New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-12-05 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #861: Dancing Through December

Hello my darling readers, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where tutus reign supreme and pink is the colour of joy! It's Monday morning in the Big Apple, and I'm back after a whirlwind weekend that left my toes aching (in a good way!) and my heart bursting with a joyous "ta-da!" This week, we're dipping our toes into the frosty, magical world of December in New York City – think twinkling lights, the scent of hot cocoa and… wait for it… even more tutu opportunities!

But before I tell you all about my festive shenanigans, let me first take you back to the land of Derbyshire, where my weekend began. It's so strange, when you spend so much time flitting about on stage and exploring different cities, it feels like a complete luxury to spend a whole weekend in the comforting calm of home. I treated myself to an afternoon of shopping, scouring the independent shops and boutiques of Bakewell, discovering treasures to bring back to my New York wardrobe (including a divine pair of fuchsia silk gloves that simply screamed "New York!").

The magic continued as I nestled in at the Derby Theatre, enjoying an absolutely charming performance of "The Snow Queen." The story is so timeless, and the beautiful costumes transported me to a world of ice palaces and glittering snowflakes. Of course, my own trusty pink tutu felt at home in the theatre, amongst all that frosty magnificence!

Then, with a farewell wave to the Peak District (always beautiful, always inspiring), I hopped on a train back to London, that glorious kaleidoscope of cultures, ready to embark on my New York adventure. I have to confess, the journey back to the city always gives me that little flutter in my chest – you know, that "pinch me, I'm dreaming" sensation. New York never ceases to amaze, with its endless energy and relentless pulse, always a perfect antidote to the gentler, quieter life back in the Derbyshire hills.

The trip across the pond is a journey in itself. As I always say, even the subway ride to your final destination is a chance to find beauty and inspiration. In fact, I found my most perfect pink tutu, believe it or not, tucked away on a second-hand clothing rack at a little vintage shop in Williamsburg, Brooklyn!

Upon arriving in New York City, it wasn't long before my tutu made its debut! This week, my trusty dance bag contained a fabulous combination: a flowing peach tulle tutu, adorned with delicate silver snowflakes, paired with a pair of shimmering gold ballet flats. The perfect outfit for my first destination – a dazzling ice skating show at the Rockefeller Centre!

Imagine, if you will, the joyous glow of the ice rink beneath the Christmas tree, the swish of elegant skates cutting through the crisp winter air, and the thrill of a dazzling performance. My eyes sparkled, mesmerized by the grace of the ice skaters as they moved with such precision and artistry. But it wasn't just the skill that amazed me. The spirit of pure, unbridled joy radiated from each skater, echoing through the ice rink and swirling through the festive atmosphere. The world around me seemed to shimmer, echoing the glittery costumes of the performers. A truly magical experience!

The magic, I found, was not contained to the ice rink! In the twinkling heart of Rockefeller Centre, a sense of magic was woven through every corner. The glorious Christmas tree, festooned with dazzling lights and decorations, truly captures the spirit of Christmas, the essence of giving and good cheer. And just a hop, skip, and jump away from the iconic centre, I found myself exploring the bustling streets of midtown Manhattan. The air buzzed with Christmas cheer – stores dressed in their finest holiday attire, windows bursting with festivity, and the aroma of spiced coffee wafting from cosy cafes. Even the shoppers, their faces flushed from the crisp December air, seemed caught in a contagious wave of holiday merriment!

My quest for the perfect Christmas present led me to a vintage costume shop, tucked away on a cobblestone side street, a world of glitter and glamour that transported me straight into the heart of a bygone era. Imagine, vintage sequin dresses from the roaring twenties, flowing velvet gowns fit for a Hollywood starlet, and feathers galore, each piece whispering tales of elegance and old Hollywood glamour. Of course, I was on the hunt for a special something for my grandmamma. She’s an absolute doll, so I knew she’d adore the feather boa that caught my eye – its colour? Well, what else could it be but a vibrant pink!

As evening descended upon the city, I found myself drawn to a captivating performance of "Giselle" at the New York City Ballet. Now, anyone who knows me knows my love for ballet is quite, well, legendary. But even the most experienced ballerinas can learn something from watching a live performance.

The stage lights dimmed, revealing the ethereal figures of the dancers – graceful and ethereal. Their every step, every gesture was a study in perfection, their bodies flowing with the fluidity of water, yet their every movement imbued with such strength. The music soared, carrying the dancers through a tale of love, betrayal, and heartbreak – a journey so deeply felt, I found myself transported alongside the characters on a journey of emotion and dramatic highs.

Of course, no night at the ballet would be complete without my trusty pink tutu! I chose a graceful ballerina style, shimmering in a symphony of pinks – blush pink, rose pink, and hot pink all twirling in a joyous celebration of colour. You know, just to ensure the entire theatre was aware of my own excitement for the show! After all, the more colour we can bring into this world, the better, right?

After a magical weekend in the city, it was time for me to take the plunge back to Derbyshire. It’s always bittersweet to say goodbye to the Big Apple, but I am grateful to call it home away from home – a city bursting with creative energy and opportunities to make my tutu dreams come true!

See you next Monday!

Until then, stay stylish, and never stop dreaming!

Your loving tutu fairy, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-12-05 she danced in New York City