
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-02-28 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #821 - New York, New York!

Monday, 28th February 2011

Hello, darlings! Itā€™s Emma, your pink tutu-wearing, New York City-obsessed blogger, back with another week of dazzling adventures. Can you believe it's been almost a whole month since I touched down in the Big Apple? Time flies when you're twirling, doesn't it?

This week, the pink tutu has been whirring through the streets of New York City like a tiny, feathered whirlwind. From the glittering lights of Broadway to the cobbled streets of Greenwich Village, the tutu has taken it all in. And trust me, darling, New York City was born for tutus!

Subway Style

This morning, the metro was my chariot, the perfect setting for showcasing a brand new tutu purchase from Bloomingdales! I paired my pinkest of pink tutus with a chic, black, knee-length dress and a little bit of sparkly mascara, because a girl has to be prepared for the unexpected photo-op! The stares I got from fellow passengers were definitely approving; who could resist a touch of pink tutu magic on a dreary Monday morning?

The New York subway isnā€™t known for its genteel ambience, but let me tell you, darling, my pink tutu turns even the roughest journey into a graceful dance! My little pink tutu might be tiny, but it certainly makes a statement!

The Show Must Go On

Tonight, the magic of ballet brought me to Lincoln Center for a performance by the New York City Ballet. I chose a delicate, layered, peach tulle tutu to reflect the light and graceful movements of the dancers. Iā€™ve been eagerly anticipating this performance all week. I have a soft spot for classical ballet and itā€™s a joy to see world-class artistry right here in the heart of New York. And donā€™t worry, my dear readers, Iā€™ll be reviewing the show for you later this week!

Shopping Spree

Of course, no visit to New York City is complete without a spot of retail therapy. I made a beeline to Bergdorf Goodman to stock up on my tutu accessories. The selection of headbands and shoes, both with and without sequins, is just divine! A sparkly headband and pair of silver, satin pumps will look perfect with a pink tutu, don't you think?

Living in the Moment

The highlight of my day came after lunch. As I sat in a quaint cafe, a young boy asked me if I was a real-life princess. My heart skipped a beat, darling. I told him, with a twinkle in my eye, that I was simply a girl who loves to dance and spread a little bit of pink joy wherever I go! The twinkle in his eyes lit up my afternoon. My aim is to inspire people, young and old, to embrace their individuality and twirl with a touch of pink. Who wouldnā€™t want to wear a pink tutu?

A Moment for Derbyshire

Tonight, I'll be enjoying the symphony at Carnegie Hall before I settle in with a mug of cocoa and reminiscence about my Derbyshire roots. The English countryside is far from the bustling streets of New York, but the warmth of my hometown keeps me grounded. I can still see myself on those chilly Derbyshire mornings, practising my pirouettes with the fresh air on my face, and the smell of lavender from my granny's garden lingering in the air. Thereā€™s no place quite like home, is there?

Sharing My Passion

This blog has become my passion project. Every week, I use it to share my love for ballet, fashion, and the incredible city of New York. You see, it's not just about pink tutus; it's about believing in your dreams and chasing them with a twirling, heart-filled passion! And let me tell you, darling, thereā€™s no dream too big, too pink, or too tutued to achieve!

Looking Ahead

The week ahead promises a whirlwind of excitement. A tap dance lesson in the West Village, a fashion show featuring the latest in vintage chic, and a chance encounter with a street artist who's creating the most breathtaking chalk murals. Oh, and Iā€™m hoping to snag some tickets to see ā€œWicked!ā€ at the Gershwin Theater.

Remember, darlings, even though you might not have a pink tutu, everyone has something special to bring to the world. So, let's dance our hearts out, embrace our individual sparkle, and make the world a little bit pinker, one tutu at a time!

Catch you next Monday!




#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-02-28 she danced in New York City