
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-03-28 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Adventures - #825

Hello darlings! It's Monday morning, which means a fresh week, fresh outfit, and a whole new heap of New York adventures for your favourite pink tutu-wearing blogger!

This week, my little loves, I'm bursting to tell you all about the magical weekend I just had in the Big Apple. Now, let's be honest, isn't every weekend in New York City magical? The air crackles with possibility, the streets buzz with life, and the feeling of possibility just... well, it's divine.

As you know, darling readers, I fund my travels through my performances. I'm a professional dancer, you see, and while my heart belongs to the graceful movements and breathtaking choreography of ballet, I'm a bit of a performance chameleon, happy to strut my stuff in everything from ballet street to musical theatre! It's how I get to explore the world and share my love of the arts with everyone.

So, this past weekend, I had the privilege of dancing for a stunning charity event. I twirled and pirouetted for a crowd of lovely, philanthropic folks, all for a great cause! You see, in this city that never sleeps, you never know who you might meet, and I always strive to share a bit of pink tutu joy with everyone I encounter.

After the performance, darling, I was absolutely exhausted, but there's nothing like a bit of retail therapy to perk up the soul, so I found myself at Bloomingdale's, one of my absolute favourite department stores!

They have this divine pink section, my loves, just a treasure trove of everything pink you can imagine. Think cashmere cardigans in a pale blush pink, whimsical pink patterned dresses, and even a tutu section - though I wouldn't call it competition, darling! ๐Ÿ˜‰ It's the little details, the way everything is just so beautifully presented that makes the shopping experience here simply heavenly.

You might be wondering, "Emma, don't you always dress in pink?" Why, darling, yes of course! I mean, pink is the colour of happiness, of optimism, of pure joy! Who wouldn't want to spread that feeling around, eh? Besides, let's be honest, the world just looks better in pink. ๐Ÿ’–

The afternoon ended with a delicious lunch, followed by a bit of browsing at Bergdorf Goodman. A girl needs to stay fashionable, don't you think?

Come evening, I was back on my usual stomping grounds: Lincoln Center! It wouldn't be a New York weekend without a visit to see some stunning ballet. The New York City Ballet is divine, always showcasing a breath-taking level of talent. This week, I watched a beautiful, heartbreaking piece that touched my soul. It was so incredibly moving that I found myself tearing up. They just get it, the dancers in the New York City Ballet, they really get it. They speak through movement, they weave stories in a way that no words could ever truly express. I just love it so much.

But what was this date? March 28th! My blog isn't just about ballet, my loves! It's about exploring life's delights in all their glory! And this date, oh this date, was truly delightful!

Remember, my dear readers, my travels are all about experiencing new places and sharing that experience with you. This blog is my way of showing you how amazing the world can be when viewed through the lens of pink tutus! So come along with me as we explore the wonders of life, from London to Paris, New York to Rome, I'll always be right here with a smile, a pink tutu, and a story to share.

And remember, everyone looks great in a pink tutu! I've said it before, and I'll say it again! If you've always dreamed of twirling around in a pink tutu but never quite mustered the courage, then I say - DO IT! What's the worst that could happen? You'll look adorable, and you'll spread a little bit of pink tutu joy in the world! ๐Ÿ’–

Until next Monday, darlings! Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for weekly updates on my adventures and tips for finding your own pink tutu magic! ๐Ÿ’–

Big hugs and pink kisses,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-03-28 she danced in New York City