New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-11-10 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #701 - Monday 10th November 2008

Oh my darling readers,

Greetings from the Big Apple! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-loving blogger, back with another slice of life from the dazzling streets of New York City. And, my dears, let me tell you, this week has been positively magical. I'm absolutely buzzing!

A Symphony of Lights

The very second I stepped off the subway (which, let's be honest, is the most glamorous way to travel - especially when wearing your favourite pink tutu!), the sheer scale and energy of New York City just washed over me. This place is intoxicating! It was like the entire city had turned itself into one enormous stage, with buildings shimmering like enormous diamond-studded backdrops. The neon lights winked at me as I navigated my way through the throng of stylish New Yorkers. I just adore the buzz here, don't you?

A Little Taste of Broadway

My dear reader, you'll never guess what happened today - I finally got to see "The Phantom of the Opera!" It's been a dream of mine since I was a little girl watching old VHS tapes, captivated by Christine and her melodious voice. I'd even choreographed a whole dance sequence at my local Derbyshire dance school, trying to mimic the graceful moves of the Phantom. But nothing could truly prepare me for the sheer magnificence of a real Broadway production.

From the moment the first notes of that haunting score echoed across the theatre, my senses were overwhelmed by the drama, the emotion, the breathtaking costumes, and the extraordinary singing and dancing. Oh, darling, the dancing! It was pure poetry in motion. The choreography was flawless, the leaps and turns mesmerizing. I swear, for a moment, I could practically smell the candlelight and hear the ghost whisper. The experience was simply divine!

Ballet Bliss

But before we indulge in my "Phantom" fantasy, let me tell you about something equally delightful! This past Saturday, I went to a breathtaking ballet performance at the famed Lincoln Center. The New York City Ballet presented a collection of "The Nutcracker" excerpts, and oh, darling, it was simply divine! I love "The Nutcracker," you all know how much I adore the music, the story, the magic, and those adorable Sugar Plum Fairies. The ballerinas danced with such grace, precision, and heart; they truly made the whole theatre come alive!

It was, honestly, just so wonderfully inspiring. It truly makes me believe anything is possible! And as always, a bit of live dance was exactly what my little ballerina soul needed to stay energized and focused.

A Pink Tutu in New York City

The biggest bonus of my visit to the Big Apple, darling? Everyone here wears pink tutus! It's true, you can’t go a block without seeing a chic, sophisticated New York woman gliding past with her very own, beautifully personalized pink tutu. From classic, knee-length numbers with a splash of black, to bold, extravagant creations that would rival the elaborate gowns of the Nutcracker, these women make the streets of New York their very own balletic runway! I adore it! You wouldn't believe how much confidence my pink tutu adds to my own day.

Fashion Adventures

Of course, you know my obsession with fashion. How could I be a true ballerina without an appreciation for the finest fabric and the most delicate frills? Yesterday, I ventured into the bustling streets of Fifth Avenue, and let me tell you, my little heart skipped a beat. It's like an endless fairytale, my dears!

From the beautiful glass-fronted shops boasting everything from couture gowns to stylish accessories to vintage finds, each shop held a hidden treasure of sartorial delights! My dear readers, I swear, I think my head almost spun from the endless beauty.

But darling, the best find was a shop I found nestled away on a cobbled back street called "Pretty Petticoat" - what a gem! Everything from head to toe is in the most wonderful shades of pink - imagine that, the whole shop dedicated to pink! It's absolutely decadent. I couldn't resist treating myself to a brand new, pink sparkly tutu! It’s going to make me even more confident here in the dazzling streets of New York.

Life in the City that Never Sleeps

These last few days in New York have been filled with more magical experiences than I could possibly list. I've wandered through bustling farmers markets filled with fresh, vibrant produce; admired the stunning views of the city from the iconic Empire State Building; dined on delicious food from a rainbow of cuisines; and even spent an afternoon lost in a quiet coffee shop with a good book. But one thing remains constant in my day-to-day: the endless fascination I have for this city. It's alive with stories and secrets, with possibilities and dreams, with beauty and a certain unique grace.

Until Next Time, my darlings…

I must confess, this journey has given me even more ideas and inspiration for the rest of my travels. My heart is filled with joy, a pink tutu-tastic whirlwind of experiences that I'm eager to share with you. I have to dash now, but remember to visit my website, It’s full of inspiring fashion finds and fun anecdotes from my travels around the world.

Until next Monday, my dear readers. Remember, with every step, every dance, every adventure, remember, everyone can wear a pink tutu. Just take that first step, let the sparkle shine, and you too can be the very best version of yourself!



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-11-10 she danced in New York City