
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-11-24 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #703 - Dancing Through the City That Never Sleeps!

Hello lovelies! Itā€™s Emma here, back with you on another sunny Monday from the magical city of New York! (Well, sunny ish. It was a bit on the chilly side this morning but you canā€™t have it all can you? )

As you know, my aim in life is to make the world a more pink and sparkly place ā€“ one tutu at a time. And let me tell you, NYC is the perfect setting to embrace all things fabulous! This past week has been jam-packed with amazing experiences. And just when I thought I couldnā€™t possibly pack anymore into a week, a rather incredible opportunity came knocking ā€“ I performed for an event here, a fundraiser for a childrenā€™s dance studio, and let me tell you, the audience went wild! Iā€™m still on a high from it.

You know I love being on stage, bringing the joy of ballet to others, but thereā€™s a special energy performing here in NYC. The energy here is palpable! And the best part? The funds raised from this performance will go towards funding dance lessons for underprivileged children. It's truly a beautiful thing to see, and it feels amazing to be a part of something so positive!

Speaking of incredible opportunities, my life feels like a never-ending dream right now. Just the other day, I met the sweetest couple from Derbyshire - can you believe that? - right outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and we ended up chatting about our love for all things pink. It really felt like fate. I felt such a connection to them; their story warmed my heart! You know how it is - sometimes, a quick chat with a stranger can be the perfect reminder that the world is full of kind and amazing people.

I couldn't believe the number of other people rocking pink too, in fact! Iā€™d always dreamt of seeing a pink tutu takeover in New York. But I have a feeling this is just the beginningā€¦

I think the biggest thing Iā€™ve learned this past week, is that anything is possible when you put your heart into it. And while I know I have a long way to go in my journey of making the world pink and tutu-tastic, I feel so much closer than ever before!

So let's dive into this weekā€™s adventures shall we?

This week in NYC - Monday, 24th November

Ballet: Always a must-do!

Itā€™s never a Monday in NYC without some ballet inspiration. Today was a treat - I finally got to see the New York City Ballet perform! We Brits call it ā€˜Balletā€™, Iā€™m not sure how those Yanks manage to just say Ballet but then again I find it all a bit of a racket! - Thatā€™s just British humor right there. What I really loved was that their program included Balanchine classics. Just heavenly! And, the best bit of all ā€“ the iconic David H Koch Theater. So glitzy, so glamorous, such stunning architectureā€¦ I felt like I'd stepped into a fairytale. And just you wait until you see my next postā€¦ there are more adventures with my dearest pink tutu awaiting, trust me!

Shop till you drop!

No trip to NYC is complete without a shopping spree, of course! I popped into the incredible Bergdorf Goodman department store this morning - what a temple to fashion! The clothes there are so amazing and sophisticated. I really am tempted to start wearing high-fashion shoes. But I am a classic ballerina style girl really. No-one needs 200 pairs of high heels - really!! I did treat myself to a stunning new pink bow-tie ā€“ because you just canā€™t have enough bows. And to make things even better, the friendly sales assistant at the hat shop (because weā€™ve got to keep our heads looking cute and trendy donā€™t we) said I really ought to check out a vintage hat boutique. I found a little shop in a hidden courtyard, oh, the things I boughtā€¦ I simply can't resist! Let me know if you want the address!

City Sights:

New York never fails to amaze me. I wandered around Brooklyn Bridge Park this afternoon - just taking it all in. The skyline views are mind-blowing - imagine all the magical lives taking place inside each of those buildings. It just gives you a little jolt, doesn't it. And you know, it felt so good to be a tourist again - soaking in all the incredible atmosphere of a new place. Even better, I came across a cute ballet boutique tucked away in a tiny cobbled street. And wouldnā€™t you know it ā€“ they had a collection of pink ballet shoes, all lined up in a row! It was almost impossible to leave! So now my pink tutu has the perfect company. The rest of the week, Iā€™ve got a dance lesson at Steps on Broadway in the heart of NYC - my go-to studio here. So excited, the teacher I'm with has started on my triple pirouetteā€¦ almost there!

Food! Glorious Food!

Now for a food confession - I couldnā€™t go a week in NYC without getting a proper hot dog! This is the real NYC experience! I mean, what is the best way to feel like a New Yorker if not to embrace the ultimate New York experience - the classic hotdog in a cardboard container - there's really nothing quite like it, especially in the cold winter air. Letā€™s be honest, every food in NYC tastes so much better here - maybe because they all contain at least 5 times as much sugar but no, it really does! I also enjoyed a delicious Italian dinner - and, naturally, a yummy pink dessert.

Subway adventures - a love affair!

Who else loves taking the New York City Metro? There's such an eclectic mixture of people here. It's almost like the whole world just gets thrown onto the subway for a good shake and a quick shuffle to wherever it is they want to get to. I absolutely love being able to whizz between neighbourhoods with ease, just with my little pink backpack in tow! The only trouble is keeping it clean ā€“ those rats really are the bane of the New York subway! Letā€™s be honest - when the mice come and join your party in the subway, you just start to see the place with new eyes, don't you?!

Finding pink magic!

I swear I must live my life like Mary Poppins ā€“ as though there is just magical pink dust sprinkled on everything, all the time, all over the world. Just walking around NYC I kept seeing the colour pink popping up in the most unexpected of places. I mean, did you know that they actually do a pink ice cream in a tiny little bodega down in Greenwich Village? My kind of ice cream!! The people were as colorful as their surroundings - bright smiles, vibrant energy, and an openness Iā€™d never felt anywhere before! NYC is just a whirlwind of color and excitement, but you know what - I wouldnā€™t have it any other way. Thereā€™s something incredibly infectious about NYC.

Life lessons learned - be brave and embrace pink!

This past week in NYC taught me a valuable lesson: to always remember the power of being brave and going after what makes you happy. There will always be times in life when itā€™s scary or hard, but I believe with every fiber of my being that the joy and satisfaction that come with following your passions are so worth it.

And now, a little inspiration for your day, lovelies:

  • Don't be afraid to wear pink, wear tutus! Let your true self shine through, just like those bright, bold colors of a city that never sleeps. Youā€™re more dazzling than you could ever know!
  • Embrace adventure and excitement! The world is a big, amazing place - get out there and experience it all.
  • Be kind and helpful - spreading positivity and cheer is the best way to leave a mark. Just like a little splash of pink dust that brings joy wherever it goes.

Thatā€™s it for this weekā€™s Pink Tutu Blog! I hope you enjoyed the ride through NYC, lovelies. And remember, I want to hear all about your adventures and what makes your heart sing. Don't forget to leave a comment below, let me know what you're up to! And if you're ever in NYC, feel free to give me a shout for a ballet lesson and tea and scones - you can't go wrong with a traditional afternoon tea! Until next week, keep sparkling!

Always remember: Let your pink flag fly!

And donā€™t forget: Check back in next week for a new adventure!


Emma x

*P.S. Donā€™t forget to check out my pink-tutu.com website for exclusive updates, sneak peeks at my next dance projects, and tons of amazing pink fashion finds! Just pop over to the ā€œPink-Tutu Shopā€ to grab your very own fabulous tutu, the pinkest outfit, and more. Youā€™ll love it!! *

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-11-24 she danced in New York City