New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-06-14 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #784 - Dancing in the Big Apple

Hello, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the bustling streets of New York City, where the only thing louder than the honking taxis is the beating of my ballet-loving heart! It’s Monday, the 14th of June, and the sunshine is absolutely positively divine. And I just know I'm going to be swept off my feet by the wonders that await me today - because New York, you see, has a certain magical energy, an infectious zest for life that makes it impossible not to feel happy, fabulous, and, of course, twirlingly inspired!

This week's Pink Tutu Blog adventure? It’s a dance marathon through the city, dear readers! I’m determined to soak up all the artistic brilliance and sartorial delights that this magnificent metropolis has to offer. The aroma of fresh croissants is wafting through my hotel window (and I swear I can hear the gentle clinking of teaspoons in the distance – divine!). After a quick pit-stop for a perfectly pink smoothie and a bite of granola, I’m off! My trusty, gorgeous pink tutu is already twirling with excitement at the prospect of all the fantastic adventures we’re going to share today.

Now, before we embark on our adventures, a quick reminder for all you lovely people reading: if you're a fan of pink, tutus, ballet, and all things fabulous, do check out my main blog,, which I update weekly every Monday morning. This is just a peek into my exciting New York adventures, and I would be thrilled if you would join me in the dance, even if you’re all the way back in good ol' Derbyshire!

Morning Glory: Ballet in Central Park

Okay, you lot, grab your dancing shoes and follow me! Today's first stop is none other than Central Park, that legendary green heart of New York City. It’s a sight that never fails to make me gasp. I love the energy, the hustle and bustle, the amazing views. Today's a scorcher, so I’ve pulled on a gorgeous lightweight pink linen dress, a light pink floral scarf (perfect for protecting my fair English skin from the sun, of course!) and, naturally, a delightful blush pink ballet cardigan that complements the rosy hues of my glorious tutu.

It's only a short hop on the metro (my favourite form of transport – it's a journey in itself, with endless fascinating characters to observe). I’m completely mesmerized by the sheer beauty of the park, its lush greenery and meandering paths a haven from the city’s relentless pulse. And the best part? This morning, Central Park is a dance haven, with free open-air ballet classes happening all over. Oh, I’m just living the dream!

So, the morning went as follows, darling:

  • A light but exhilarating warm-up routine in the shadow of the magnificent Bethesda Terrace, feeling the crisp New York air in my face. I must say, the New Yorkers taking the class were fantastic! The grace, the stamina, it’s simply dazzling. I’m starting to feel my ballet skills improving already.
  • A truly heavenly ‘pas de deux’ on the Bow Bridge. How elegant! You must visit this bridge, especially if you are, like me, a bit of a romantic. It's just perfect for those little ‘twirls of happiness.’
  • A final pose in front of the glorious, shimmering Bethesda Fountain, my tutu and I looking like we just stepped out of a storybook.

By now, the park was buzzing with life. Children played, joggers jogged, artists sketched, and I, with my fellow ballet-lovers, twirled and danced, basking in the magic of this glorious city. I even discovered a tiny pink cupcake stall by the Bethesda Terrace – it was almost as delightful as a pink tutu-wearing ballerina!

Fashion Fiesta: Fifth Avenue Dreamland

Now, after a spot of sunshine and exercise, my dear readers, a girl needs a bit of pampering! My next destination: the famous Fifth Avenue! Think of all the chic boutiques, designer stores, and glittering window displays - it's a dreamland for fashion enthusiasts like yours truly!

Oh, I’ve spent hours simply gazing at the beautiful window displays – they are a piece of art in themselves. I felt utterly spoilt by all the glamour, but naturally, I had to get into the pink spirit, right? And where better to find my next pink masterpiece than in Bergdorf Goodman, that monument to fashion indulgence?

