New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-09-12 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 12th September 2011 – New York, New York, it’s a tutu-ful life!

Post #849

Hello, my darling tutu-lovers! It's Emma here, fresh from another whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple, and boy, oh boy, do I have stories to tell! This city never fails to amaze me with its energy, its fashion, its… well, everything! This week, it's all about the thrilling journey to my heart, and that journey? It started, of course, with a pink tutu.

But first, a quick trip down memory lane for my lovely readers. As some of you know, I’m Emma, a ballerina from Derbyshire, England, and my love for the art form has taken me all over the world, even bringing me to this spectacular city. I started this blog,, to share my adventures with you, to inspire you to embrace the pinkest of tutus, and to show you that life truly is a tutu-ful journey! Every Monday, you’ll find a new blog post, bursting with all things New York and fashion and…well, pink!

Oh, and before we begin, you simply must know that I’m funding these trips, these incredible adventures, with my ballet performances. Yes, I’m a performing ballerina – a twirling, dancing, prancing dream come true – and the joy I find in bringing that dream to life allows me to share this city’s beauty with you all!

So, with that in mind, let's get on with the real story. This weekend was a whirl of glitter, feathers, and endless laughter, culminating in a beautiful Broadway performance that took my breath away! It all started on a glorious Friday morning. The air was crisp, the sky a dazzling blue, and my heart? My heart was already overflowing with excitement. This city just makes you feel like anything is possible!

I love the sheer magic of stepping onto the subway in New York. There’s a sense of constant movement, an energy that seems to course through the carriages. People rushing to work, mothers pushing prams, young couples holding hands, musicians with guitars and drums, everyone sharing this incredible space with such diverse, passionate purpose. It's simply thrilling!

Let’s Get This Tutu-ed!

I always know it’s going to be a good day when I step onto the subway in my pink tutu. Seriously, it’s become my signature! It attracts a wave of smiles, nods, and the occasional, “That’s a bold choice!”, and who can resist a little joy, a little bit of sparkle in their life? The reactions range from gentle amusement to downright joyous approval.

Once in Midtown Manhattan, I took the opportunity to browse the department stores, indulging in some seriously luxurious fashion browsing. Now, it’s not about buying everything in sight (though sometimes it’s hard to resist!), it’s about the thrill of finding inspiration! Those towering glass-and-steel buildings, the buzz of people on Fifth Avenue, the intricate window displays… all this feeds my imagination and motivates my own artistic expression.

There are simply SO many fashion stores in NYC - and that, my friends, is my happy place! It doesn't matter if I'm spending a fortune, just the joy of a bargain or a stunning piece that’s beautifully crafted – oh, the little pleasures in life! My pink tutu, of course, provided the perfect dose of colour and excitement amidst all those perfectly-coordinated mannequins. Sometimes you just have to let your tutu lead the way!

The Theatre is Calling!

On Saturday evening, it was time to immerse myself in the magic of New York theatre. I had secured tickets to “Les Miserables”, and anticipation was bubbling within me like a pot of bubbling tea. And, oh, it did not disappoint! The story was beautiful, the music captivating, the costumes intricate and awe-inspiring! It was a truly magnificent experience, and I sat there, in the hush of the theatre, awestruck by the passion of the performers. The sheer force of emotion, the story, the dance... I can’t think of a better way to spend an evening.

And you know, a ballerina needs to stay in practice! Even on the busiest of trips, my daily dose of ballet is essential. Sunday was my day for class. The studios of New York City offer an unparalleled opportunity to learn, grow and be inspired. From seasoned instructors to enthusiastic beginners, there's a unique blend of discipline and creativity that sets this city's dance community apart.

The Pinkest of Picnics!

After a morning class, it was time to escape the concrete jungle and seek out a patch of green. I took the subway to Central Park, an absolute oasis in the heart of New York! With a classic picnic basket overflowing with goodies, I settled beneath a tree, and spent the afternoon enjoying the warm autumn sun and watching the diverse blend of people in this remarkable city. From families enjoying the park’s beauty, to artists painting scenes on canvas, to couples sharing stolen kisses on the benches... it’s a microcosm of this remarkable place. And all under the watchful eyes of those towering skyscrapers!

Now, even my picnics have to have a dash of sparkle! I took my inspiration from those iconic movie picnics, laid out my favourite blanket (pink, naturally!) and opened the picnic basket, which, as I say, was chock-full of sandwiches, homemade cookies, fruit and...wait for it… champagne! I do love to celebrate a well-spent day in the best way I know how.

Broadway Lights, Ballet Dreams!

Finally, Monday evening. The day for reflection, for reminiscing about the weekend, for putting my latest travel tales down on the blog and – you guessed it! – a new ballet performance to enjoy. There was this amazing piece by the New York City Ballet, and even the sheer sight of their company warmed my heart. Seeing those stunning, elegant dancers gliding across the stage, each movement an art form… it’s enough to give you chills, let alone their grace, the raw emotion, and their complete devotion to the art.

Every night feels magical here in the city. There’s such an eclectic mix of people and places – from the trendy bars in the West Village to the hidden jazz clubs in Greenwich Village, to the street food vendors that smell so tempting! I do love how alive the city is, how the streets are just bursting with the sound of conversation, music, and even car horns.

It’s All About That Pink Tutu Life!

Well, this is it for now. Back to reality this week, and into my world of pink tutus. Yes, life might be a whirlwind sometimes, but every moment is a new adventure – it’s a pink tutu kind of life, wouldn't you say? It’s the pink, it’s the passion, it’s the incredible spirit of ballet, and the joy it brings to my life, that truly sets my soul aflame!

Next Monday, I'll share my experiences with you, of my adventures exploring the city, the fashion scene and, of course, more of my experiences with ballet in this inspiring city. So, join me on this journey! Keep an eye on the blog and, until next Monday, may your lives be filled with pink, glitter and... of course... twirls!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-09-12 she danced in New York City