New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-01-19 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 711 - A Tutu Twirls in the Big Apple

Monday, 19th January 2009

Good morning darlings!

The sun is just starting to peek over the skyscrapers here in New York City and I’m already bursting with excitement about the week ahead! It's so good to be back in the city that never sleeps – although I'm sure they sleep sometimes! Just a bit more than in Derbyshire, I imagine. 😉 This city always has a twinkle in its eye and an extra spring in its step. I find it infectious and inspiring!

This week I’m taking in the magic of the Big Apple through my tutu-tinted spectacles, with plans to explore the vibrant arts scene, take some fabulous dance classes, and, of course, treat myself to some stylish new wardrobe additions. It's all about that perfect mix of ballet, fashion and adventure!

You know me, I simply cannot resist a good tutu twirl – especially amongst the bustling avenues of New York. I feel like I’m in a fabulous Broadway musical, and the streets become my stage. I can practically hear the orchestra!

It's so much fun to watch people's reactions as I waltz by, twirling in my pink tutu. Some just smile and nod, others do a double take and give me a thumbs up – some even try to keep up with my steps! I'm a pink-tutu-wearing walking advertisement for my favourite thing – spreading that infectious joy wherever I go. It really does brighten people's days, which is definitely what I’m about. It’s so easy to slip into your comfort zone – and sometimes all it takes to escape it is a little bit of pink and a playful attitude.

The Magic of New York City

But there's much more to this trip than just tutu twirling. New York truly is the ultimate destination for ballet lovers! It’s a hub of talent, inspiration, and creativity – there are so many phenomenal ballet companies performing here, from the renowned New York City Ballet to the captivating American Ballet Theatre. I’m already booked to see the Royal Ballet perform 'Romeo and Juliet' later this week – I’m so excited!

New York is a place where dancers can flourish, pushing boundaries and exploring their own individual artistry. I'm not talking about street ballet – although that's wonderful too – I'm talking about the formal ballet you would see at a prestigious company like ABT, which is pretty inspiring if I say so myself!

Pink-tastic Shopping Spree

Of course, no trip to New York is complete without some fabulous retail therapy! I'm all about those luxurious silks, shimmering satins, and elegant lace - think tutus but on a larger scale – I simply cannot resist adding a few pink-tinted treats to my wardrobe.

Fifth Avenue is a playground for fashionistas like myself, and this time around, I'm aiming for something a little edgier. Think sequins, feather boas, and some seriously glam heels. A girl has to have a wardrobe for any occasion, right? My New York tutu deserves to be dressed up to the nines, with accessories that shimmer just as brightly as my pink tutu!

Speaking of shimmer – I think it’s about time to mention those amazing pink tutus I found! I couldn't resist snapping them up! First up, a sparkling, vintage number adorned with hand-stitched beading – the colour of pale pink champagne. Then a modern masterpiece in bubblegum pink, the tutu is made from layers upon layers of tulle – just imagine it with all those swirling and swirling around the room. I'm planning to debut them at the ballet gala tonight, and I know they’ll get heads turning!

The New York Underground: A Ballet Dancer’s Paradise

For me, exploring the heart of New York City always involves a trip on the subway! You see all sorts, right? From elegant ladies on their way to business meetings to tourists eagerly heading to Times Square. It truly is a microcosm of the city! It's such an interesting contrast to the luxurious world of ballet, don’t you think?

However, that's what makes New York so special. It's full of contrasts, full of stories, and full of heart. You never know what might pop up on a subway ride – street performances, aspiring actors, or even a impromptu flash mob. I always keep a close eye out, you never know when a sudden burst of art is going to brighten your day!

It might sound like a cliché, but New York really does feel like a city where dreams are made. It’s got this magic to it – a contagious energy. If I haven't already told you – I’m absolutely loving it. I could go on about the city for ages and ages! It's certainly got that spellbinding energy! So many stories, so many characters – every time you step onto the streets there’s something different. It's absolutely fantastic!

Making Memories In My Pink Tutu

New York has always been my muse, inspiring me in ways I could never have imagined. There’s no place quite like it in the world!

