New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-03-30 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #721 - Dancing My Way Through The Big Apple!

Monday 30th March 2009

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, reporting live from the dazzling city that never sleeps – New York City!

I know, I know, you're probably wondering why a girl from little old Derbyshire finds herself right here in the heart of the Big Apple. Well, my dears, it all comes down to my burning passion for the world of ballet! You see, I've been touring and performing ever since I was a little girl, funding my love of travel through the magic of dance.

And what better place to embrace my inner prima ballerina than the home of the American Ballet Theatre?! This week has been an absolute whirlwind of beautiful performances, breathtaking city sights and, of course, the essential New York experience - an overload of amazing fashion!

So, let's delve right into this fabulous adventure, shall we? Grab your favourite pink tutu (the more frills, the better!), put on a pair of those gloriously sparkly shoes and come with me as I share my adventures!

Thursday 26th March:

Arriving in the city was like stepping into a dreamscape straight out of a Broadway musical! The moment my feet touched the cobblestones of Times Square, I felt a burst of electric energy!

And it wasn't just the bright lights and bustling crowds. It was the vibe. That indescribable sense that absolutely anything was possible! This city really knows how to capture your heart with its boundless spirit and captivating energy.

After settling into my cute little hotel (it even had a bathtub!), I donned my most whimsical pink tutu, the one with all the sparkly tulle, and took a celebratory spin around my room! You can't truly immerse yourself in New York without a dash of extravagance, darling, right?

The most delicious pizza from a charming little hole-in-the-wall spot awaited me, followed by a stroll through Central Park, where I just had to stop and admire the breathtaking blooms in the cherry blossom trees.

Friday 27th March:

It's a beautiful, crisp morning here in the Big Apple! The sunshine has awakened the city in all its vibrant glory, making every building sparkle, and I am ready for another adventure!

My first order of business? The world-famous Museum of Modern Art, also known as MoMA. As soon as I stepped through those iconic glass doors, I was mesmerized! This museum is truly a masterpiece! The incredible artwork and photography stirred my imagination, leaving me utterly captivated by the world of creativity that unfolds inside.

Next, I found myself utterly lost (and completely charmed!) exploring the little backstreets of Greenwich Village. This quirky, bohemian neighbourhood with its charming bookstores, charming cafés, and bustling streets felt like stepping right out of a film! I couldn't resist snapping a few photos – the vintage clothing boutiques, the bustling flower market – oh, my dear, my Instagram was bursting!

The evening was all about glamour, of course. Tonight's show was The Nutcracker at the iconic New York State Theater, home of the New York City Ballet. This is the legendary home of Balanchine, and the legendary ballerina, the divine Gelsey Kirkland. The performance was magical, captivating my senses and leaving me in awe of the talent on stage.

And wouldn't you know it? After the performance, I met a wonderful young dancer who works as a choreographer! She's just as passionate about ballet as I am and was so kind to offer some advice for a nervous newcomer like me. We chatted for hours about the industry and her experiences, and I'm already making plans to catch one of her performances.

Saturday 28th March:

Now, no visit to New York is complete without a shopping spree! So today I dove headfirst into the legendary retail therapy of Fifth Avenue, making sure to stop in every fabulous store.

And just like a scene from Breakfast at Tiffany's – yes, I couldn’t resist that classic movie reference – I stopped to gaze at the shimmering display at Tiffany & Co. My heart skipped a beat, my darling! The elegance and brilliance of their designs left me speechless. But even I can’t afford those beautiful sparkly diamonds just yet, so I just admired the dazzling artistry and moved on with a renewed appreciation for beauty and fine craftsmanship.

Feeling energized, I found myself completely captivated by the stunning Victoria's Secret display, where angels shimmered in their exquisite lingerie creations. This city is pure inspiration! Everything I see feeds my imagination and inspires my creativity.

I finally stumbled upon the perfect little boutique filled with elegant dresses. And to my delight, it featured the most delightful pink tutu! It was perfect, delicate, and utterly feminine. I just had to have it! This will be my go-to tutu for my next ballet performance, or a lovely dress for a Parisian brunch – so versatile!

The evening was dedicated to exploring Times Square, a true whirlwind of activity and dazzling lights. It was buzzing with an infectious energy and vibrant atmosphere! My favourite part of Times Square, however, is the street performers. One ballerina truly captured my attention with her captivating moves and radiant joy.

I spent the rest of the night immersed in a magical performance at Carnegie Hall, experiencing the captivating sound of a world-class orchestra and soaring vocals that transported me to another dimension.

Sunday 29th March:

I woke up on this gloriously sunny Sunday feeling wonderfully inspired. The streets of New York buzzed with energy, full of locals enjoying a leisurely weekend. My afternoon was dedicated to strolling along the High Line, a magnificent park built atop an abandoned railway line.

The panoramic city views were spectacular – offering the perfect backdrop for capturing the most wonderful photos! The beauty and tranquillity of this unique space were breathtaking, offering a wonderful contrast to the frantic city pace.

The city felt so vast yet also deeply personal at the same time.

But as much as I loved strolling through this remarkable urban oasis, it was time to experience the iconic beauty of the Statue of Liberty, that powerful symbol of freedom and hope that makes New York City what it is!

It truly is a city that embraces everyone with open arms, inspiring each individual to reach for their dreams, to dance their hearts out, to follow their own path – all while wearing the most glorious pink tutus, of course!

Monday 30th March:

So, here we are, my dears. This wonderful trip has been a whirlwind, packed with memories that will forever dance in my heart!

New York has left me utterly captivated by its spirit of possibility and relentless energy. As I bid farewell to this enchanting city, I do so with a heart overflowing with memories and a renewed determination to make my dreams a reality.

Remember, darling, every city can be your stage. Let’s dance!

And before I sign off, just a little reminder - this post is a little something special to celebrate reaching 721 posts on PinkTutuBlogNYC. I’m so grateful to you all for coming on this adventure with me.

And now, tell me, my darling! What are your favourite things about New York? Share your experiences, fashion finds, or your own little adventures!

With a pink tutu spin and a wink, I’ll be back next Monday with more NYC adventures. Don’t forget to check back on, darlings! Keep your dreams twirling and remember, life is a stage, so twirl to your own tune! Until then, stay fashionable and dance like nobody’s watching!

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-03-30 she danced in New York City