New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-09-27 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: New York, New York! (Post 799)

Monday, 2010-09-27

Hello darlings! I hope this post finds you all twirling in happiness. This week I'm bringing you a whirlwind tour of New York City! You see, your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina embarked on an adventure last week, flying over from my quaint home in Derbyshire to the Big Apple! Can you imagine? I in New York City, the city that never sleeps, where dreams come true and everyone, I swear, is fabulous!

Let me tell you, arriving in the heart of Manhattan was simply magic. I emerged from the subway, and I could hardly believe my eyes - the vibrant streets, the yellow cabs, the endless towers stretching up to the heavens! My eyes widened, my toes tap-danced with excitement, and yes, even this old ballerina squealed a little.

I'm staying at the most adorable hotel near Times Square. You know how I am about interiors, darling! It's all chandeliers and marble, fluffy carpets and floral wallpaper. Pure Victorian fantasy! They even have a pink-tutu-shaped cushion in the lobby! My dreams are finally coming true!

The very first thing I did? You'll never guess… Shopping of course! This city is a shopaholic's paradise. Bloomingdale's is a wonderland! And Saks Fifth Avenue is positively decadent! I bought the most gorgeous silk scarf with a delicate floral print for my mum, and treated myself to a pair of vintage ruby red pumps - just the thing to give my New York look that extra oomph!

And then… the theatre! You all know I can't resist a good Broadway show. The play was an absolute delight - think glitz and glam, swirling costumes, and a touch of cheeky comedy. It left me grinning from ear to ear and craving some champagne, so we hopped into a cab and headed to a cozy speakeasy bar that my friend recommended. What a fab time!

Speaking of my friend, dear Millie, the most talented ballerina you ever did meet, joined me for a delightful dinner at the most charming Italian restaurant you ever did see! Imagine, me surrounded by twinkling lights, devouring creamy pasta and discussing all things fashion, while Millie, a vision in her stunning scarlet gown, dazzles everyone with her incredible stories of ballet performances.

This is what New York is all about! The excitement, the unexpected, the sense of discovery. I spent the next day exploring the city, taking in the energy of the bustling streets. The city has such a history - it just hums with tales of bygone days and the dreams of those who paved the way for modern New York. I particularly loved walking through Central Park - the perfect escape from the concrete jungle, a spot to relax and feel that fresh air against your face!

On Friday evening, my adventure took me to the world-famous Metropolitan Opera House for a night of classic ballet. I'd finally gotten my hands on tickets for a performance of Giselle – how could I miss such a spectacle? And it was breathtaking! The graceful dancers, the opulent sets, the beautiful music… I felt like I was floating in a dream. It was even more special knowing that I had earned those tickets by performing a series of ballets in England!

Saturday was a whirlwind of activity. First, a ballet class in a cosy little studio right off Broadway, taught by an incredibly encouraging and knowledgeable instructor. The class was amazing! And my tutu – of course it was pink, but this one had delicate black polka dots – got so many admiring glances. It always makes me happy when I see those “I love your tutu!” smiles on other people's faces.

Afterward, we took a leisurely walk to Union Square Greenmarket, browsing the stalls overflowing with colorful produce and hand-crafted goods. You won't believe what I found - a set of gorgeous teacups with little pink flowers on them! They will look divine on my pink-tutu-themed tea party next month!

Saturday night saw me back in the theatre, this time for a rousing performance of West Side Story! The music was so inspiring, the energy electrifying, and the story moved me deeply. My heart was overflowing with emotions as I watched those incredibly talented dancers share their stories on stage!

On Sunday, I found myself at a vintage clothes shop, hunting for that perfect outfit for a ballet performance in the park later this week. Imagine a performance under the big city sky! It's going to be magical, especially with my new turquoise velvet beret, a new accessory I spotted in a street vendor’s stall. I just had to have it!

This afternoon I'm venturing to Coney Island! I've been hearing so much about it, the rollercoaster rides, the salty sea air… And of course, the iconic Ferris wheel! My pink tutu might make a bit of a statement on a rollercoaster, but that’s what makes life interesting, darling. Don’t you think?

New York, New York, you have captured my heart. It's exhilarating, electrifying, and utterly charming, just like me in my pink tutu!

So until next week, darling readers, be sure to wear something that makes you feel happy and full of life. Maybe a little pink tutu, perhaps? And remember, even though it’s all about the journey, remember to stop, breathe in, and savor the moments!

Much love and happy twirling,

P.S. I’ve already posted several photos from this fabulous adventure to the website. You must check them out!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-09-27 she danced in New York City