
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-03-10 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #666 - A New Yorker for the Day (But Don't Tell Anyone I Swapped My Flats for a Tutu!)

Hello my lovely readers! It's Monday again, and as you know, that means a brand new Pink Tutu Blog post, straight from the heart of New York City! I can hardly believe I've been in this fabulous city for a whole week now. It feels like a whirlwind of taxis, honking horns, and incredible experiences! But fear not, I'm still rocking my pink tutu, even if it did get a little squashed on the subway (more on that later).

The Tutu's Journey: From Derbyshire to the Big Apple

First things first, I'm incredibly grateful for you all, my dear readers. It's thanks to your unwavering love and support of my pink tutu mission that I can even be here! Remember, I fund these amazing trips with my ballet performances, and let's just say that tutus really are good luck charms โ€“ they've landed me some wonderful opportunities!

This week I was lucky enough to secure a performance in a little, bijou theatre tucked away in Greenwich Village. Imagine, tiny, red velvet seats, beautiful old beams, and just enough space for a little tutu to twirl and enchant! Afterwards, I was completely giddy - my heart felt as light as my pink tulle. That night, after the applause had faded, I danced through the streets, past bustling cafes and trendy bookstores, towards my little New York flat, with the night lights twinkling like stars overhead.

The Pink Tutu on the Metro

Ah, the metro! Such a magical, moving marvel of modern engineering! For my fellow tutu-wearing travellers, it's not always the easiest mode of transportation, especially if you happen to have a particularly full skirt. There have definitely been times where I've had to use a strategic "swirl and shimmy" to navigate my way through the crowd, but for the most part, it's an amazing experience!

Yesterday, I was feeling especially daring. I thought to myself, "Why wear boring, flat shoes on a trip through New York?" So, I embraced the inner ballerina and hopped onto the subway wearing my pink pointe shoes. The first couple of minutes went swimmingly. My pointe shoes felt graceful and light on the tiled platform. The crowd was my audience, and I gave them my best "en pointe" strut. But then, disaster struck! A large gentleman, carrying a heavy suitcase, accidentally bumped into me. My beautiful shoes were instantly sacrificed to the unforgiving subway floor. Not ideal.

So, I spent the rest of my journey in the surprisingly comfortable boots I'd brought for "just in case". A bit less elegant, I admit, but they served their purpose! Honestly, my pink tutu remained unscathed throughout the whole ordeal, a testament to its durability and a constant reminder to me to embrace the unexpected!

Exploring the City of Dreams: Ballet and More

Beyond my dancing escapades, New York is an absolute dream. Itโ€™s bustling, vibrant, and full of creative energy. On Friday, I made my way to the iconic Lincoln Center. Yes, the ballet. My absolute favourite pastime! Seeing the New York City Ballet performing at the David H. Koch Theater was like stepping into another world. The graceful leaps and elegant spins were mesmerising. They really took me back to my days as a young dancer in Derbyshire, a memory I treasure dearly.

I've spent the rest of my days getting lost in the endless delights of Manhattan. I wandered through Central Park, soaking up the sunshine and feeling the energy of the city pulse through me. A moment that I especially treasured was stepping onto the observation deck at the Empire State Building. The sprawling city at my feet was awe-inspiring and the sky seemed to stretch on forever. I couldn't help but let out a little twirl, my pink tutu swirling in the wind, and feeling completely free.

A Love Affair with Clothes: From the Shops to the Subway

As a self-proclaimed fashion enthusiast, I simply couldn't leave New York without exploring the fabulous shops! Oh my! There's truly something for everyone. And it's been so much fun incorporating local flair into my signature pink tutu look. Iโ€™ve bought the most delightful array of accessories, from delicate headbands to shimmering pink brooches that would make even the most stoic fashionista blush. My current obsession? A tiny pink velvet beret that I think will look simply divine paired with a chic pink tutu, a classic pashmina scarf, and my signature red lipstick.

However, finding those stylish treasures was an adventure in itself. The bustling department stores and trendy boutiques, the bargain hunters and style icons, it's all part of the New York charm. One time, while looking for a special new pair of dance shoes (to replace those unlucky pointe shoes), I stumbled upon a small, independent store tucked away in a quaint alleyway. It was crammed full of fabulous vintage dresses and quirky, fun accessories. It was like stepping back in time! After a whirlwind of rummaging and a healthy dose of trying-on (with my trusty pink tutu, of course), I emerged with a truly unique accessory: a vintage pink bow pin, perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to any outfit.

Sharing the Tutu Love with My Fellow New Yorkers

I believe itโ€™s a responsibility of all us tutu-wearers to spread the pink tutu message, to encourage joy, embrace colour, and remind the world that life is meant to be danced through, with a skip and a twirl.

During my adventures, I've even encountered other tutu-loving souls! I saw a woman walking her poodle in a fluffy pink tutu, and let's just say there was instant connection. We exchanged enthusiastic nods and smiles, a silent understanding between fellow members of the tutu tribe. A group of students, celebrating their graduation, even invited me to join them for a spontaneous dance party in the street. We twirled, laughed, and celebrated their achievements under the watchful eye of a friendly NYPD officer (he seemed rather amused).

To everyone I've met, from fellow dancers to curious onlookers, I've been spreading the message: life is for celebrating! Whether you're rocking a full-on tutu or just a touch of pink in your outfit, let's all show the world the joy of colour, laughter, and a touch of magical sparkle!

And finally, a special shoutout to my Pink Tutu family, you guys are truly the best! Your messages of support mean the world to me, and I am always so grateful for your amazing, creative, and oh-so-pink energy! I am truly blessed to share this pink tutu adventure with you all. Stay tuned for next week's post, where I'll be sharing all about my visit to Broadway! Until then, keep on twirling and let the world see your pink shine!


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-03-10 she danced in New York City