
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-10-11 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC - Monday 11th October 2010 (Post #801)

Oh, New York! I am back in the Big Apple, my favourite city in the whole world, for another exciting week! It feels like home to me now, which is slightly terrifying, seeing as Iā€™m a Derbyshire lass at heart. But thereā€™s something about this concrete jungle that makes me feel alive, a thrill buzzing in my veins. And, of course, Iā€™m here to do what I do best - spin, twirl, and wear pink!

From the Tube to the Subway

My journey to New York was a whirl! Flying in on Friday evening, I arrived feeling just a bit weary, but once I stepped out of JFK into that heady air of anticipation, I knew I was home. Stepping onto the subway was such a joyous event. Itā€™s such a marvel, you know? This network of underground transport, filled with millions of stories, bustling with a kind of life I find truly captivating. As I watched the street scenes fly by, I felt a huge sense of exhilaration ā€“ I was back, and my adventures were about to begin!

Taking Broadway by Storm (In Pink!)

The first night, my dearest friend Mary took me to see ā€œShrek The Musical.ā€ Now, you might think a big, green ogre in a Broadway show wouldnā€™t be my thing. But the production was sheer genius, it was just SO full of colour and excitement! The music was toe-tapping, the acting brilliant, and I had an absolute blast.

As Mary will tell you, the highlight of the evening for me, however, was my outfit. My trusty pink tutu (naturally) teamed with a sassy sequined top and some glittery pink heels, was the perfect way to brighten up that Broadway crowd. My pink was a splash of joy amongst the darkness, just the perfect accent for a show so full of magic. A few heads turned, and several wide-eyed youngsters were heard excitedly exclaiming ā€œLook at that pink tutu!ā€

That, my dears, is exactly the reaction I aim for.

Dancing Up a Storm in a NYC Studio

Of course, whatā€™s a trip to New York without a visit to a ballet studio? On Saturday, I managed to sneak in a couple of hours at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. I have to say, my heart almost burst out of my chest. Itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve done a proper class in such an inspiring environment, and it was an absolute joy to be amongst dancers with so much raw talent. I could have stayed there for hours, simply watching and soaking it all in. Even with my trusty pink tutu causing quite a stir, I received such friendly encouragement and welcoming smiles. It felt like being part of a wonderful dance family, one where my pink tutus were accepted, embraced even.

Exploring the City that Never Sleeps

The next morning, my friend Sarah and I set off on a day of sightseeing, a classic "New York in a day" mission. We started off at the Rockefeller Center, gawking at the magnificent skyscrapers, before catching the metro down to Central Park. A haven of green in the middle of this concrete jungle, the park was overflowing with sunshine, picnics, and joggers ā€“ a perfect slice of nature within a truly fascinating city.

I couldnā€™t resist a moment for a photo op - twirling under the iconic Central Park Archway, of course. Sarah just shook her head and sighed, saying, "Emma, you truly live for the Instagram!ā€ Itā€™s true, I love capturing the moment, spreading the love of tutus and dance everywhere I go! The afternoon saw us exploring Times Square, a kaleidoscope of neon and bright lights. Even with the crowds, itā€™s hard not to be impressed by the sheer scale and energy of the place.

Of course, no trip to New York is complete without some serious shopping. And for me, it wasnā€™t just any shopping trip, it was a quest for the perfect pink. I was determined to find some new additions to my wardrobe for my London shows this month, a touch of New York pizzazz! Fifth Avenue, you were just what the doctor ordered. I'll admit I went a bit wild - some beautiful, pastel-pink, flowy silk tops, a pair of dazzling fuchsia stilettos and a bright pink feather boa, to add a little extra sparkle to my performances. It's hard to be disciplined when pink beckons!

A Day at the Theatre

That evening, Mary and I ventured to the theater district once more, for a matinee showing of "Annie". Now, this production is just timeless, right? Thereā€™s nothing quite like a feel-good musical for putting a little extra sunshine in your day. I especially loved all the little orphan girls with their little faces filled with wonder, it just reminded me of the time when ballet captured my heart. And I knew, just knew, those little girls might just see a pink-tutu-wearing ballerina on stage, and feel that same excitement surge through them. That is the beauty of performance, that shared magic, the wonder we create in one another.

The Power of the Pink Tutu

I spent the rest of the weekend enjoying the sights, soaking up the atmosphere, and, of course, spinning a bit of tutu magic. A woman in the park even stopped me to ask if I was a ballerina! I told her about my blog and my mission ā€“ thatā€™s right, to make the world a more colourful and joyful place, one pink tutu at a time. I even gave her some advice on how to twirl her skirt in the most elegant way! You canā€™t leave the pink tutu magic bottled up, it has to flow.

On my walk home from the theatre that night, I saw two girls looking at my tutu with a mix of admiration and amusement. As we passed each other, they shyly asked me, "Is that, like, your uniform?"

I chuckled, "It's more than a uniform, ladies! It's a symbol of joy, a reminder to embrace life with passion and a touch of whimsy. You know, just be your best, pink tutu-tastic selves!"

A Slice of Pizza Perfection

Every day in New York ends with a delicious slice of pizza, so naturally, I indulged. I have to say, a giant slice of New York pizza topped with extra pepperoni is truly an experience in itself, I must tell you, it really was heaven! I devoured it whilst sitting on a park bench, listening to the music drifting from a nearby street musician, feeling blissfully happy.

And now, here I am in my hotel room, in New York City, writing about all this excitement, my fingers itching to get on the next blog post. The pink tutu life truly is amazing. It's a world full of fun, colour, and magic, and the best thing about it? You're never alone. There are so many people who share my love of ballet and all things sparkly. We might not always know it, but we're connected by the passion that makes the world a little brighter.

And letā€™s be honest, with all the craziness in the world, wouldn't it be delightful if we all put on a pink tutu once in a while, twirled with abandon, and let out a little laughter?

Well, thatā€™s it from New York!

See you all back here next Monday!

Until then,

Go forth and twirl!

Emma (from the pink-tutu.com) xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-10-11 she danced in New York City