New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-06-21 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #785 - Dancing Through the Big Apple! 🩰🗽

Hello, my darling readers! It's Monday, which means it's time for a new Pink Tutu Blog post! This week, I'm bubbling with excitement as I whisk you all away on a whirlwind tour of my latest adventure – New York City!

As always, I'm keeping things totally Pink Tutu Chic, and trust me, this city is an absolute dream for any ballet-loving, fashion-obsessed soul like myself. From iconic shows and stunning ballet classes to the bustling streets overflowing with style inspiration, I'm practically skipping with joy!

This week has been all about the thrill of discovery - experiencing the magic of Broadway, indulging in the latest trends at top NYC boutiques, and exploring the heart of this captivating city. So grab your favourite cuppa, slip into your fanciest outfit (and maybe even your own little pink tutu!) and let me whisk you away on a truly fabulous journey!

Tutu-tastic Tuesdays: Ballet Bliss in NYC

It’s amazing what a tutu can get you. In my case, I am travelling the world, one ballet show at a time. Tuesday began with the exhilarating buzz of a bustling Broadway stage! I absolutely love the feeling of anticipation before the curtain goes up, knowing you are about to be transported to another world of dance, drama, and beauty. It’s no wonder I’ve had a season ticket for The Royal Ballet in London for as long as I can remember! I even convinced Mum and Dad to become members too. They are big fans of ballet, especially Daddy, I think he fancies himself a ballet dancer.

The New York ballet scene didn’t disappoint – it was truly extraordinary. My performance tonight is with a group called "The NY City Ballerinas," and they’re known for pushing the boundaries with stunning choreography and avant-garde designs. My costume was an absolute dream – a cascading pink tutu with glittering sequins, of course! 😉

As a professional dancer, it’s an incredible honour to grace the New York stage, and as an absolute shopaholic, the performance was in a truly gorgeous theatre! Imagine a lavish setting with exquisite chandeliers sparkling above a plush red velvet curtain – absolutely breath-taking. But the real stars of the show are the dancers themselves, their bodies moving like poetry in motion. I was absolutely captivated – their grace and power, their passion and emotion – it truly transported me to another realm.

Wednesday Shopping Spree: A Pink Paradise in Manhattan

Following my big night in the ballet world, I thought I deserved a little shopping spree to replenish my wardrobe with some fresh New York fashion. It's a must-do in any Pink Tutu blogger’s itinerary, right?! So, on Wednesday morning, I hit the shops!

The sheer number of boutiques was dizzying! It's no surprise this city is famous for its fashion! But of course, as a true pink enthusiast, I couldn't help myself and dove into the world of feminine hues and elegant fabrics.

One of the most wonderful boutiques was "Fuchsia Fantasies" – it was like stepping into a sugary dream. Pink on pink on pink! I fell head over heels for a gorgeous silk dress with an exquisite lace overlay, the perfect choice for my next big ballet night, don't you think?

Then, I wandered down to the chic streets of SoHo and discovered a charming vintage store called "The Vintage Ballerina". I found myself surrounded by a collection of enchanting pieces from another era – *tulle skirts, delicate bodices, and oh-so-chic gloves! They were absolutely divine! I couldn't leave without an ethereal-looking, vintage pink hat with a *sweet little veil that cascaded down to my shoulders – what a statement piece for my evening out at the theatre!

By the end of the day, my bag was overflowing with beautiful treasures, my bank account was a little lighter, and I felt totally refreshed and ready for an exciting night at the opera. You see, fashion is truly a form of art!

Opera Extravaganza: The Magic of Broadway!

Wednesday night meant it was time to experience the legendary Broadway magic! New York City, especially Broadway, has so much to offer! My evening started at “Carmine's Italian Restaurant," a hidden gem in Times Square. We tucked into huge portions of Italian delicacies - mouth-watering pastas, pizzas and salads - it's definitely an experience you should treat yourself to if you find yourself here!

But the real star of the show was the opera. This time, I was seeing a production of La Bohème, and I'd heard amazing things about this opera.

There was such a passion, a raw emotion in their voices. I lost myself in the beautiful music and poignant storyline. It was such an enriching experience. The stage design was captivating, and the costumes were breathtaking! The entire experience was an explosion of beauty and emotion. It really hit home why so many say Broadway is the "World’s Most Famous Street."

The atmosphere was exhilarating! The city outside my window seemed to hold its breath, as if mesmerised by the beautiful melodies, creating a real connection between the city and the art inside. What an absolute dream!

Thursday Tango: A Rhythm of Life! 💃

It was back to dancing for Thursday - not quite ballet, but very captivating! It is amazing the types of dancing and theatrical shows on in NYC - it is truly a dance mecca! I spent the morning learning to tango, my heart racing with every swirling turn and seductive hip movement! A delightful gentleman named Armando introduced me to the elegant steps of tango - a sensual and rhythmic dance filled with grace, passion, and drama - which actually turned out to be much more demanding than I expected! But oh so rewarding! It’s easy to see how dancing can be a form of art, but learning about other forms of dance, especially a tango lesson in New York, really brought this home.

After our session, I explored some of the charming backstreets of Brooklyn. The vintage shops in Williamsburg, with their charming displays, had me falling in love with old fashion finds - perfect inspiration for future outfits, you can bet on that! Brooklyn is also renowned for its delicious eateries, especially for authentic New York pizzas. The crust is super crispy, the toppings bursting with flavour! It was truly a gastronomic delight! I devoured a slice of pepperoni and pineapple while admiring the unique architecture of the area – absolutely a must-see when you visit New York! I love New York and Brooklyn and hope I can get back soon!