My time here is never really about sightseeing – although of course, it's a brilliant thing to do – it's about creating a scrapbook of moments that sparkle. My blog, for instance – it’s my own way of sharing the sparkle of the city with the rest of the world, even those who can’t visit in person.

Of course, the real stars of the show are the little pink tutu memories. Each day in New York brings with it an explosion of new inspiration and ideas – ideas about fashion, about ballet, and about living a life full of pink tutu twirls and sparkling smiles!

Until next week – when I'll bring you all the latest gossip on my fabulous trip.

Until then, stay pink and twirl!

Lots of love,


PinkTutuBlogNYC: Monday, 19th January 2009 Post 711: A Tutu Twirls in the Big Apple - Part 2: New York Diaries - The City that Never Sleeps

Day Two

The morning air buzzes with excitement in my apartment as the city wakes up. The skyscrapers glow under a clear blue sky – the light’s a perfect mix of blue and white. And of course, it's time for breakfast - or rather, 'Elevenses' as I prefer to call it!

I must admit to a tiny weakness for fluffy pancakes. 🥞 (You don't know how much I've been missing proper American pancakes back in England. 😉) This morning’s stack is an extravagant combination of sweet fruit, syrup and – gasp – a mountain of whipped cream. (That whipped cream really is what makes the experience special. 😜) It's a sweet, luxurious start to another magical day in New York!

Studio time:

As you know, there’s nothing I love more than hitting the ballet studio! So this afternoon, I’m ready to take on New York’s dance scene with gusto, and to perfect some new steps and poses. My choice for the afternoon: The New York City Ballet – it's got an iconic status that never fails to enchant me, with a dazzling display of technique and artistry. They say you can almost smell the sweat – the true scent of passion! And I simply adore the atmosphere! It’s always brimming with the excitement of the upcoming performance, with dancers perfecting their choreography. There’s just this thrill – you can’t help but want to be a part of it, even as a spectator!

You know, sometimes all that ‘prettiness’ at the ballet makes people think the steps are easy. But there’s a lot of strength involved in classical ballet, a lot of stamina, dedication – it’s demanding! It requires grace and balance, not to mention impeccable timing, perfect posture, and endless concentration – It’s an absolutely amazing physical and mental discipline. It's hard, but the end result, the sense of pure beauty – well, it's totally worth it, in my opinion. 🩰

After an hour and a half of getting down with the dance routine – feeling slightly exhausted, but mostly just thrilled to have pushed myself to the limit – I'm in need of a delicious lunch and a stylish outfit. I'm determined to soak up the unique and diverse atmosphere of New York. I'm going to do some serious exploring and I’ll be documenting everything for you. 😉

Dinner at Broadway

What better way to wrap up an exciting day than with a dazzling Broadway show! And in my view, no Broadway show is complete without the fabulous glitz and glamour of a glittery pink tutu!

Tonight’s production is a truly magical reimagining of the classic musical ‘Cats’, full of energy and emotion! The costumes are dazzling – even better, you’ll find just about every colour of the rainbow (it really does make me wish I had every shade of tutu). The performances are heart-stopping and I simply love the vibrant colours and elaborate choreography! I can’t wait to give you all the details, darling! 😉

Before the show, of course, it's a must to grab a quick bite at a cute, bistro – perfect for a bit of pre-theatre chat. Then it’s back to my apartment, with lots to blog about!

Thoughts about life, pink and the City of Dreams:

Sometimes you get lost in the rhythm and pace of a place like New York and you have to take a step back to notice the beauty that’s in front of you, you know? You have to give yourself time to absorb the excitement and energy! And for me, one of the most wonderful aspects of this trip has been watching everyone chase their dreams. Whether it’s a young actress going for an audition, or an established performer giving a stellar performance – there’s such a buzz!

I guess you can see why I'm absolutely captivated! I always say, you have to keep the sparkle in your eyes, always follow your passions, and don't be afraid to add a touch of pink and whimsy wherever you go.

Tomorrow promises to be even more incredible. Stay tuned, lovelies!

Lots of love,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-01-19 she danced in New York City