New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-08-13 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post Number 897: Monday 13th August 2012

A Week In the Big Apple, A Tutu & All!

Hello my dearest Tutu Tribe! I hope this blog post finds you well, full of pirouettes and smiles, as bright as a ballerina’s tutu under the stage lights! Today, I'm buzzing about my adventures here in New York City. The Big Apple certainly hasn't disappointed, and what better way to experience it than with a splash of pink tutu magic?

As always, I've been channeling my inner ballerina wherever I go. The streets of New York are a stage, and trust me, a pink tutu adds an extra sprinkle of sparkle to every step. Whether I’m flitting through Central Park or gliding down Fifth Avenue, the tutu's there to enhance the magic of the city.

A Metro Odyssey & Fashion Finds

For this week's escapades, the mighty Metro became my trusty steed. Who needs taxis when you can feel the city's pulse beat beneath you on the underground? The journey itself is an adventure, watching the melting pot of New York unfold, a mosaic of colours, stories, and personalities. Of course, my favourite accessory for metro rides? The trusty pink tutu!

Speaking of colours and stories, I've discovered a fabulous vintage shop, right on Broadway! Filled with sequins, feathers, and forgotten treasures, this shop felt like a giant ballerina's costume box. The proprietor, a quirky gentleman with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, even told me I looked "fabulously retro" in my pink tutu!

Ballet Bliss - A New York Rhapsody

Of course, no trip to New York City is complete without a ballet fix! This week I went to the New York City Ballet for their annual summer festival. The dancers, the choreography, the music - it was pure artistic bliss. The New York City Ballet is a breath-taking sight to behold. Each performance tells a tale woven with movement and grace. There's nothing quite like seeing the strength and elegance of ballet on a grand stage in a city that truly embodies its artistry.

But you know me, the pink tutu wasn’t going to be left behind. My little bit of colour was the perfect counterpoint to the sleek, sophisticated grandeur of the ballet. I found a seat on the very last row, which was brilliant, and, I won't lie, it was even better as the only pink tutu in the auditorium. It did, naturally, cause a stir as people chuckled and some even did double-takes! It reminded me that pink is a happy, attention-grabbing colour and that, as a ballerina and a traveller, I always need to stay true to myself and never shy away from my passions. It doesn’t hurt if you get to be the star of your own show on the way there too.

The Fashion Spotlight - Broadway Glamour

Speaking of shows, no trip to New York is complete without a dose of Broadway magic! This week, I went to see “Wicked,” which has simply blown me away. From the music to the sets, the whole show was utterly spectacular.

After the show, a stroll around Times Square was an essential. I have to say, the streetlights and the energy just made the place so vivid and special. Of course, the Broadway show gave me major fashion inspiration. It's all about colour, drama, and embracing the boldest, most daring of sartorial choices. This weekend I’m going to visit some of the fantastic vintage stores in the Lower East Side to find some gorgeous outfits for my New York adventure.

Food for Thought - City Flavours

Oh, and food! I've had some fantastic culinary adventures here in New York! This weekend, I’m going to go see if I can find some street food at Coney Island. But so far, the real treat has been the local diners and cafés. They're crammed with delicious homemade cakes and cookies – so many cakes, you could create a dessert dress from them! And don't even get me started on the coffee! The aroma is enough to lift any dancer's spirits after a hard day's practice. The city’s food scene really reflects its vibrancy, with flavours from every corner of the globe.

A Final Tutu Twirl

Well, my Tutu Tribe, this has been an absolutely unforgettable week in New York City. The energy, the fashion, the art, the food, it's all intoxicating. I am reminded that even though I come from a small town in Derbyshire, my little tutu can open doors to anywhere in the world. I’ll leave you with a question, do you think the New Yorkers would be daring enough to rock a pink tutu in the park? Let me know your thoughts on the comment section! I hope my week in New York has inspired you to wear your own colours with pride!

Until next week, stay twirling!

Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-08-13 she danced in New York City