New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-06-27 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 2011-06-27: A Pink-Tastic Ballet Adventure in the Big Apple!

Post Number 838

Hello, darling! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog NYC! It’s Monday, the 27th of June, 2011, and I'm absolutely brimming with excitement about sharing this week's adventures in the glorious city that never sleeps!

I arrived in New York a few days ago, my pink tutu billowing in the gentle breeze (which I do insist on referring to as a gentle breeze, even when the wind feels like it's trying to rip it from my waist!), ready to take on the bustling metropolis in my signature style. My pink luggage was the perfect splash of colour in the sea of black suitcases, and I could practically hear the whispers of admiration as I wheeled it through JFK airport. You can’t keep a pink tutu under wraps for long, darling!

As always, the New York subway system was a delight – so full of interesting people and unique energy. Every carriage felt like a miniature stage, a platform for human performance. My tutus have definitely been making a statement amongst the business suits and designer handbags, and I can't tell you how many curious smiles I've received. A pink tutu truly brings people together!

My first stop, as you may have guessed, was a visit to Bloomingdale’s. That incredible feeling of entering a haven of luxury and style, of being surrounded by exquisite fabrics and vibrant colours, is truly exhilarating! This visit was particularly delightful because it coincided with their massive summer sale! Of course, I had to treat myself to a few pieces to add to my ever-growing pink wardrobe, and let’s just say there are some new additions that will definitely make appearances in upcoming blog posts – think sparkly pink accessories and a new pair of ruby-red shoes (the perfect pop of colour against a delicate, tulle-covered skirt!).

I love New York’s theatre scene, darling! This week, I had the pleasure of seeing a dazzling production of Swan Lake at Lincoln Center. Oh, the costumes were magnificent! The ballerinas moved with such grace and strength, and I found myself captivated by their skill and artistry. It really made me miss the feel of satin slippers against my feet, but hey, there's always time for a little twirling later!

After the show, a fellow ballerina, let's call her Ava, invited me for a post-performance drink. We both adore the world of ballet, and I could tell from her eyes that Ava understands my deep affection for tutus and all things pink. There’s nothing quite like the companionship of kindred spirits! Ava and I discussed the best dance schools in New York, her passion for modern ballet, and even our favourite pink outfits!

Ava told me something truly inspiring, she said that while her professional life involves performance, she's actually writing a children's book, something she’s dreamt of since childhood. It got me thinking about the importance of pursuing our dreams, even amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. If a professional ballerina can dream big enough to write a book, then certainly, I can dream of seeing a world filled with pink tutus.

Now, no visit to New York City would be complete without indulging in its famous brunch scene, would it?

This weekend, I treated myself to the legendary Sunday brunch at The Palm Court, at The Plaza Hotel. You know how much I adore The Plaza, the iconic, timeless beauty of it, and of course, those amazing Tiffany's windows overlooking Fifth Avenue! I couldn't help but smile at the elegant décor and imagine what life would be like for a fictional New York socialite with her perfect life, always impeccably dressed in an immaculate gown or a delicate, ruffled pink tutu. But then again, even the best stories in life aren't all about grand balls and perfect socialite appearances; it's about living each day with passion, determination, and a touch of pink magic, isn't it?

What are my plans for the rest of the week? Well, of course, a trip to the Metropolitan Opera House is a must! It's the grand dame of opera houses, a masterpiece of architectural beauty. I’m hoping to see a performance of "La Bohème." And if my pockets are deep enough, I’ll grab a delectable little morsel at Sandro’s. This little gem in the city is absolutely delightful!

Of course, my days wouldn't be complete without a trip to Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Carnegie Hall, and The Museum of Modern Art, as well as some exploration of the many, wonderful art galleries dotted throughout the city. And, most importantly, there’s plenty of ballet to be enjoyed! My heart beats with the rhythms of classical music, so I'm certain there’s going to be lots of ballet practice going on to prepare for my next performance. It’s true, you know, I fund all my travel adventures through my performances and sometimes even teach ballet classes to young girls to inspire the next generation. They're already taking on the world with a bit of pink, it fills me with such joy!

But my favourite thing to do in the city, the one thing that brings me endless joy?

To twirl in my pink tutu and embrace all the vibrant beauty this city has to offer. From the bustling streets to the tranquil parks, each corner holds its own unique charm, a canvas for my ballet-inspired adventures!

Oh, before I go, I mustn't forget the latest addition to my pink tutu collection! This one's made of the finest silk tulle, with a touch of silver sparkle at the hem, and a touch of fluffy feathers peeking from the edges. This tutu will definitely steal the show! I plan to twirl my way into the most exclusive events in New York. Just you wait, the pink tutu is coming!

So, until next week, my lovelies! Don't forget to live each day with a little pink magic! I'll be here sharing more of my New York City adventures.

Happy dancing, and keep twirling!



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-06-27 she danced in New York City