New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-01-03 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 3rd January 2011 - Post Number 813

Hello my lovely Tutu Twirlers!

I'm so excited to be back in the Big Apple after my festive frolicking back home in Derbyshire. The air here is crisp and the snow is still twinkling on the ground, and the whole city is humming with that post-holiday energy. It's like everyone is recharged and ready to embrace a brand new year. And you know what that means? MORE PINK TUTU ADVENTURES!

I've missed New York so much, and I just couldn't wait to get back and see what dazzling things awaited. It's been a long time since I’ve danced in these streets, and the feeling of arriving on that subway platform after a journey on the A-Train from JFK…well, let’s just say it’s a magical feeling I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Now, you may be thinking, "Emma, wasn't it just Christmas? Are you already tired of the festive season?" But honestly, for a tutu-loving gal like myself, every day is an opportunity for a new kind of festive celebration! There's no season too special or ordinary that can’t be enjoyed with a bit of pink tutu magic. And this year, with a whole year stretching before us, I have all sorts of sparkly adventures in mind!

But first things first: where’s a girl going to get a bite to eat? It’s a big old question, isn't it? In the bustling metropolis that is New York, you have your pick of a thousand cafes, diners, restaurants and food stands – all vying for your custom. This week I’m feeling a touch fancy, so I think a visit to Balthazar in SoHo is on the cards. A little light and elegant French food with some of the best Parisian-style bread is just what the doctor ordered after the indulgences of the festive season. And, of course, I shall be adding a generous sprinkle of pink tutu glamour to proceedings – after all, even a simple croissant can be transformed with a touch of whimsical chic!

Pink Tutu Ballet Bliss

Speaking of whimsy, how could I forget to talk about ballet? The New York dance scene is one of the most vibrant in the world, and I am just a little bit obsessed with it! My ballet boots are itching to dance the night away. And what better way to celebrate my return to the city than with a show?

Tonight, I'm heading to see The Nutcracker at the New York City Ballet. The December performance dates may be gone, but they just couldn't keep a classic like The Nutcracker from running year-round, could they? It’s such a charming, timeless story with incredible choreography, and every time I watch it I feel a little bit like a child again, swept away by the magic of the season. Maybe there will even be a few audience members brave enough to don their own tutus - I certainly wouldn't be surprised to see a fellow tutu lover in the audience!

Shop ’til You Drop: Tutu Style

Before I get my ballerina shoes on and hit the theatre, there’s just time for a little retail therapy. My dear friend Alice always says a good shopping trip can be a mood lifter and I find I can’t resist a little peek into the shop windows as I walk. I don’t know why but when it comes to retail therapy, Fifth Avenue just can't be beat. Maybe it's the famous Fifth Avenue flagship stores with their grand displays. Maybe it's the people-watching; some of them, bless their cotton socks, have fashion sense so daring it would leave even the most fearless fashionista weak at the knees. Or perhaps it's just the general sense of possibility, of knowing that anything and everything you desire can be found right there on that avenue. Maybe it's all of these things rolled into one glorious, sartorial dream!

While it’s hard to beat Fifth Avenue, I am finding that in the wake of Christmas sales I’m loving a wander around Chelsea Market and Chelsea Piers – their independent shops and artisan markets make for a fun afternoon. And let’s not forget those iconic Lower East Side vintage clothing stores where you can discover treasures just begging to be revitalized and, you guessed it, sprinkled with some pink tutu charm.

After all, finding the perfect piece of clothing is much more than simply a practical necessity, right? For a tutu-loving girl like myself, it’s an art form! I think it’s almost as exciting as finding the perfect outfit as knowing where it is going to be seen. The right location is as important as the right dress! The art of wearing the right outfit in the right location is something that just can’t be rushed. I guess it’s a matter of having the right kind of sartorial instinct. It’s definitely all part of the magic of ballet, right?

Speaking of magic and fashion, did you know that this Wednesday sees the first night of Rodarte on Broadway? The legendary Rodarte has been creating theatrical masterpieces on the runway for a number of years and now their art is finally making its way to the New York stage. They say this is an immersive spectacle full of surreal fashion statements, so needless to say I am planning to wear a full tutu look with just the right balance of quirky and classic to create a look that really stands out from the crowd! This is going to be a night of high fashion, high-art and high-fashion theatricality, and let’s face it, this is something of a must-see for a ballet-loving, pink-tutu-wearing, fashion-obsessed girl like myself!

I just love New York! But enough about my sartorial plans for the week. Let’s get back to the essentials:

Sharing The Tutu Love: The World According to Pink Tutu

Did you see what I did there? ‘Sharing the tutu love’? That’s just what this blog is all about, my little Tutu Twirlers. Each week, I am trying to share my adventures in New York, spread the pink tutu message and hopefully inspire you to embrace a bit of whimsical fun in your own life! After all, why not dress up and twirl like nobody’s watching? The world needs more tutu love and kindness, and that’s why I've always encouraged people to let their tutus out, go out into the world, dance, and twirl!

Because my dear friends, a tutu can be much more than just a garment. It’s an attitude, an embodiment of joyful confidence, and a celebration of the unique beauty of each and every individual. Just take a look at what happened to me!

Remember that day in Paris, when I dared to wear my pink tutu in front of the Eiffel Tower? I was absolutely terrified – after all, it’s a landmark in one of the most fashionable cities in the world. What if people laughed at me? But guess what? People loved it! A gaggle of tourists clapped and cheered, some little girls begged for a photo, a street artist even captured the moment on his canvas. I felt so embraced and accepted, and most of all, like I was contributing to making the world a happier and more sparkly place! There are many of us out there who love this amazing way of life! My tutu truly is my emblem, and I will always hold that moment close to my heart because it made me realise how powerful the pink tutu message can truly be.

I’d love to know what makes you guys happy, what gets your toes tapping and your spirits soaring! What’s your go-to for feeling a little more pink-tutu-chic? Do tell, my dear friends!

Pink Tutu In The Metro

This week, before I end this little chat with you all, let's just say the train rides in and out of the city are a source of constant entertainment. Some of the most creative characters I meet come face-to-face on the train – some of them wearing elaborate clothing which makes me feel quite chic! Let’s face it, in the depths of winter the subway system really becomes a melting pot of sorts, bringing together so many unique individuals from all walks of life. It is where I find my inspiration. It is my muse!

Remember to tune in next Monday, my little Tutu Twirlers. I have so much planned and I am going to share it all with you. Happy Tutu twirling!

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-01-03 she danced in New York City