
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-01-12 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 12th January 2009

Post Number 710: New York, New York!

Hello darlings! Can you believe it? I'm actually in New York City! I landed on Saturday and since then it's been a whirlwind of taxis, towering skyscrapers, and delicious hot dogs. And oh, the fashion! Every corner I turn there's something new to admire, a fabulous outfit, a glamorous accessory, or a trend-setting silhouette. Just as I knew it would, this city is living up to all my expectations!

You've probably guessed, but this isn't a random trip. My dance schedule has been overflowing recently with exciting opportunities, and New York is where it all came together! Last week I snagged a role in a production of Giselle at the Lincoln Center - *imagine my excitement! * I haven't danced on such a grand stage before, and the atmosphere backstage was electrifying. Between rehearsals and shows, I've been exploring every nook and cranny of this magical city, trying to soak it all up like a giant, pink sponge!

For this trip, I've gone all out with the colour palette - lots of bright pinks, candy floss colours, and dazzling sequins, all with a touch of vintage glamour. It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu adventure without a fabulous outfit for every occasion, now, would it? Of course, I've been carrying my trusty pink tutu, just in case the city calls for a spot of impromptu pirouetting (and trust me, it does! You never know when you might be struck by a sudden need to twirl, darling.)

The best thing about this whole trip, aside from the spectacular dancing and the mind-blowing energy, is how the city is truly embracing my tutu mission! Everywhere I go, people are smiling, saying hello, and complimenting me on my pink fluff. Yesterday, I even spotted a little girl twirling in her own pink tutu, and the happiness in her eyes melted my heart! It's so lovely to see how much joy this simple garment can bring.

Now, let me tell you all about my whirlwind adventures so far!

Thursday: Arriving in the Big Apple!

After a long journey from Derbyshire, I landed at JFK, feeling slightly jet-lagged but incredibly excited! I immediately caught a cab to my little haven for the next few weeks, a charming hotel just steps from the iconic Central Park. The moment I stepped outside, I felt the city pulse through me, and the sheer energy was contagious!

First stop? Starbucks for a giant pink iced latte - essential fuel for my city adventures! I even managed to find a little shop with the most gorgeous pink tulle fabric - the colour is literally electric. This would be perfect for my new Tutu collection! I know I always say "everything is pink in New York", but seriously - I think it's true!

Friday: Dancing, Dining, and Discovering

The day began with an intense rehearsal for Giselle, the whole ensemble was amazing and I'm already learning so much. The lead dancer, Amelia, is a complete dream, so elegant and powerful! Afterwards, I popped over to Broadway, just to feel the buzz. The sheer scale of it all, with those giant marquees, it was breath-taking!

My afternoon was dedicated to fashion, and, naturally, that involved a delightful visit to Macy's - just like the ones I saw in those American movies when I was a little girl. I had a bit of a sartorial meltdown amidst the racks of gorgeous dresses, blouses and handbags. In the end, I picked up a silky emerald dress, a vintage pink clutch with a little feather boa (so fabulous!) and a couple of fabulous pink t-shirts for my Tutu-wearing colleagues backstage!

The day ended on a high, with an impromptu performance in Times Square. It was such a surreal experience; surrounded by bright lights, noise, and a thousand faces staring up. The tutus, as always, added a touch of magical whimsy to the chaos!

Saturday: City Slicker Style

A brisk walk in Central Park - it's even more incredible in person than in pictures! After a spot of tumbling in the fallen leaves (and let's just say a few photos), it was time for some much-needed relaxation. The Brooklyn Bridge was calling! The walk across was enchanting, with panoramic views of the city and the mighty Hudson River. The bright sunshine, the cool breeze - the perfect New York day!

That night was a bit fancy. I snagged tickets to a Broadway show, "Wicked". It was dazzling! So much music, laughter and emotion! Afterwards, I popped into a charming little bar in the village for some delicious Martini - just what this dancing diva needed.

Sunday: Ballet and Bliss

Today was all about ballet. Another intense rehearsal for Giselle! My nerves are getting a bit frayed with the opening night drawing nearer. But I'm taking comfort in the amazing performance of the ensemble. The camaraderie among us dancers is truly special. We even had a little impromptu tutu-twinning session, which really cheered us all up! It's nice to have this supportive community on this crazy journey!

Iโ€™m also having an absolute ball meeting people and sharing my love of the pink tutu. Everyone here is so enthusiastic about my cause - I even spotted someone wearing a Pink Tutu shirt at the opera house last night! My aim is simple, to inspire everyone to embrace the tutu - the symbol of femininity, confidence, and above all, pure, joyful expression! It's a journey of creativity and celebrating the joyful movement that lies within all of us.

So there you have it! My week so far! My dancing life is so rich and busy right now and my New York adventure is simply unbelievable. I can't wait to tell you all about my first show next week!

Stay tuned for more Pink Tutu magic coming your way!

And remember darlings, if you're feeling down, or just need a boost of pure joy - just grab a pink tutu and twirl! It works every time.

Until next Monday!



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-01-12 she danced in New York City