New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-09-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #798 – Dancing My Way Through The Big Apple!

Monday 2010-09-20

Hey everyone! It’s Emma, your pink tutu-clad blogger, back with another dose of NYC magic! I know it’s been a week, but trust me, I’ve been living a whirlwind of a life here in the city that never sleeps. This week has been all about embracing the city’s rhythm – from the smooth glide of a metro train to the quick-steps of street performers.

But first, let’s chat about what got me to the Big Apple this time: a fabulous opportunity to perform with a small, but brilliant ballet troupe. I love performing – it's a feeling that makes my heart sing. The excitement of the lights, the hushed audience, the moment before the curtain rises – it’s truly magical. This time, it’s the beautiful and historic Carnegie Hall that has me buzzing. Talk about an iconic venue!

I can't reveal the secrets of the performance yet, but let’s just say it involves pirouettes, pointe shoes and lots and lots of pink. Yep, even a prestigious venue like Carnegie Hall is ready for a touch of the Pink Tutu magic. And to celebrate my time in the Big Apple, I’m actually wearing a new tutu. Yes, another one! This time, a shimmering, sparkly affair, designed with an ethereal cloud-like fabric. I mean, when you’re in NYC, why not go all out, right?

But enough about my dazzling performances – this post is all about how I'm soaking up the NYC atmosphere between rehearsals! Let’s be honest, even for someone as devoted to ballet as I am, New York's infectious energy is something you just have to experience. So, let's step into my New York diary!

Subway Style:

The first stop on my adventure? The Metro. Now, anyone who knows me knows I'm a huge fan of public transport. But honestly, the New York metro is a thing of beauty. The clanging, the echoes, the bustle, and of course, the opportunity to observe the fascinating range of people – it's like a human kaleidoscope. I mean, who knew so many amazing, out-of-the-box styles would exist in one place? From vintage pin-up girls to gothic rockers and trendy, neon-hued fashionistas, it’s a never-ending parade of sartorial inspiration. Of course, my own pink tutu is always on show! Who needs a regular subway map when you can just float past everyone with your whimsical attire, leaving a trail of sparkles in your wake? It makes my heart flutter with every "OMG, she’s wearing a tutu" or “I love that tutu” that gets shouted from a train seat.

Fashion Frenzy:

Since my trip here coincides with New York Fashion Week, you better believe I’m taking advantage of the scene! The atmosphere is electrifying. I mean, imagine yourself standing in line outside a show venue alongside street-style photographers and international fashion editors. And imagine it, it’s a world-renowned fashion event, and there’s me, your ordinary (yet slightly flamboyant) tutu-wearing girl from Derbyshire! Talk about a culture clash, but hey, we all gotta find our own spotlight! I actually stumbled upon a show on Friday, and let me tell you, the outfits were amazing! We're talking futuristic metallics, vibrant textures, and some incredible statement shoes that would make even a seasoned dancer gasp. As much as I adore ballet, it's amazing how the world of fashion just keeps pushing the boundaries of imagination!

Dancing With The Stars:

Naturally, while I'm in the Big Apple, there’s gotta be some ballet going on. This city truly has it all when it comes to the arts. Last night, I found myself at the Broadway Dance Center. It’s one of those places that just resonates with energy. I felt so inspired! They’re running a super-intense, week-long workshop on Broadway style dance. Imagine, combining all those moves and stage presence you learn in ballet with the flair of a Broadway performance. The teacher, a legend in his own right, was just fantastic – tough, demanding but totally inspiring. You just know that these dancers are going to be incredible one day. Seeing them with such passion for their art is amazing. You can literally feel the electricity as they move, the way they control their bodies, it's hypnotic.

Seeing The Shows:

On Sunday night, my little ballerina heart was touched by another amazing production: “Chicago” on Broadway. There's nothing like a musical, full of vibrant characters and powerful vocals, to transport you to another world. It’s funny how the world of theatre reflects real life. "Chicago" tackles some pretty controversial themes with dark humor, which, as it turns out, makes it an incredibly captivating experience. It was the kind of show that makes you think about the world around you, in a playful, thought-provoking way. I may have been in the front row, and trust me, I danced my way through those numbers all night. I also discovered an amazing Broadway costume shop tucked away in a quiet alley. Now, don’t tell anyone but I found myself surrounded by elaborate costumes - velvet, feathers, and a magnificent crown - the stuff of fairy tales! It’s actually one of my dream wishes to one day create my own bespoke costume design company for stage, and seeing the craftsmanship in this Broadway store had my inner artist screaming with excitement!

New York Treats:

Of course, a trip to New York is incomplete without a slice of its iconic pizza and a slice of the city's vibrant culture. So, I’ve been indulging my inner foodie - I mean, a tutu girl’s gotta eat, right? The pizzas here are divine! Crispy thin crust, rich tomato sauce, gooey mozzarella, the aroma alone could melt the iciest of ballet hearts. And the bagels - OMG, don’t get me started. Those toasted poppyseed bagels are absolute heaven. There’s also a bakery on my street where the most glorious pastel-coloured cakes line the windows - definitely adding some sweetness to my life! But it’s the way everyone, from the deli owners to the cab drivers, seems to greet you with a "Good morning!" and "Enjoy your day" that fills me with warmth. It’s like a little slice of home, right here in the Big Apple. I've definitely embraced the 'I-don't-know-what's-going-to-happen-next' excitement that comes with being in New York.

Pink Tutu Inspiration:

As I look out of my hotel room window, a world of vibrant colours, swirling energy, and pulsating life flows below me. There's no doubt – New York truly is the city that never sleeps! Every turn, every corner, every fleeting glance, is brimming with possibility. The city seems to be whispering a little something to my inner tutu-clad dreamer. This week, I have learned the art of pushing beyond your comfort zone, taking the chance to be your most flamboyant self, and just embracing life as it unfolds around you! It’s an exhilarating feeling to be surrounded by people who dare to be bold, unique, and undeniably themselves. And that, my dear readers, is what I find to be most beautiful about this city. So, next time you're walking down the street and feel that urge to put on your fanciest attire and make a statement, go for it! Be bold. Be you! That’s exactly what I plan on doing. It’s that bold, spirited New York attitude that I’ll be carrying back with me to the UK. And it might even inspire me to write a ballet routine! Who knows what exciting plans the future holds. But until then, remember this:

*There’s a pink tutu waiting for you. Let your inner dancer shine! *

Until next week, sending all my love and sparkles from New York City.

P.S. I’ll be sure to post photos from my performance at Carnegie Hall!

Love, Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-09-20 she danced in New York City