New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-04-23 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #881 - Monday 2012-04-23: Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps!

Hello my darling tutu lovers! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog NYC. I'm back from a whirlwind weekend of dance, drama, and dazzling dresses, all set against the backdrop of the most incredible city in the world - New York City, baby!

This week, as usual, I'm buzzing with the energy of a thousand ballerinas. This city truly does invigorate me, and I can't wait to share all my adventures with you. From stepping onto the iconic red steps of the Met to finding the perfect pink tutu in SoHo, my latest NYC escapade has been a glorious sensory feast.

Before we dive into the details, I need to give a huge thank you to everyone who came to my performance at the Lincoln Center last week. Your cheering and applause were absolutely magical - it truly means the world to me to share my passion with such a warm and appreciative audience. Thanks to your support, my pink tutu dreams are becoming a reality - it allows me to continue exploring new corners of the world and sharing them with you, so thank you!

Tutu-tastic Thursday

This past Thursday, I felt like a character out of a classic movie, walking through the heart of Manhattan with the spring sunshine on my face. The air was filled with the hum of the city - taxis honking, laughter from passing groups, and the faintest aroma of hot dogs and coffee. What a magical sensory experience!

My mission for the day? To find the perfect tutu for a special performance this weekend - it was a vintage number, you see, and nothing less than the perfect vintage style would do. So, with a pink pom pom in my hand for extra good luck (you never know with these antique boutiques!), I set off for the SoHo district, a mecca of independent shops.

My heart was aflutter with excitement, every doorway and alley promising a treasure trove of beautiful dresses and, of course, tutus. The shops were bursting with colours and textures, with each window display tempting me inside.

After a while, a pink glow beckoned me from a hidden gem of a shop, tucked away behind a quirky bookshop. Inside, the walls were lined with velvet, vintage costume pieces, and rows upon rows of stunning tutus. It was like stepping into a secret Parisian salon of dance and style!

There it was, nestled in the midst of a symphony of feathers and silk: a dazzling pink tutu with a vintage lace trim. A blush of pink spread across my cheeks - it was absolutely perfect, even down to the faint aroma of antique perfume lingering within the tulle.

The owner, a stylishly dressed woman with a twinkling eye, explained that it was a creation from the 1920s, originally worn by a Parisian ballerina who danced for the prestigious Ballet Russes company. The tutu has been part of their collection for decades, waiting for a new ballerina to give it a fresh life - and I knew, as soon as I put it on, that I was meant to wear it.

It wasn’t just a costume; it was a piece of history, a legacy from a talented dancer who paved the way for others like me. As I swirled in the mirrored space of the boutique, I felt her energy flowing through me, like a silent applause echoing from the past. The shopkeeper helped me get a matching bodice to create a perfect vintage look - she also offered some tips for adding that final touch of sophistication: a beautiful pair of sparkly silver ballet shoes and a tiny pink corsage for my wrist. I felt like a true performer - the costume, my confidence and the spirit of a bygone era flowing through me.

With my vintage treasure in hand and the afternoon sunshine dancing across the SoHo cobblestones, I headed to Central Park for a leisurely stroll to let it all sink in. Central Park, with its elegant trees and perfectly manicured lawns, was the perfect setting for dreaming and reflecting on my journey - the perfect backdrop for my journey from Derbyshire girl to a New York City ballerina.

I couldn't resist doing a few pirouettes in front of the iconic Bow Bridge. After all, when in Central Park, one must dance, don’t you think? I couldn't resist letting my tutu swirl and catching a few admiring glances from those who crossed my path.

Saturday Night at the Ballet

Now, for my grand finale! My weekend couldn't have ended more spectacularly than with a night at the iconic New York City Ballet, featuring the much-anticipated premiere of a new production. The grand theatre was alive with anticipation, the buzz of excitement reaching a fever pitch.

This time, I was dressed in a luxurious, bespoke pink tutu by my favourite NYC designer. The material was shimmering, capturing the dazzling lights of the theatre like a kaleidoscope of pink hues. I was feeling truly ready to be a part of this artistic journey - the theatre had the energy of the city swirling around it, like the beautiful swirling energy of my tutu.

The production was absolutely captivating - a powerful performance of strength, grace, and artistry. Every step, every jump, every extension, filled the theatre with an energy that made my heart soar. As the curtains came down, the applause echoed through the vast auditorium - the ballet had painted a story on my heart, leaving me inspired and brimming with dreams of one day gracing this very stage myself.

Sunday Style - The Shopping Spree Continues

What would a trip to New York be without a spot of serious retail therapy? After the incredible evening at the ballet, I needed to recover, recharge and treat myself to a bit of "me time." Sunday afternoon was spent exploring some of my favourite stores, searching for new pieces to add to my growing collection.

Of course, my search for perfect pink tutus continues. You'd be surprised at the different styles of pink tutus out there - some sparkle, some are more floaty and some have lace - it's a truly magical experience browsing through the beautiful designs of tulle and silk.

I couldn't leave New York without a new handbag - I found the most wonderful dusky rose satchel at the Tiffany & Co store, designed to match my ballerina pink shoes. I imagine it perfectly complimenting my outfits - just waiting to be seen strutting around the city.

My day was a perfect combination of elegant stores, chic cafes, and the bustling atmosphere of Broadway. Even a few accidental photo shoots in Central Park with other tourists wearing pink (a great reminder for everyone to Embrace The Pink, my dear tutu lovers!), making my heart swell with joy.

This trip to New York has been everything I hoped it would be. The city has, once again, captured my soul and left me feeling energised and full of inspiration. My dance shoes are feeling heavy with anticipation for my next adventure, and I already can't wait to share it with all of you. Don't forget to check in next Monday, as I'm about to reveal my new London adventure… what can you expect, you ask? A tutu-tastic weekend at the theatre, and, of course, some new vintage outfits to show you.

Until then, remember, there’s a ballerina in all of us!

Love and pirouettes,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-04-23 she danced in New York City