
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-01-10 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC - Monday 10th January 2011: New York, New York!

Post Number 814! (Goodness, time really flies!)

Hello my gorgeous pink-loving Tutu Tribe! Well, I did it! I finally touched down in the Big Apple! The bustling energy of New York City hit me like a tidal wave, and I can already feel it's going to be a whirl of exciting adventures.

Just imagine it: A little ballerina from Derbyshire, England, strutting through the heart of Manhattan, twirling through the streets, and ...well... obviously, you're all thinking itā€¦ Yes! Wearing a bright pink tutu!

Let's be honest, who needs a subway map when you have a big pink tutu? Itā€™s a natural compass ā€“ people simply cannot miss it! I swear, the moment I stepped out of Penn Station with my bag of sparkling tulle, a smile lit up every face around me! This city loves a touch of fun and fabulous.

It's not easy, juggling being a professional ballerina and finding time to chase my dream of pinkifying the whole world. But it all comes together because, like the magic of ballet itself, when you follow your passion, the pieces just fall into place!

My current performance contract with the City Ballet took me right to New York. But, with my savings from those elegant pirouettes and grand jetĆ©s, Iā€™m going to make sure my trip is a total ballet bonanza!

Speaking of ballerinas, oh darling, what an absolutely fantastic treat I have for you this week! The first thing on my list of must-doā€™s in New York? Well, I'm kicking things off with a spectacular performance by the New York City Ballet.

Imagine it: The soaring ceilings of the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center. A beautifully-lit stage bathed in shimmering hues. And then... the sound of the orchestra swelling as a corps of elegant dancers sweep onto the stage! (Let's just say my little pink tutu might get a tad jealous! šŸ˜‰ )

Iā€™ve managed to nab tickets for Swan Lake, and it's so exciting I could just do a fouettĆ© across Times Square! It's my absolute favourite, the tale of a princess cursed into becoming a swan. It's such a magical story, with all the drama and romance you could imagine.

This week's blog post is overflowing with pink-tastic New York adventures, from a visit to a delightful boutique I found tucked away on a cobblestone street, to indulging in a plate of divine pink lemonade on Fifth Avenue, all captured with my pink iPhone! You won't want to miss this.

Ready to be swept away by New York's enchantment? Letā€™s get going!

Tutus & the City - The Beginning of My Big Apple Adventure!

The excitement of arrival is always so invigorating. I had such a good sleep on the flight, I felt perfectly rested and ready to embrace the energy of this fantastic city!

After my tutu-led arrival, I hopped right onto the Metro (don't worry, the train conductor didn't even blink, haha!) And, naturally, my little pink tulle caught the eye of the conductor! She told me that the pink subway station is around the corner from the Theatre District! Isn't that absolutely divine?! Who knows, maybe they even have a pink line?!

My little flat is near Times Square. Itā€™s on a sweet little side street called ā€œLittle Redā€, but that's only fitting, because it's about a minute's walk to the heart of it all - the vibrant heart of the city. The bright lights and the energy just fizz!

New York City is a kaleidoscope of colour, especially when you have pink tulle as your viewfinder. And that, my darlings, is exactly how I've started this trip: pink!

Imagine it ā€“ a tiny, cobblestoned street with a vintage shop window displaying perfectly preserved porcelain dolls and their adorable frilly costumes. Pink satin slippers peeping from a shelf. It looked like it stepped straight out of a fairy tale!

Of course, the shop owner had a tiny shop cat with eyes the same shade as my tutu. And I just had to bring her a pink sparkly mouse toy for her. She loved it! She had the most delightful tiny meow I'd ever heard!

There was something about the way the soft sunshine danced through the dusty windows of the shop that had me swooning - the romantic atmosphere just reminded me of the story of the ā€˜Swan Lakeā€™.

