New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-05-03 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #778 – A Ballet Bonanza in the Big Apple!

Monday 3rd May, 2010

Good morning, darlings! It's Emma here, back with you from the heart of the Big Apple, where the streets are alive with music, laughter, and – of course – fabulous fashion. As always, I'm sporting my signature pink tutu, a symbol of all things delightful and dreamlike. And today, my lovelies, I've got a whole heap of balletic brilliance to share!

This week, New York City has been buzzing with ballet, and I, being a total ballerina devotee, have been right in the thick of it! The energy here is just infectious. You can feel it coursing through the city, like an unseen conductor waving a magic baton. From the majestic halls of Lincoln Center to the intimate, off-Broadway stages, ballet is flourishing in every corner of this city that never sleeps.

It all started last Wednesday with a divine performance of "Swan Lake" at the Metropolitan Opera House. The artistry, the emotion, the sheer athleticism on display – it left me breathless! The dancers were simply divine, their bodies moving like swans gliding effortlessly on the stage. It was pure magic, and I felt my heart soaring along with them. I wore my favourite baby pink silk ballerina shoes, a matching handbag and my trusty powder pink tulle tutu for the occasion, feeling very much like a princess at a fairytale ball.

After the performance, I did something I never usually do: I wandered through the bustling streets around Lincoln Center, letting the energy of the city wash over me. The city lights reflected in the puddles, a symphony of twinkling neon signs against a velvet sky, and the air crackled with a vibrancy that felt intoxicating. I stopped for a magnificent chocolate croissant in a charming French patisserie on Broadway, feeling a sense of sheer joy. Life, in this moment, felt perfect.

Of course, no trip to New York is complete without some fabulous shopping. I'm in the midst of my summer wardrobe overhaul, and you know what they say, a little bit of pink never goes amiss! This city is a veritable paradise for fashionistas, and I was absolutely thrilled to find some beautiful ballet-inspired pieces at a vintage store on Bleecker Street. I fell in love with a pair of dazzling ballet flats adorned with pink and silver sequins and a vintage pink sequined blouse that practically screamed "New York City glamour." I can't wait to wear them both, preferably for a chic night out at the theatre!

Now, for you loyal Pink Tutu Blog readers, I’m happy to share a little insider tip! The best way to explore New York City and soak in its vibrant atmosphere is to jump on the subway. It’s a real adventure, a whirlwind of characters and personalities whizzing past your window, and trust me, the excitement starts the moment you descend into those iconic tiled underground stations. The bright lights of the subway, the thrum of chatter as everyone hustles to their destinations, the whispers of stories being told - all of it paints such a vivid picture of the city that it truly leaves you breathless. And besides, I always find it incredibly liberating to be swept away by the tide of New Yorkers going about their daily routines.

As for my week ahead, it's filled to the brim with more ballet bliss! I've got tickets for a performance of "The Nutcracker" by the New York City Ballet, followed by a masterclass at the American Ballet Theatre school, where I'm sure I'll be picking up some valuable pointers on pointe work and elegant port de bras. My pink tutu, of course, will be in tow, as it always is. I truly believe that every girl deserves a chance to twirl, no matter where she is or what she’s doing. After all, ballet isn’t just about fancy steps and delicate leaps, it's about the magic of movement, the joy of expression, and the sheer delight of feeling the rhythm of your own heart as you dance!

Speaking of rhythm, this city definitely has its own infectious beat. It's a pulse you can feel in the air, in the bustling streets, and in the heartbeat of its inhabitants. And while I've fallen in love with the glamour of Broadway and the sophisticated charm of Fifth Avenue, it's this pulsing rhythm of New York City that really gets me going. It's what makes me want to grab my tutu and just start spinning!

Oh, and I just thought about a very important fact! I’m in New York City to fulfil my biggest dream, and that's to encourage every girl (and maybe even a few boys) in the world to experience the sheer joy of dancing in a pink tutu. It doesn’t have to be perfect or elegant, you don’t have to be a ballerina. It's all about fun, freedom, and expressing your own unique joy through the art of movement!

Remember, you can keep up with all my adventures here in New York City, and every week, I share my experiences with you right here on the Pink Tutu Blog. I love hearing from you, so please leave your comments below! Do let me know if there are any places I should visit or shows I should see. And of course, don’t hesitate to share your own pink tutu stories – I would love to hear them!

Until next time, darlings, stay glamorous and never stop dancing!

Yours always,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-05-03 she danced in New York City