New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-10-27 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 2008-10-27: Twirling through the Big Apple! 🩰✨

Hey gorgeous gals!

It’s Emma, your favourite tutu-clad, pink-loving blogger, back from the magical metropolis that is New York City! This is post number 699 for my NYC adventures, and I'm positively buzzing to share the whirlwind that was this week.

As always, I'm making the most of my time in the Big Apple – and of course, every adventure has to start with a chic outfit! I chose a bright, sunny pink tutu – what else?! – and a matching, vintage-inspired cardigan for a dash of classic style. The trusty pink handbag with its glittering charms added the finishing touch. Feeling like a twirling fairy princess, I headed out to explore the city.

From the Subway to the Stage

One of the first things I discovered when I arrived in New York City was the fascinating underground network – the Subway! This marvel of engineering whisked me all over the city. It felt like being a part of a fast-paced ballet, with each journey full of excitement and anticipation. My favourite bit was gazing out the windows as I zipped past bustling stations and impressive buildings – a unique glimpse into the heart of New York City.

But of course, my time in NYC isn’t just about exploring – it’s about ballet! I saw an absolutely breath-taking production at the New York City Ballet. I always feel like I can take the best bits of their beautiful technique back with me to my own class – just what my Derbyshire muscles need! The artistry, the emotion, and the sheer talent of these dancers is a source of constant inspiration for me.

The Theatre, A Palace of Dreams

After a delicious slice of pizza at a tiny little Italian cafe with checkered tablecloths (just like the ones at home!) I decided to check out a Broadway show! My eyes lit up like a thousand tiny stars when I saw the extravagant red carpets and dazzling lights around Times Square, all perfectly capturing the glitz and glamour of this iconic part of New York City. The energy in the theatre was incredible – so much passion and excitement buzzing around me, and the atmosphere was so captivating, it felt like being wrapped up in a big warm hug! The story was a hilarious romp through musical comedy and I practically danced out of the theatre afterwards – those tap steps!

Fashion in the City that Never Sleeps

Of course, no trip to New York City is complete without a dose of retail therapy! I spent an afternoon hopping from one shop to the next, picking out the most gorgeous pink and pastel dresses and ballerina-inspired shoes I could find. A bright pink cashmere cardigan with shimmering beads was the final touch for my shopping spree!

My favourite discovery was a tiny vintage clothing store tucked away on a side street in Brooklyn. The owner, a sweet lady with twinkling blue eyes and a fabulous pink bob, showed me the most stunning array of vintage hats, gloves, and handbags. I walked away with a delicate ivory lace parasol – perfect for adding a touch of elegance to my everyday looks.

Finding My Inspiration in Everyday Moments

As always, what really makes a trip to New York City so magical is the people. I found kindness and laughter around every corner, and people always had time for a quick chat with a friendly, tutu-clad Brit. I met a street performer, a real artist, who created breathtaking drawings with chalk on the sidewalk, transforming the concrete into beautiful masterpieces. His passion and skill really resonated with my love for all things creative and expressive!

And who can forget the joy of sharing stories and tips with other ballet dancers in the city! I had the most amazing afternoon at the Central Park Conservancy, chatting with a group of dancers from around the globe about all things ballet, music, and fashion!

Always Remember the Power of a Pink Tutu

One thing I learnt this week: a little bit of pink can really change the world! My bright pink tutu definitely helped brighten people's day. It sparked so many smiles and laughter - I even got stopped by a few fashion bloggers who wanted to take pictures of my look! My message to you, darlings, is simple – don’t be afraid to wear a little bit of pink. It’s more than just a colour; it’s a state of mind, a reminder to be joyful, optimistic, and unafraid to embrace your inner sparkle.

Well, darlings, it's time to say goodbye to the bustling city that never sleeps. But I’ll be back, ready to explore even more hidden corners of the city, experience more extraordinary performances, and inspire even more smiles with my trusty pink tutu. Until next week, remember to twirl your way through life and embrace the pinkest parts of your soul! 💖🩰✨



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-10-27 she danced in New York City