And speaking of ballet and stories, oh, you know my favourite thing to do is to find a ballet performance to inspire me. After my morning exploring, I ended up in an adorable coffee shop where a friendly barista told me about the New York City Ballet performance coming up the next night! The timing was perfect, it was just a short distance from the shop, near my ballet studio for classes! A perfectly lovely afternoon discovering a ballet hidden in the heart of the city - truly serendipitous!

Now, where's the best place for tea? ā˜•ļø

Fashionably Fabulous ā€“ The Tutu, the Shop and the Show

Okay, everyone! It's confession time! You know, my wardrobe doesnā€™t just hold sparkly tutus... I also have quite a thing for fashionable shoes, beautiful hats and those utterly delicious, perfectly pink frilly dresses you can find hidden away in the corners of vintage shops.

You just wouldnā€™t believe the amount of time Iā€™ve spent searching for just the right items. A ballet dancer on a mission to bring glamour to the Big Apple has to have just the right outfit, you see!

For this, I went on a whirlwind of shopping exploration in the Fifth Avenue area, the heart of luxury and style! Now, it may have been slightly challenging to squeeze through those high-end boutiques in my bright pink tulle! Let's just say, a few stares and the odd "What is that?!" was uttered under a perfectly styled fur! But the stares only made me dance a little higher! That's my motto!

I came across this incredibly chic store, ā€œPink Paris,ā€ just brimming with elegant pink accessories. A pink handbag and a pink vintage pearl necklace found their way into my shopping basketā€¦ just perfect! You can imagine the amazing outfit it'll go with! I've always felt that, whether you're in a pink tutu or a glamorous gown, feeling fabulous is just as much about attitude as about what you wear. The pink really adds something, don't you think?!

It felt so refreshing to be in such a wonderfully chic and stylish space. It was a truly inspiring experience. Itā€™s about letting your creativity flow ā€“ the perfect energy for getting ready for the show!

Speaking of ballet, the City Ballet was an absolutely mesmerising experience. I mean, wow! Imagine dancing on that vast stage in a beautiful and elaborate tutuā€¦ the feeling would beā€¦ magical!

But, my favourite moment of the night came at the end, with that incredible standing ovation and a moment of stillness and serenity with a full chorus line holding the grand final pose, perfectly still and perfectly perfect, with the orchestra rising in the last note. You can really feel the emotion!

The sheer beauty of the movement and the energy that was transmitted to everyone in the theatre... there's simply no feeling quite like it. Itā€™s something I dream of, so every single performance I get to see in New York is going to be a magical journey!

The city has given me an endless flow of inspiration, from its street art, to its vibrant energy, and it's going to be absolutely divine to weave these adventures into a ballet show when I'm back in Derbyshire, England.

But now it's time for some shut-eye...because I'm ready for a whirlwind of pink adventures! See you all next Monday!

The Tutu-ful Tidbits - Fun Finds in NYC!
  • I stumbled upon a vintage doll store hidden away in the Theatre District called ā€œMiss Kittyā€™sā€ and you wonā€™t believe it ā€“ it had a room dedicated to ballerinas! Dolls with sparkling tutus, satin pointe shoes, even a miniature box of pink tulle! I found an adorable pink dancing mouse costume for my furry friend.
  • My first slice of pizza in New York! It was from a tiny pizzeria right off Broadway called "Tonyā€™s", and it was absolutely perfect ā€“ delicious and cheesy ā€“ with a hint of pink peppercorns, even! It was my special ā€œPink Tutu Treatā€!
  • Did you know that thereā€™s a pink taxi in NYC? I caught a glimpse of it, I almost danced in the street with it, I'm not even kidding, it was such a perfect photo moment!
  • My flat is close to this amazing little cafe called "Little Red Tea Potā€ and itā€™s overflowing with vintage pink teacups and delectable pastriesā€¦ itā€™s going to be a very productive coffee spot to get this weekā€™s blog ready!

This has been #PinkTutuBlogNYC, post 814 - New York City. Until next Monday! Find more pink tutu adventures at www.pink-tutu.com

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-01-10 she danced in New York City