-01-28 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday, January 28th, 2008 - Post Number 660

Hello my darlings!

It's a new week, and the Big Apple is sparkling! This time last week, I was shivering in Derbyshire, counting down the days till I could get back to New York. I miss the vibrancy, the energy, the sheer audacity of this city.

Remember my post last week? Well, I’m delighted to tell you my New York adventure has been simply delightful. It was an absolute whirlwind of pink-tastic fun, from Broadway brilliance to boutique-hopping, and my very favourite – the ballet, of course!

What have I been up to? A whirl of pink, naturally!

  • First up: The glorious, shimmering glow of the stage!

My very first stop in the city was the Broadway production of "Wicked." Now, this is a show that absolutely embodies everything that New York stands for: a little bit wicked, a lot of fabulousness, and an abundance of sparkling costumes. I must say, I was rather taken by the Wicked Witch's green, even if pink would have suited her a bit better. (It does wonders for the complexion!)

Afterwards, I popped over to the ballet – because darling, what trip to New York would be complete without a visit to the ballet? I caught the most wonderful rendition of "Swan Lake." Such beauty! I could feel my own tutus practically twirling in the air as I watched the graceful dancers move with such perfect elegance. Every pirouette was perfection! It really left me with the most joyous feeling of inspiration – and I’m pretty sure I practically glided through Times Square afterwards, inspired by their sheer talent.

Then it was on to the boutiques!

Darling, I found some simply exquisite additions to my tutu wardrobe. A lovely, fluffy lilac tutu from a tiny boutique on 5th Avenue, perfect for those casual coffee mornings (always with pink cappuccino, naturally), and a fiery red sequined masterpiece, simply perfect for a night of glitzy entertainment. I’m already picturing myself dazzling the crowds at Lincoln Center.

It wouldn’t be a New York trip without a Metro adventure!

Of course, a journey across the city wouldn’t be complete without a ride on the Metro. Such an iconic experience. But here’s my tip – always keep your eye on your precious pink tutus in the jostling crowds!

The Big Apple – where even my everyday routine feels extraordinary.

Every day was a whirlwind, with its own little charm and joy. A pink ice-cream cone on the Lower East Side, with a stunning view of the city that stretched for miles; a trip to the Museum of Modern Art where I felt inspired by all the different artistic styles and colourful paintings.

And as a perfect end to my adventure, a truly spectacular performance by the New York City Ballet. It was held in the historic David H. Koch Theater. There were dancers in white, dancers in black, but no pink - yet, dear readers, I have a plan!

Sharing the pink joy: I aim to wear a pink tutu to a ballet in the city, just for fun!

Maybe I will even try to design and sew it myself! A perfect “pink Tutu-Day” at Lincoln Center, if you will. Who wouldn't be inspired by a little pink? Think about it! I could get every audience member wearing one. A pink tutu revolution! That is the kind of inspiration that gets me out of bed and onto the metro!

Until next week!

So, darling, what have I learnt this week?

  1. New York City is the most fantastic place in the world.
  2. Ballet performances, boutiques, and pink ice cream cones are the trifecta of good times.
  3. Sharing your pink passion and spreading joy with a tutu is essential for life!

I’d love to hear what your favourite things about New York are. Leave a comment and let's keep this pink joy spreading!



*P.S. *

What's on in New York City this week:

  • The New York City Ballet is showcasing “Agon,” “Serenade,” and “Other Dances.”
  • "Wicked" continues to run at the Gershwin Theatre.
  • “Avenue Q,” the musical, is showing at the New World Stages Theater.

Get ready for a week of glamour, dance, and excitement – let’s embrace the magic of the city together!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-01-28 she danced in New York City