New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-01-11 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 11th January 2010 (Post #762)

Helloooo my lovely tutu-wearers! It's Emma here, back from the Big Apple with a suitcase full of shopping and memories to last a lifetime. This past week has been absolutely jam-packed, so settle in with your cuppa and get ready to hear all about it!

This week's trip was a whirlwind of a dream - the kind that would have had even a seven-year-old Emma (remember when I wore my first tutu? Honestly, who'd have thought I'd actually end up living out this fantasy, eh?) giggling in delight! As ever, my pink tutu took centre stage (of course it did, this city never fails to inspire!), twirling alongside me as I danced my way through its vibrant streets.

Fashion on the Metro - and I mean really good fashion

The first thing you notice when you step on the New York City Metro, aside from the cacophony of sounds and that glorious sense of buzzing energy, is the fashion. My fellow commuters truly did dress to impress. Imagine my delight when, during one particular peak-hour rush (the Metro's definitely a different kettle of fish than the quiet, green Derbyshire lanes I grew up in!), I spotted a woman wearing the most fabulous faux-fur jacket I had ever seen in my entire life. You know that pink faux fur we're all obsessed with right now? This was a dream of a jacket. I just had to sneak a picture!

Speaking of fashion, this city is truly a treasure trove for any self-respecting pink tutu aficionado! The windows of Bergdorf Goodman and Bloomingdale's are positively dripping in inspiration. Let's be honest, the sales assistants at these swanky shops aren't used to seeing a pink tutu, but it's definitely a good conversation starter, don't you think? And the good thing is, there are so many lovely boutique stores, little independent places with incredible finds – vintage treasures that wouldn't look out of place in the ballet.

Broadway Nights

Speaking of ballet, it wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu Blog NYC post without a night out at the theatre! And this week was no exception! We saw the Wicked musical. Oh my, the costumes! Just glorious! Honestly, those green gowns could have been ripped straight out of the magical land of Oz and onto the stage! And the songs, the dancing - utterly enchanting! The atmosphere at the theatre was buzzing and everyone around us was absolutely beaming.

Ballet Bootcamp

But it's not all theatre and shopping, you know. I just had to slip into the legendary Dance Theatre Workshop in the East Village. It was packed, everyone from little munchkins with hopeful smiles to seasoned dancers. My tutus (and my aching feet!) have been missing a bit of discipline and the city really brings that to the forefront.

The Best Food in the World?

But hey, you can't keep going on nothing but ballet and pink tutus, right? You need fuel. Where do I even start with New York food? From street-corner hot dogs to the fabulous brunches in Brooklyn, I was on a culinary adventure. My tip is to look out for street carts offering “Lobster Rolls” - absolutely the most delicious things! I am going to start carrying one of those huge pink NYC ‘lobster roll’ picnic baskets with me everywhere so I can keep the tradition going, even back home in Derbyshire.

Monday Blues? No Way!

The city never sleeps! That is no exaggeration. Walking back to my little boutique hotel (I'm saving every penny so I can treat myself to those fabulous outfits, remember!), the city still hums, the traffic rushes and the streetlights glint. The sidewalks buzz, and every face holds a different story. New York is a vibrant, pulsating dreamland - and that energy flows right through me!

It was a tough call saying goodbye this time, but it's back to the stage for me next week. I'm hoping my performance will go off with a bang! And maybe, just maybe, the pink tutu will catch on in Derbyshire... one step at a time!

Until next week, keep your head held high, your hearts open and, of course, keep on twirling in your own pink tutu!

Emma xx - The only blog that will make you want to dance!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-01-11 she danced in New York City