New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-01-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 2012-01-02 – New York City Magic and a Touch of Pink!

Hello, darlings! It’s Monday morning in the Big Apple, and I’m bouncing around with so much energy after the weekend I just had, I swear I could wear my tutu all day! I even managed to snag some extra-special pictures to share with you in this week’s post (number 865, if you’re keeping track!). So pour yourself a cuppa, grab a scone, and settle in for a little dose of New York magic... in pink, of course.

Back to Broadway Baby!

Remember that amazing ballet performance I told you about last week, where I was lucky enough to dance a part? Well, this weekend was all about seeing the shows – no dancing from me this time, just pure appreciation for the magic of theatre! I’ve always loved a good ballet performance, but New York really brings a whole new level of artistry to the stage. I spent Friday evening in awe at the Lincoln Center watching a breathtaking rendition of “Swan Lake.” I’m still recovering from the sheer artistry and grace of the ballerinas. I swear I could see them gliding across the stage like feathered dreams! It was a total sensory experience, with the costumes so exquisite they made even my tutu look rather tame – although my vibrant fuchsia certainly didn’t disappoint in the grand lobby, let me tell you!

Finding a Bit of the “Old World” in the City That Never Sleeps

I'm a huge fan of anything vintage – clothes, decor, you name it! And while New York City is all about sleek, modern style, there's still a hidden gem of vintage goodness lurking in every corner. I decided to explore some of these hidden gems, and on Saturday I ended up spending the entire day wandering through the streets of the Upper East Side, just me and my pink tutu. It's amazing how the fabric of the city really gets woven into a ballerina's life.

It’s crazy, really! There I was, whirling my tutu down a bustling street, and suddenly I'd find myself surrounded by vintage clothes shops crammed with glorious gowns from another era. And the prices! You wouldn't believe some of the bargains I found! My trusty camera didn’t get much of a rest – it felt like every shop I went into had the perfect photo opportunity!

But of course, I didn't just indulge my vintage whims – shopping always leads me to my next obsession, and this week it was all about a truly spectacular new shoe collection by a fabulous shoe designer! Seriously, you wouldn’t believe the beautiful shades of pink she was showcasing. My credit card had a near-death experience, but I managed to keep things under control… for now.

An Ode to The Underground:

For someone who’s only used to the local bus system in Derbyshire, getting around New York has been quite an adventure! I love that the New York metro isn't just about transport, it's an entire cultural experience! The sheer energy, the diversity of faces, the rhythm of the rumbling trains - it’s incredible! I can’t resist wearing my tutu, even down in the underground. The locals do tend to give me some funny looks but let's be honest - you never know when the stage will be calling for you, right? And just this weekend I met another tutu lover! I was just exiting the platform, with my Tutu in full-flight, when this adorable lady, also rocking a pink tutu, smiled at me and said, “Love the outfit!” It felt like a little moment of solidarity amongst fellow twirlers! We had a quick chat, and it turns out she’s a costume designer! Talk about finding your tribe, even in the underground! You never know who you might meet in the city!

And on the Subject of Food...

So, where does a girl with a taste for tutus, vintage glamour, and Broadway brilliance find sustenance? Well, you won't be surprised to hear that it’s always got to be somewhere charming, and full of delightful surprises! On Saturday I tried this quirky café tucked away on the Lower East Side called “The Dancing Sugar Plum.” It had a super sweet pink decor (no surprise there) and served delicious homemade cookies that looked like tiny pink ballerinas. Seriously! The staff even encouraged me to do a twirl while I was eating! Honestly, this place just made me feel right at home.

New Year's Resolutions and Tutu Dreams:

New Year, new ambitions, right? So, my latest goal: spread the love of tutus. I've been brainstorming ways to convince more people to ditch the trousers and rock a tulle creation! My thinking is – there’s a perfect tutu out there for everyone! And in case you think that’s an unrealistic dream, think again! Every day, more people are starting to appreciate the whimsy of ballet and the joy of expression through dance. And just imagine how amazing it would be to have the streets of New York City filled with pink tutus, all swirling in unison!

Stay tuned next week for an update on how I’m progressing with my "Pink Tutu Revolution!" Maybe even some new tutu style inspiration! In the meantime, remember to be kind, be courageous, and never forget to embrace your inner twirler!

See you next week!


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-01-02 she danced in New York City