New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-11-02 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC - Monday 2009-11-02: New York, New York, I'm Here To Stay!

Hello darlings!

It's Emma here, writing to you live from the concrete jungle that is New York City! I know, I know, I haven't been here for long, just a week in fact, but already this amazing city has captured my heart (and my tutu, of course!)

This is post number 752 for my New York blog, which, as you know, I post every Monday to It’s my little corner of the internet dedicated to all things pink, fabulous and fabulous in pink. And, obviously, tutus! I think this week's been quite a whirlwind. I feel like I’ve been non-stop spinning in a tutu!

You see, this trip is all thanks to the fantastic opportunity I had to perform at the wonderful [Name of theatre/venue]. I won’t lie, a trip to New York for a little ballerina like me from Derbyshire, well it was always just a dream. But dreams do come true, even when you're chasing them in a pink tutu, right?!

So, how has New York been treating me? Absolutely brilliantly!

This city has a magic, an energy, and a spark you just can’t quite explain. Everyone here is just so… New York, you know? Like they're always on the go, never letting a minute pass them by. Even their taxi drivers look glamorous! I tried hailing a cab the other day and nearly fainted with shock. Imagine: a shiny, black car with leather seats, sparkling lights and a man dressed like a Bond villain… behind the wheel! This is what my dreams are made of!

Speaking of dreams… the biggest surprise was seeing a real Broadway show. Honestly, it was better than I could have ever imagined! It’s the first time I’ve been to Broadway and let me tell you… my head's still spinning! I've never felt so close to the magic of theatre. You can practically feel the history. It was almost too much to handle… luckily I was wearing my special, new Broadway tutu which was the perfect pink to add a little sparkle to my day!

Fashion, Darling!

Where can I start! New York City is a fashion haven! I mean, it's like one massive, glamorous fashion show that never ends! Even just stepping out of the [Name of Metro Stop] Metro station makes me feel like a character from Sex and The City... only in pink! You just can’t escape the latest trends, and that's good news for someone like me, who loves fashion more than just about anything (except ballet, obviously!)

The shops here are amazing! And, I'm obsessed with finding a new pink accessory or two each day! And, speaking of obsession, I have just found the most exquisite pair of pink, sequined ballet shoes. Can you believe it? I nearly swooned in the shop. You just have to check out this shop in the West Village, [Name of boutique] - they have everything! The colours, the style… it's amazing! Now, let's just say my shopping bags are a little heavier and my credit card a little lighter. Oh well, you only live once right? And I just have to have new shoes to go with all my tutus!

Speaking of tutus, oh, I had a dream the other night that all of New York City was wearing tutus, like a parade of pink, dancing joy! The thought made me smile so wide that I woke up, completely exhilarated, and felt compelled to start a mission! It’s now my ultimate dream - to get every single person in New York City to wear a tutu. Imagine that - New York, New York, everyone in a pink tutu! Who knows, it might actually happen. Just a little dream. I might start with my next show…

A Bite of The Big Apple

You’re probably thinking, with all that dancing and shopping, Emma must have little time for food. Well, I think New York City is the best place in the world to find amazing food, and this little ballerina just has to try it all. I love everything, from classic New York style pizzas and cheesecakes, to fancy, fine dining in [Name of restaurant] - just the name makes you feel sophisticated.

Now I’m already looking forward to exploring the [Name of area] market, the best place for those gorgeous apple fritters. So delicious. There’s just a different energy in the air. Something magic. Even the trees here have a magical sparkle! I feel truly at home. I think it’s a feeling every tutu-wearing ballerina needs. But let's not forget - ballet, darling, that is the ultimate fashion, the ultimate art. So, of course, the food is just another part of the New York experience.

And of course, I can't leave out the beautiful Ballet City and their magnificent show. Oh my goodness, I just cannot believe I'm even allowed to perform there. [Name of theatre] is truly special, and I’m grateful to share a stage with some amazing talent. I can’t wait to get back into my tutu on that stage! I'm trying to make the most of my time here, soaking up the atmosphere, enjoying the sights, sounds and energy of New York City.

So, as always, darlings, stay tuned. My pink tutu journey here in the Big Apple is just starting, and there's lots more to see and share. Catch me next week for another #PinkTutuBlogNYC

Don't forget to follow my tutu-licious adventures online at and see me in the [Name of theatre/venue] this week!

See you soon, darlings, and have a fabulous week!

Love, Emma xxx

P.S. What are you doing in a pink tutu? I’d love to hear all your tutu stories in the comments below! Let’s make the world a more pink place together!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-11-02 she danced in New York City