My first stop? The shoe department – who could resist a fabulous pair of Jimmy Choo pumps? They felt amazing against my skin! Next, I spent time gazing in admiration at a rack of pale pink lace dresses (oh, so tempting!), and then fell in love with a luxurious, powder pink silk scarf.

It’s hard not to succumb to the allure of all things fashionable in Fifth Avenue. But let's be real: you need to make wise decisions, and sometimes, just a peek into these glamorous temples of fashion is more than enough to satisfy the pink-loving soul. I was content with my little pink silk scarf, a lovely little souvenir of my New York adventure.

And speaking of adventures, next up was a quick pit-stop for some scrumptious lobster rolls at a cute little restaurant on a side street - another local recommendation, which is always fun. Now, the New York lobster rolls might be good, but no lobster can compare with the thrill of my next destination!

Ballet Under the Stars: The Metropolitan Opera

Evening in New York, the lights are just starting to come alive, casting a gentle, magical glow upon the city's sprawling skyline. What better time than to step into the glittering world of ballet, in a city famed for its dazzling stage performances?

Tonight, I was swept away by the majesty of the Metropolitan Opera House. Oh my word, it's just glorious – a majestic blend of neoclassical architecture, intricate sculptures, and plush, crimson-velvet seats, perfect for my blush pink tutu, wouldn't you say?

Tonight, we were lucky to catch a special performance of "Swan Lake". The story of a beautiful princess turned swan captivated my heart! Oh, those majestic waltzes, the tender ballet pas de deux, and the graceful movements – every moment was sheer magic. And how absolutely phenomenal was the costume design? Oh, that exquisite tutu for the role of the swan! It was absolutely a delight, like watching a real-life fairytale.

The whole performance was so uplifting! It’s always a reminder that life is all about taking leaps of faith, facing your fears and ultimately dancing your own happy story. And in that moment, right in the heart of the city that never sleeps, I truly felt that life, just like the magic of dance, is a constant process of growth and transformation.

Now, darling, this may come as a shock but my day hasn't quite ended yet! Remember I’m still here to indulge in a few more delights the Big Apple has to offer. And, you know me, anything that's sparkly or glamorous is a must-see for the Pink Tutu Princess!

Sparkling Night: A Rooftop View

The evening was far from over. My pink-tutu heart wouldn’t allow it.

After the ballet, we walked over to one of New York's fabulous rooftop bars, all glimmering lights and breathtaking views of the city. My gaze swept over the illuminated skyline, and the city felt alive, a luminous constellation against the night sky. I was captivated!

So there I was, sitting amongst New York’s fashionable elite, enjoying a strawberry margarita (because everything must be pink, darling, of course) and feeling like the happiest little ballerina in the world. The cool air, the music, the view, it was a truly delightful ending to an incredible day.

The last stop for our Monday night? I took a taxi back to my hotel. And you won't believe this: right there, under the neon glow of the city, a beautiful old, vintage Rolls Royce limousine caught my eye. It was a deep pink - oh, darling, almost matching my tutu! It was truly a divine end to an absolutely unforgettable day, in the city of dreams!

Final Thoughts, My Darlings!

That’s it, darlings! My adventure in the big apple for this week. Now, it's time to pack up my trusty pink tutu, say goodbye to New York's charm for a while, and start dreaming up all the exciting escapades that are in store for the next adventure. If you’re ever in New York City, dear readers, take my advice and step out in your own fabulous pink tutu and dance to the city's intoxicating rhythm! It will undoubtedly be the most magical trip of your life!

So until next week's adventures, remember: Life is about living in the moment, embracing the sparkle, and, most importantly, always wearing your own unique flair!

Until next Monday, remember, stay true to your pink, dance your heart out, and, if you're ever in New York City, keep your eyes peeled for a ballerina in pink, always ready to twirl her way into the night.

And don't forget: If you haven't already, subscribe to, my personal pink paradise, for more exciting adventures in pink tutus!

See you next week!

Love and pink tutu magic,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-06-14 she danced in New York City