New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-06-11 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #888 - New York City, New York, Monday, June 11th, 2012: Twirling Through the Big Apple

Hello darlings! It's Monday again, which means another glorious edition of Pink Tutu Blog NYC! As the sun peeks over the skyscrapers of this fabulous city, I’m sipping my morning cappuccino, surrounded by piles of designer scarves, all waiting for my “Emma’s Approved” seal of approval. Oh, how I love this life!

This past week has been an absolute whirlwind of sequins, shoes, and soul-stirring dance. But first, let's talk tutus! My current favourite is a delicate, blush-pink tulle creation, handmade by the talented artisans of "The Tutu Shoppe" in SoHo. The fabric is impossibly light, and the delicate frills just beg to be twirled under the Manhattan sky.

And twirling I did! I kicked off the week by attending the breathtaking ballet production of "Giselle" at the Lincoln Center. Oh my word, those ballerinas! So graceful, so light on their feet, they practically floated across the stage. Their tutus were magnificent, all layers of frothy white, a stunning contrast to the moody lighting. The performance had me in a right good mood for the rest of the week.

Shopping Therapy: A Dance Lover’s Paradise

Of course, after a spectacular ballet show, a bit of retail therapy is in order! I'm a big believer that dressing for the occasion can elevate even the simplest of days. The vibrant streets of New York City are practically begging to be explored in a whimsical outfit. So, after my "Giselle" experience, I found myself dancing into "The Plaza Hotel." Now, let me tell you, darling, that’s an absolute wonderland of fashion! I picked up the most beautiful vintage cocktail dress - think emerald green silk with sparkling silver sequins and a sassy side-slit - for a gala dinner I'll be attending later this week.

And what goes better with a fabulous frock than a fabulous shoe? Well, you can’t beat a good old fashioned “Manolo Blahnik,” can you? Especially a pair with a whimsical touch! I treated myself to some strappy heels adorned with pearl-studded roses, so chic, don't you think?

From Ballet Classes to Broadway:

This city is full of amazing opportunities to experience dance. I spent a beautiful afternoon in the tranquil setting of the "American Ballet Theatre," joining an introductory ballet class with other enthusiasts. Oh, the sheer joy of feeling those muscles stretch and the joy of finally perfecting a new "piqué"! It's truly inspiring to share a passion with so many diverse and lovely individuals.

As evening descended on the city, I couldn't resist a trip to see the iconic "Cats" on Broadway! It's always a blast! Although I am a ballet purist at heart, let me tell you, those dancing cats, even dressed in their quirky attire, made me wish I could pounce around the stage!

Dancing With The Stars
 of New York

Now, if you think a visit to Broadway means neglecting the underground scene, you're wrong! After the performance of "Cats" I met up with some friends and danced the night away at the vibrant "Mercury Lounge." This club hosts a variety of performances, including experimental ballet shows and some great local musical talent. You wouldn't believe the costumes - a veritable rainbow of sequins and feather boas, just the sort of thing that makes a girl feel alive!

Of course, the metro system is a wonderful, glamorous opportunity for a "pink tutu moment," and let me tell you, it was certainly the highlight of my trip! The reactions on commuters' faces, their eyes widening in surprise and delight at the vision of pink tulle twirling gracefully alongside them - priceless!

As a lover of all things elegant and fashionable, I have to mention my favourite Parisian café "The Petite French". It has the most stunning décor - you'll find me lounging in a plush armchair, sipping frappé lattes with my dear friends while discussing everything from fashion to the latest ballets in town. It's a perfect place for afternoon rendezvous.

The Beauty of Everyday Dance:

You know, darling, you don't need a stage or a packed theatre to experience the joy of dance. It's about finding beauty in everyday movements, the elegant grace in a well-executed “à la seconde,” or the power in a powerful "grand jetĂ©."

That's why my Monday walks to work in New York City, even amidst the bustling crowd, feel like a ballet. A delicate pirouette between towering buildings, a relevĂ© up to the sky as I reach for the metro door, a quick relevĂ© over potholes, a simple “chasse" through a crowded street - it’s an impromptu performance I do for myself. And who knows, perhaps someone may catch a glimpse of that hidden ballerina and it’ll inspire them to embrace a bit of grace and whimsy in their own lives!

I've been working on a new pink tutu design, so stay tuned for a big reveal in the coming weeks! But for now, I must dash. There are a dozen boutiques beckoning me, and the New York Fashion Week festivities are just around the corner. Oh, how I love the hustle and bustle of the big city, especially in my pink tutu!

And don’t forget, the world is a stage, so embrace it, my dears, in all its dazzling glory. And let’s fill the world with more pink tutus, one twirl at a time!

Keep dancing,

Emma xx

P.S. Find my pink tutu outfit posts for every day of this trip on the website - I've linked the gallery on our "Pink Tutu NYC" homepage! I love to hear from my readers, so be sure to leave your comments below! And remember, if you've never worn a pink tutu, I encourage you to embrace your inner ballerina!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-06-11 she danced in New York City