New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-11-17 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: Week 702 - A Whirlwind of New York City Dreams!

Monday 17th November 2008

Good morning, darlings! It's a gloriously crisp autumn day in New York City and the pink tutu is positively twirling with excitement. This week's adventures have been absolutely fabulous, and you know I simply must share them with you. After all, you are my fellow pink tutu enthusiasts and fellow dreamers – my wonderful virtual community of fabulousness.

Now, if you're catching up on my blog from last week, you know that I embarked on a little adventure to Paris to perform in the "A Night in Montmartre" ballet production. It was magical, dear readers! It was as though I was living out one of those beautiful black and white Parisian films with chic French dancers and cobbled streets. My performance in the "Bohemian Rhapsody" scene was a total triumph – my pink tutu was a sensation, it really did twinkle under the Parisian moon. But let's rewind a little.

Travelling to New York City - Subway Style

Remember how I mentioned I love a good adventure? Well, getting back to the States after my whirlwind Parisian trip involved a series of very early morning trains and then... a most fabulous journey on the iconic New York City subway! I know what you're thinking, it doesn't sound quite as romantic as a cobblestone street, does it? But there's a magic to the subway that is truly unique. Imagine it: bright lights, the cacophony of voices, the smell of hotdogs, the rhythmic rumbling as you hurtle through the underground. I find the constant hustle and bustle completely exhilarating! And trust me, even on the subway, a pink tutu certainly stands out. It's my signature, you know, a little bit of magic and glamour amidst the New York chaos.

Broadway Bound - Seeing "Wicked" in all its Green Glory

I think it's safe to say everyone in the world has heard of Broadway, right? So you can imagine my excitement when I got to see my very first show! The performance was simply spectacular - it's a real theatrical phenomenon that everyone should experience! And, what else is green and glamorous but "Wicked"? I simply adore the storyline - it's a real celebration of female power and friendship! It really got me thinking about what makes a 'good' witch and what makes a 'bad' witch, or whether there really is a difference. After all, aren't all of us just searching for our own happily ever after, even if our journey takes us down some unexpected paths? You'd be surprised, the most fashionable witch is still my absolute favourite!

Fashion Finds in New York City - From Designer Dresses to Tutu Toppers

As a true fashion enthusiast, I simply cannot resist indulging in some fabulous shopping in the city that never sleeps! And New York has not disappointed. It seems every store is bursting with the latest trends and beautiful designer creations. One of my first stops was at the legendary Bergdorf Goodman on Fifth Avenue. Talk about fabulous! The displays are truly a feast for the eyes, and I felt like a fairytale princess entering a magnificent castle of clothes. It really is a dream for any fashionista, no matter your style. I came away with the most exquisite pink, rose-patterned cocktail dress for an upcoming event. You know, something elegant and graceful with just the right amount of "pink tutu" flair!

Now, darling readers, you know that no matter where I am, a pink tutu is an essential part of my daily wardrobe! Of course, there are days I simply adore a classic tutu paired with a crisp white shirt or a sophisticated black cocktail dress for a touch of glamour. But when exploring New York, it’s also been lovely to add some pink-tutu-inspired fun with more adventurous styling. Let's be honest, sometimes a classic tutu can feel a little… out of place amongst the skyscrapers, so it has been absolutely delightful to experiment with some fabulous alternatives! My newest accessory has been the most delightful pink feather boa, perfect for adding a playful touch to a stylish outfit and adding a little pink-tutu whimsy. It's perfect for creating that feeling of "a little bit of magic, a little bit of style". I have even seen a few of you brave souls adopting this very same look in my community - you are all making my dreams of a world of pink tutus come true, darling readers!

Dining Delights - Exploring NYC's Food Scene with Pink Tutu Panache

As a dedicated lover of all things sweet, I'm so pleased to share some of New York's deliciousness with you! While you would expect a ballet dancer to stick to a diet of salads and quinoa, sometimes I must admit, I love a treat! Now, the American culture has such a beautiful love affair with sweets, and let me tell you, their love is truly evident in every bakery and pastry shop you can find.

One evening, my good friend Susan took me to this incredible dessert shop in the heart of Manhattan, where we indulged in a a magnificent display of decadent treats - creamy cheesecake, fudgy brownies, and an array of the most intricate cakes. But my heart truly belonged to the divine strawberry tart with fresh cream, adorned with a little dusting of pink sugar. I really could have just stayed there and nibbled away the entire evening! It was that delicious, I swear! The only problem? Getting back into my beautiful ballet skirt for the performance! It is a small price to pay for a little deliciousness, but you know, I did not have to share my slice of strawberry heaven with Susan – and we did laugh over our sweet escape from a healthy diet.

Finding Inspiration - A Ballet Masterclass in NYC's Heart

But as delightful as pastries can be, my ultimate pleasure comes from a wonderful class with the famed dancer, Marie, at her exclusive studio here in the city. I can honestly say that after that class, I am feeling fitter than I have ever felt! We moved through stretches and classical ballet exercises. It was like my mind, body, and soul were truly united as one – an incredibly peaceful feeling. It was an honour to dance in the presence of such an incredibly gifted and experienced artist. Every movement, every nuance, she makes everything look effortless. It was a real inspiration!

You know how much I adore spreading my love of ballet, and to do so at a legendary studio in the Big Apple was a real honour. Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I’m not sure where that shy girl from Derbyshire disappeared! My trip here, especially this masterclass with Marie, really makes me feel as though I am living the ballet life to the fullest – not only as a performer but also as a lifelong lover of this wonderful art. It reminds me that there is always more to learn and discover – always a new step to learn, a new movement to master!

The Future of the Pink Tutu in New York City and Beyond

My travels this week have given me so much more than just a collection of new outfits! It has reinforced how important it is to embrace the unexpected – the beauty that lies beyond the well-worn path. And it has truly shown me how far the "pink tutu dream" has taken me! And yes, the very real world of Broadway has added a touch of magical sparkle, just like the dream-like quality of Paris!

One thing is for certain, you can't deny that the world is a far more fun place when you embrace the unusual, and what could be more unusual than a pink tutu in New York City! The beauty of it all is that no matter where I dance or what adventures I embark on, my trusty pink tutu remains a symbol of joy, freedom, and, above all, embracing your inner spirit. So darling readers, please keep following me on my pink-tutu journey. There’s a world full of joy waiting to be embraced with a sprinkle of pink tutu magic – and maybe even a little touch of green glamour.

Until next time, let your pink tutu fly!

Love, Emma


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-11-17 she danced in New York City