New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-10-04 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC - Post #800 - She Danced in New York City!

Monday, October 4th, 2010

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, here, and I'm writing to you from the most fabulous city in the world: New York City!

As you know, I adore travelling, and after all the excitement of my European tour, it was time to cross another item off my bucket list - a proper visit to the Big Apple! And wouldn't you know it, it just so happened to coincide with some rather delightful ballet performances. Oh, the excitement!

This week has been a whirlwind of glitter and twirling, a kaleidoscope of Broadway shows and ballet classes, a marathon of shopping and subway rides, all wrapped up in a perfect little pink tutu bow.

From Derbyshire to Broadway

Landing in New York was a little like stepping into one of my favourite ballet fantasies. Everything was buzzing, every corner seemed to be bursting with life, with honking taxis, street performers, and oh-so-fashionable New Yorkers hurrying by. It was electric! I must admit, it was a little overwhelming at first. So much to see, so much to do, so many pink tutu opportunities to be explored!

As always, the first thing I did was head straight to my favourite department store, of course. New York is a shopping paradise! It took all my willpower to stop myself from buying every single glittery top and sequinned skirt they had in the whole place! But, my darlings, you'll be seeing some amazing new purchases in my next few posts, I can promise you that. After all, how can one be a fabulous pink tutu ballerina without a fabulous wardrobe?

A Night of Stars at the Met

Later that evening, I treated myself to a divine experience: a ballet performance at the Metropolitan Opera House. I mean, come on, who can resist a bit of classic ballet? And in New York? My lovelies, it was exquisite!

Imagine the opulence. The grand red velvet seats, the ornate chandeliers twinkling overhead, and the palpable energy in the air, almost making the stage sway beneath the graceful dancers. I practically forgot to breathe during the entire performance! The dancing was a dream come true. The choreography, breathtaking, and the costumes, absolutely divine. There was one particular ballerina who reminded me so much of my younger self – such raw talent, such captivating emotion in her every movement. I was absolutely mesmerized. And of course, I'll be sharing all the details, all the exciting little nuggets from the evening, in my next post!

Dancing My Heart Out

But it wasn't all about admiring professional dancers! You know me, my lovelies, I just can't resist a little bit of twirling myself. And in New York, well, that was almost impossible to resist! I made sure to squeeze in some classes at a delightful little ballet studio nestled right in the heart of Greenwich Village. It's one of those secret little places only the locals seem to know about. I loved it! It felt so authentic, so very New York, and the dancers there were some of the friendliest people I've ever met. I even tried my hand at a bit of street ballet in a local park, just for a bit of fun, of course! Imagine, me in my pink tutu, waltzing amongst the pigeons and the tourists. Pure magic, my darlings, pure magic!

Exploring the Subway

Let me tell you, navigating the New York subway is an adventure in itself! It's not quite as glamorous as hopping on a vintage carriage in London, I must say. It's quite a challenge to squeeze yourself onto the train at rush hour with a big, poufy tutu, I assure you! But honestly, I wouldn't have missed it for the world. There's something magical about those tunnels, those crowds, and the constant rush of energy that sweeps you along with it. And, you know, it’s not without its own charm!

New York in Pink Tutu Hues

Now, let me tell you about the sights I saw, my lovelies! It’s just as magical as everyone says. Walking the streets, admiring the skyscrapers reaching for the clouds, the yellow taxis honking their horns, Central Park looking so serene and lush even in autumn, and the beautiful brownstone buildings lining the avenues – everything seemed to shine even brighter, everything had a little more pizazz.

And naturally, everything in New York was pink-tutu-friendly! The shops, the restaurants, the cafes - it was as if the entire city had been dipped in a magical potion of pink and tulle. My pink tutu really was at home here! I was absolutely ecstatic.

A Wish and a Dream

As I sit here writing this, with the vibrant city lights twinkling through my window, I can’t help but think that this journey is a true reflection of what I love most. I've fallen even more in love with dancing, and the beauty of sharing this journey with you all, sharing it through my blog, my pink tutus, and of course, through the joy of spreading some sparkle. It truly fills my heart with such joy!

One day, my dearest lovelies, I want to share this magic, this joy, with every single person on the planet. Just imagine, a world where everyone gets to experience the joy of dancing in a pink tutu. Wouldn’t that be amazing? I know it sounds a little crazy, but I dream big! After all, anything is possible when you have a pink tutu on!

That’s all for now my dears, Stay tuned for more fun in my next post, full of more ballet details, new clothes, and fabulous photos, all taken straight from the heart of New York City!

Until next time,

With much love,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-10-04 she danced in New York City