New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-04-30 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #882: New York, New York!

Monday 30th April 2012

Helloooo, my darling tutu-wearers!

It’s Monday, it’s the end of April, and it’s a bright, crisp, sunshiny day here in New York City! I am absolutely smitten with this fabulous metropolis – there is just so much to see and do, and it’s all buzzing with life and energy! It’s absolutely inspiring!

This weekend was absolutely jam-packed, a real whirlwind of exciting things and beautiful moments, and I couldn’t wait to share it all with you!

Let’s get started with my outfit for this weekend – because after all, what is a trip to New York without a little fashion?! This Saturday, I wanted to be bold, daring and eye-catching, so I went for a classic black tulle tutu, paired with a shimmering lilac crop top and my trusty black platform boots. A vibrant pink satchel slung over my shoulder added a touch of Pink Tutu magic and my hair was up in a chic ballerina bun – ready for a day of exploration and discovery!

Saturday Fun:

As usual, my weekend began with ballet! I found the most fabulous studio tucked away in Greenwich Village – a little haven of elegance and grace amidst the bustling streets. The class was incredible, filled with amazing dancers of all shapes and sizes, each moving with effortless grace. I was completely swept away by the passion and artistry of everyone in the room! It was a true ballet heaven – and of course, my tutu shined during the barre work. The instructor was even wearing a pastel pink tutu herself – I swear, she looked like she'd stepped out of a ballet dream!

Feeling energised and invigorated after class, I ventured into the world of Broadway! I've always been fascinated by theatre and musicals, so the sheer volume of iconic venues here is absolutely mind-blowing! My ultimate aim was to snag a ticket to the hottest new show on the scene – Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark! It was a real nail-biter getting a ticket at such short notice, but my persistence paid off, and I snagged a coveted seat in the balcony. It's fair to say the spectacle was mind-blowing – amazing stunts, elaborate costumes, a gripping story and incredible music! The whole theatre vibrated with the energy of the performance, and I was transported to another world. Even as someone who usually favours classical ballet, I couldn't deny the sheer raw talent and excitement of this Broadway show. It was a true celebration of art, story and performance.

To top off my fabulous Saturday, I treated myself to dinner at the chicest bistro I could find – “La Petite France,” a tiny, candlelit Parisian gem serving up incredible gourmet dishes. The food was heavenly – delicate flavours, beautiful presentation and truly an experience for all senses. But my real find was the dessert – a chocolate mousse so rich and velvety, it could only have been made by the angels! The owner, a charming gentleman with a twinkle in his eye, told me it was a family recipe passed down through generations. It was the perfect end to a perfect day!

Sunday Sightseeing:

A beautiful sunny Sunday morning, and what else to do in New York but embrace the famous parks! Central Park was the obvious choice – a true sanctuary of green in the heart of the city. The sprawling space, dotted with fountains, ponds and gardens, was filled with families enjoying picnics, children playing, couples strolling, and musicians playing melodies that danced in the gentle breeze. The vibrant green and vibrant flowers contrasted with the skyscrapers in the background - I took so many pictures! And of course, I had to do my usual "pink tutu spin" in front of the iconic Bethesda Terrace! It just seemed fitting, don't you think?

To fuel my artistic soul, a visit to the Met was in order! It was just bursting with beautiful things: breathtaking sculptures, vibrant paintings and fascinating exhibits. It was a true journey through art history and I could've spent the entire day there – honestly, there was just too much to take in! I couldn't resist snapping a few selfies with my favourite pieces – I’ve got some fabulous additions to my Insta-feed from my trip. I was so happy I happened upon a contemporary dance performance in one of the museum’s grand halls – an energetic, expressive display of contemporary movement, set against the backdrop of stunning Renaissance paintings – what a unique, contrasting, exhilarating experience! I even met some fellow tutu enthusiasts in the art gallery - one lady even had her little girl sporting a lovely turquoise tutu! You’ve just got to love the Pink Tutu spirit.

Of course, no trip to New York would be complete without a visit to the iconic Times Square! Walking through the bright lights and giant screens, the buzz and excitement were almost intoxicating! I loved the hustle and bustle of it all, even though I’m a girl who usually prefers a quieter atmosphere!

Shopping Extravaganza!

To my utter delight, Sunday afternoon was dedicated to SHOPPING! Now, let's just say I went a little crazy - the sheer range and selection of gorgeous fashion in New York is like nothing I've ever experienced! I splurged on the most stunning vintage brooches – sparkling diamonds and ruby-red stones set in ornate silver. Each one tells a story, I just knew they had to be mine!

And, how could I visit this fabulous city without taking home a little Pink Tutu magic, so I grabbed a gorgeous pink satin top adorned with delicate sequins. This baby is destined for future fashion blogging sessions.

A Magical Day In NYC:

Monday morning finds me still utterly mesmerised by everything I have seen and experienced here! New York truly is a city of dreams – filled with boundless energy, breathtaking creativity, and a contagious zest for life! I think this little city has definitely found a space in my heart!

This trip has just reminded me of the joy and magic of pursuing your passions. It doesn't matter if you are on a stage, exploring a gallery, or discovering a new boutique, your spirit is meant to be alive, creative, and beautiful!

Remember, my lovelies, wear that pink tutu with pride! Let it be a reminder that you, too, are a unique, bright, and beautiful spirit in this world.

Now, let’s go make this week even more spectacular – I have so much more to tell you about, so stay tuned!

With Love and Glitter,

Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-04-30 she danced in New York City