New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-04-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 2012-04-02 - She Danced In New York City!

Post number 878!

Hey lovelies, it's Emma here, and oh my, this is just the start of a fabulous week! You see, your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger is finally in the Big Apple! New York City! The city that never sleeps, and neither shall I this week! I’m so excited, you have no idea! I arrived on Saturday morning, and after grabbing a coffee (with cream and sugar of course!) at a local cafe, I embarked on my pink-tutu-filled mission.

Let’s start at the beginning – as you know, dear readers, I made it to New York City through my hard work and sheer passion for ballet. I'm fortunate enough to fund my travels with performances – last month it was an exciting, dramatic, yet romantic turn in the Swan Lake at the Nottingham Playhouse, and last week a lovely recital for the children in my local village hall. Yes, I know, I live a double life! By day, I’m Miss Emma, local ballet teacher extraordinaire. By night… I’m… well, you’ll have to stay tuned!

Anyway, where was I? Ah yes! Saturday! After landing in the big city, I checked into my little, sweet apartment (with a little balcony! how divine!), near the heart of the city. My apartment’s decorated in pink, naturally, and you can guess the accent colour (that’s right, the fabulous colour black, to really give the whole thing some chic).

With my luggage unpacked and a very well-deserved nap later, it was time to put on my best pink tutu. You all know that's my trademark - pink tutu, black ballerina flats and a cute, sassy outfit. I must admit, it made a little statement in the big city. It’s always such a giggle when people are taken aback by the tutu, but it's also lovely to see those shy smiles and friendly glances when they recognise me. Sometimes, I think people really want to tell me their dreams and passions - and my pink tutu just seems to attract them!

“New York, New York! The music is playing, the bright lights are shining, the rhythm’s gonna get you! It was so good! My friend Mary met me there - she’s a fellow ballet-loving soul and also, she’s amazing. Mary got the whole ‘fashion thing’ – we spent the evening doing something I rarely do – and we shopped until we dropped! She’s got great style and helped me to put together the most wonderful outfits that, of course, complemented my tutu and black flats! What's great is that now I have a real city girl wardrobe to show off on these little blogs! Mary says we need to go see some more theatre shows, so we have plans to head down to Broadway later this week! Exciting, eh?

The rest of the week was a whirlwind! We explored everything. Central Park was breathtaking – and even my pink tutu couldn’t possibly detract from the natural beauty!

Of course, no visit to New York is complete without a trip to the famous Carnegie Hall. To step inside, hear the whispers of legends past and future... it’s truly a thrill! Even without the music, the place is electrifying. We found a little coffee shop near the hall – and they had delicious, pink frosted cupcakes. Perfect, as you all know, pink is my absolute favourite colour, I just can’t help it! Mary took some lovely pictures of us near the famous marquee. What a memory! I know I’ll cherish them always!

My time in New York was truly unforgettable! So much fun, so much fashion, so much fabulousness. And what a fantastic backdrop for my beloved tutu, and of course, I have to say… my favourite piece of luggage in the whole world – I named it Fluffy! It has two little pink ballet shoe-shaped wheels! A girl's got to have style wherever she goes!

But alas, all good things must come to an end. Sadly, I flew back on Monday. Of course, I made sure I packed all my goodies for my blog: postcards, city maps, photographs (loads and loads!), and even some sweet smelling lavender sachets! And even better, a fantastic tutu which I bought from a tiny, tucked away boutique just around the corner from my flat. It’s made of layers of pink tulle and chiffon with little black feathers! I can't wait to wear it!

So, my darlings, stay tuned! New York may be behind me, but I’ve brought a little bit of the Big Apple magic back with me. I’ll be updating the blog every Monday. I hope you all had a fabulous week. You know I’m just dying to hear about your life’s adventures. Drop me a message on! Don't forget to check out my other post about the city this week too – you might like it!

Much love,



PS If you want to buy me a pink tutu as a gift... just saying...., the site will happily give you my address for any deliveries! wink wink!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-04-02 she danced in New York City