New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-02-20 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: Monday, 2012-02-20 - A Dance in the City That Never Sleeps (Post #872)

Hey everyone! It’s Emma here, back from another whirlwind week in the city that never sleeps – New York City, of course! I’ve been back for a couple of weeks now, and what a fabulous time I’ve had. Honestly, I'm finding it so hard to get back into my routine of rehearsals and classes here in Derby, after being surrounded by such wonderful energy and amazing inspiration. It's funny how when you step away from something you miss it so much more – and even the London tube seems a little drab compared to the magic of the NYC Metro!

But before I get into all the wonderful experiences of the past fortnight, I need to start with my latest dance project.

From Derby to Broadway - "The Secret Garden"

As you all know, I love travelling to new places, but what I truly love even more is finding ways to make dance a part of each trip. And this time was no different. I secured a role in a regional production of "The Secret Garden," a beautifully enchanting musical. It was a glorious experience, filled with magical sets and truly enchanting performances. Of course, my pink tutu made a star appearance - I had to represent, didn't I? And the applause of the New York crowd was simply breathtaking, I think my pink tutu is blushing!

But it wasn't just the show that stole my heart.

Shopping Therapy in New York

Let's face it, a trip to NYC is simply not complete without a proper shopping spree! There's just so much variety to be found on those bustling streets – vintage treasures hidden away in quaint little shops, luxury boutiques with everything from Chanel to Dior, and even quirky stalls that offer the most unexpected finds. Oh, and did I mention the amazing window displays? I am so tempted to just stop and take pictures every five minutes!

Of course, a little bit of "me-time" was necessary after a tiring week of performances. So, naturally, I headed to one of the many department stores, the ones that make you dizzy with the sheer volume of clothes on display, for a day of shopping therapy.

What could I have picked? You know I went for the brightest of pink colours, delicate ruffles and intricate lace designs. What better way to complete a dazzling look than a new pink tutu from Bloomingdales, my personal favourite!

Ballet Performances at Lincoln Center

Now, no trip to NYC is complete without a ballet performance! My heart fluttered with excitement the day I secured tickets for the "Giselle" performance at Lincoln Center. Seeing those elegant dancers glide effortlessly across the stage, their every move conveying such power and emotion, really ignited my own passion for dance. It was pure magic, a testament to the artistry and grace of ballet.

But this wasn't the only time I enjoyed a stunning ballet performance during my stay. A charming little theatre tucked away on a quiet street called “The Theater at the Park”, hosted a delightful ballet show featuring a small ensemble of dancers who each put on a heart-warming, personal display. It wasn't "Giselle," it was just "dancing" - a group of friends performing a short production that just gave me pure joy!

Oh, and speaking of magical evenings –

A Night on the Town at a Ballet Club

I discovered this fantastic ballet club that held its monthly performance night at a unique little theatre space. The energy there was truly electrifying! It felt like stepping back in time, into a vibrant, bustling space where dancers, artists and all sorts of characters congregated for a night of passion, creativity and performance. It felt very underground, which I always like!

You know how much I adore finding "ballet" moments outside of traditional performances. It’s so rewarding to find those unexpected flash mobs or random dance crews on street corners. It's those experiences that truly show how dance can be a universal language, breaking down barriers and bringing people together.

Walking the Streets of NYC

NYC is so beautiful, I love walking through its various neighborhoods, discovering charming coffee shops that serve the most delightful lattes and pastry shops that make you feel like you've entered a fairy tale! And then, of course, the city's landmarks - the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park – just standing and absorbing the atmosphere of this amazing city never gets old.

And every turn holds another little surprise - be it a vibrant street performer or a gallery exhibition tucked away in a charming corner, there is just something for everyone. I can get lost for hours just observing the vibrant energy of the city, and I always make sure to carry my sketch pad and some coloured pencils to capture the inspiring sights around me.

A Big City for Small-Town Dreams

Although I may miss my quiet Derbyshire evenings sometimes, my journey here is so rewarding. The constant rush, the constant drive, the energy that radiates from the city is just… thrilling. I get to meet the most incredible people, dance alongside talented performers, and find myself completely captivated by everything from fashion to art and of course - ballet!

But I know I'm not alone in my passion for ballet and a touch of pink tutu flair. It’s a passion that unites us all, and this big city, filled with its own charm and quirks, is a beautiful stage for that shared passion!

As always, stay tuned for more adventures and inspiring discoveries from this pink tutu-wearing, ballerina-obsessed, London-born-and-raised blogger! I promise my next post will be full of photos and even a little more fashion and inspiration!

And remember, as always, you can follow along with me on my daily adventures by subscribing to for weekly blog posts every Monday. Let's make the world a pinker, tutu-filled, dance-filled place, one step at a time!

Love, Emma

P.S. - Don't forget to share your favourite pink tutu photos with me on Instagram! Use the hashtag #PinkTutuNYC and we can spread some pink tutu joy around the world!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-02-20 she danced in New York City