New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-07-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #737: Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps!

Monday 20th July, 2009

Hello lovelies!

It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, and guess what? I'm back in the Big Apple! That's right, New York City, the city that never sleeps, the city that breathes fashion, the city that's just buzzing with life... and let me tell you, I'm ready to embrace it all!

This week's adventure has already begun with a whirlwind of excitement, and trust me, this post is going to be jam-packed with all the fun you can handle! It’s been ages since my last visit, and New York has that way of captivating you like nothing else. Just walking down Fifth Avenue with its vibrant energy, the skyscrapers piercing the sky, the honking taxis and the whizzing yellow cabs – it's sensory overload in the best way possible!

I'm a little jetlagged still – the journey from Derbyshire took longer than expected – but nothing a cup of Earl Grey tea and a delicious New York cheesecake can't fix. Honestly, if there's one thing I’ve learned in my travels, it’s that indulging in the local cuisine is an absolute must! It's the little details that make your adventures memorable.

And, as you all know, New York is the ultimate shopping paradise! Today I hit the shops on Madison Avenue – the air is thick with fashion inspiration, it's just magnetic. From haute couture to vintage treasures, there’s a shop for everyone. It’s impossible to resist picking up a little something for myself – I just have to! But we’ll be talking all about that in another post!

Tonight I'm heading to a Broadway show – “Wicked”, to be precise. It’s been on my to-do list for ages and I've finally managed to get tickets! Of course, no trip to the city is complete without some cultural delights – from the dazzling lights of Times Square to the iconic landmarks, this place truly has it all.

So, buckle up lovelies, and join me on a whirlwind journey as we explore New York together, discovering hidden gems, fabulous fashion finds, and experiencing all the magic this amazing city has to offer. I can't wait to share all my adventures with you – from ballet class at the Alvin Ailey studios to exploring the vibrant streets of Greenwich Village!

Now, off to the show I go – wish me luck! Remember, you can always find my posts on our website,! Until next week, stay glamorous, my darlings!

Love, Emma x

Ballet Bliss!

Hello lovelies! It’s been a long day filled with incredible moments, so grab a cuppa, relax, and let me tell you all about it!

So, first things first – Wicked was EVERYTHING I hoped it would be, and more! The costumes, the music, the dancing, the sets – just everything! The performance itself was so full of life and energy, it swept me away for the whole evening. You know, the best thing about a show is watching the talent on stage, and getting totally lost in the world it creates. The talented performers just captivated me, from the incredible singing voices to the intricate dance choreography. It was truly a magical experience, and left me feeling inspired.

Afterwards, a good friend took me to a delightful little café just around the corner – the “Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee Tea Shoppe” it’s called – the most adorable, quaint place you’ll ever find. We shared the most scrumptious blueberry scones and hot tea while chatting away about everything under the sun. It’s moments like this, the simple pleasures, that really make a trip special.

Then, for a change of pace, I hit the streets and headed towards Central Park. With a balmy breeze rustling through the trees and the sun sinking below the skyscrapers, it was absolutely breathtaking. I spent hours exploring its winding paths, inhaling the fresh air, feeling like I was right in the middle of one of those old Hollywood movies!

It’s not all glitz and glam though! New York has a very authentic, almost charming side, too – if you know where to look. It's in the laughter and banter of the local cabbies, in the community of the artists' booths in the park, in the colourful murals that adorn hidden corners.

A Touch of Magic

Talking about murals – I found the most beautiful little ballet studio nestled in the middle of Greenwich Village, all painted with enchanting murals featuring ballerinas in elaborate costumes. And of course, a ballerina with a pink tutu could never resist going in for a visit! The place was alive with music, the gentle clatter of dancing feet on the wooden floor, the rhythmic breathing of aspiring dancers.

This small studio felt full of possibility and raw talent. I chatted with the owner, a woman with kind eyes and a fiery spirit, who shared her story and the dedication of her students. I almost wanted to join in – even if just for a single class!

Now, as I write this, I'm nestled in my cosy hotel room, surrounded by my pink tulle creations. It's incredible how a little bit of tulle can create a haven of peace, even in the heart of a vibrant city like New York.

You see, sometimes the simplest things make the greatest impact. You know, those moments where you take a step back, and you just have to admire how amazing life is – all its complexities and wonders, its beauty and its imperfections.

Pink Tutus Everywhere

And guess what? I saw another pink tutu today – in Times Square of all places! I know I'm passionate about bringing the magic of ballet and pink tutus to the world, and seeing that bright pink skirt swish by as I hopped off the metro was just… glorious!

You see, life's about spreading happiness, about making those moments sparkle a little brighter. And if that means a little more pink tulle and twirling, I say "Bravo!"

Fashion Finds in the City That Never Sleeps

Now, on to the fashion aspect of my adventures, because there’s never a shortage of style inspiration in this fabulous city. I’ve always adored fashion and New York never ceases to amaze with its endless creativity and trend-setting styles. I had to get a peek at the latest collections and trends in one of New York's most prestigious boutiques, the famed Bergdorf Goodman.

Trust me, walking into the flagship store feels like stepping into a world of pure luxury! From designer dresses to exquisite shoes, every detail, every display screams "luxury" in a way I’ve never seen before! It's a kaleidoscope of colour, texture, and fashion magic!

While browsing, I had to admire the intricate designs, the exquisite fabrics and, of course, I spotted a few little gems that found their way into my shopping basket, wink, wink. You see, the great thing about fashion is that it lets us express our creativity – through vibrant colours, striking silhouettes, and elegant accessories, we can show off our individual style! And my fashion-loving heart was just thrilled to see the latest fashion creations in this amazing city!

### The Magic of the Subway

There’s a lot I could tell you about New York’s famous subway system. It’s like an underground city, an intricate maze that transports you through different neighbourhoods, cultures, and vibes, in a matter of minutes. And trust me, there’s nothing quite as exciting as riding the subway through Manhattan, watching the city's pulse racing as it flies by.

Now, when you’re in the heart of the city that never sleeps, there's no better way to get around than on the subway! I love navigating those maze-like tunnels, feeling the pulse of the city, the rush of commuters and the echo of conversations in different languages, a symphony of sounds!

One evening, I took a spontaneous ride down to Brooklyn just to experience a different flavour of New York. And guess what? It didn't disappoint. I stepped out into a bustling world of vintage shops, independent art galleries, street food stalls with delicious smells wafting through the air. I saw street performers, musicians, and artists breathing life into the vibrant corners. It was almost like stepping into a different era – filled with creativity and independent spirit, a hidden gem nestled just across the East River.

Living life to the Fullest

You see, this trip isn't just about seeing landmarks and taking photos. It’s about experiencing life to the fullest – from the magic of Broadway shows to the serenity of a green oasis like Central Park, from the charm of a small local bakery to the fashion delights of Madison Avenue. Every day in New York is filled with moments that spark inspiration and leave you feeling exhilarated.

Of course, you know me. There's always a place for pink tutus, no matter where I go. They’re a little bit of whimsy and elegance, a touch of fairytale in every adventure, and there’s never a dull moment in a pink tutu. And just because you’re in the bustling metropolis doesn’t mean you have to leave your personality behind – embrace your inner ballerina and let those twirls be your signature.

Now, I must dash, lovelies, but I’m just getting started in this amazing city! There’s so much more to see and experience, and you know I can't wait to share it with all of you. Keep checking our website – – for the latest updates on my New York adventures.

Until next time, stay beautiful, my darlings!

Love, Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-07-20 she danced in New York City