Friday Frills and Fabulous Fashions: A Shopping Trip and a Glamorous Show

Friday was an exciting day, and one that really epitomizes what New York is all about – fashion! I made my way down to 5th Avenue for a spot of shopping, a quintessential New York City activity.

It's easy to get caught up in the dazzling fashion displays on this iconic street, which feels almost a like a fairytaleland for those obsessed with beautiful outfits and everything about style. The world’s best designer shops were right there at my fingertips. What more could a Pink Tutu blogger want?!

After indulging in some delightful window shopping (and maybe a couple of purchases too 😉) I decided to grab a coffee from a cozy little cafe. But when I say cozy, I meant truly quaint - a little hole-in-the-wall tucked away on a quiet side street. I love how NYC has such a wide mix of atmospheres.

For a change, I was going to see an off-Broadway show on Friday evening, rather than a traditional theatre production, at "The Joyce Theatre". As I walked into the theatre, I couldn’t help but think “Oh my! This is such a magical world to be in. I love New York.”

The atmosphere inside the theatre felt so special and unique, like you were in a sacred space devoted to creative art, where stories unfolded with every note of music. There was an electrifying energy in the air that was impossible to ignore!

A group of young, aspiring dancers captivated the audience. This intimate theatre gave the show a different energy than a large broadway performance - the performers seemed to connect more directly with the audience - which is something that only a small, more personal, venue can do. I found myself drawn to the way each dancer conveyed such incredible depth and feeling with every movement - so inspiring! And the show’s focus on expressing contemporary ideas in a stunning choreographed display had me mesmerised from the first beat to the last!

I really do love this part of my life! This travelling blogger/performer life gives me the best mix of travel, art, food and fashion - who would trade this for anything!

Saturday Serenades: Discovering New York's hidden Musical Gems

Saturday began with me enjoying a fantastic New York City breakfast at a vintage diner called "The Lucky Penny," known for their quirky retro decor. And what did they serve me with my scrambled eggs and toast? You guessed it - a delicious milkshake with a pink-frosted strawberry for garnish, naturally! 😉

Of course, no day in New York is complete without a visit to Central Park! This park really is such an enchanting, tranquil oasis in the middle of a fast-paced city – and the perfect place to soak up some sun on a Saturday afternoon!

On this glorious day, I wandered amongst its trees and flower beds, finding a delightful spot near the park's bandstand, ready to enjoy a little bit of outdoor live music. It’s so lovely when the music drifts around the trees and onto the crowds enjoying the sunshine. I love the New York spirit that embraces and celebrates music, art, and creativity!

Then I explored the world of Central Park - which is so vast, and took me for a refreshing wander along a cobbled pathway. It’s so beautiful - and the perfect setting to relax and watch the hustle and bustle of this fantastic city!

After a rejuvenating day in Central Park, I ended the night at a jazz bar in Harlem that oozed with an authentic New York vibe. The music, oh, it was intoxicating - so rich and sensual. The crowd was all sorts of ages, all lost in the magic of this captivating genre!

I left Harlem completely inspired. It is always great to get a dose of New York soul, and jazz is a major part of that. It reminds me, too, that every place has its own stories to tell, its own character, and there is so much more to explore beyond the surface. This is what inspires my travels - learning about different cultures and ways of life.

Sunday Sights & Strolls: The Empire State Building, an NYC Icon

Sunday began with a typical London breakfast, which was easy to find in New York - scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and avocado! And lots of strong black coffee - essential!

For my Sunday excursion, I chose to check out the iconic Empire State Building - and let’s be honest, no visit to New York is complete without this on your to-do list! It was truly breath-taking. This majestic building - with its sharp edges cutting through the clouds, it stands tall as a testament to the ingenuity and artistry of mankind, so grand and powerful and so wonderfully unique.

But the view from the top - the sight of Manhattan spreading before you, it took my breath away! It felt like I was on top of the world – and as a dancer, who wouldn’t want that feeling?! It was truly awe-inspiring, the streets snaking down below like a vibrant tapestry of humanity. The whole scene felt exhilarating!

But enough about my weekend of amazing experiences! There is much more I could tell you about New York. A journey this amazing is worthy of at least ten blogs posts - which is how long it is going to take for me to process my adventures, find all my snaps and put my feelings into words.

What makes a visit to NYC even more wonderful? The feeling of being surrounded by such vibrant energy. This city pulses with life and ambition – from the bustling streets to the creative energy radiating from every corner, from the incredible shops and restaurants, to the amazing theatre and dance scene - it was all an exhilarating and enchanting adventure that is sure to stay in my heart for a long time.

I hope you've enjoyed my Pink Tutu Blog NYC adventures. This has been one for the memory book!

Now I am back home in England. It’s lovely to be back, but I have a big performance coming up - and a feeling that my travels aren't over. I have a little something coming up soon. More about that next week!

As always, you can follow all my Pink Tutu travels and experiences via the website. I post each week on a Monday, so look out for a new blog! My other ballet blogs are under the 'Travel Blogs' link, so have a good read, my darlings!

Don't forget - always, always embrace your inner pink tutu girl, and remember – dance like nobody's watching!


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-06-21 she danced in New York City