New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-08-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #898 – Dancing in the Big Apple

Monday, 20th August 2012

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, back with another dose of pink tutu-infused fun from the Big Apple! I can't believe it's been a whole week since I last wrote to you. New York is absolutely bursting with things to see, do, and of course, twirl in, so it feels like every second is a new adventure.

Today, my friends, we’re exploring a whole new dimension of ballet! I've had a whirlwind weekend filled with fabulous experiences. Remember those ballet street performances I've been telling you about? Well, guess what? There was a whole street festival dedicated to them! The whole block was transformed into a sea of twirling dancers, a veritable kaleidoscope of colours and moves. Imagine, if you will, ballet bursting out from its traditional confines and taking over a whole street. Pure joy, darling!

Let me take you back to Saturday, a day that started with a delectable brunch at a quaint little café near Central Park. It was all fresh pastries, perfectly brewed coffee and a side of vibrant, cheerful chit-chat. After fuelling up on sugar and caffeine, we took a leisurely stroll through Central Park, feeling the sunshine warm our faces. And you know, when you’re in the most fabulous city on Earth, a little impromptu dancing can't hurt, can it? We giggled like little girls and twirled our way through the park, our pink tutus whipping up a storm, drawing smiles and happy greetings from the passersby. I mean, who wouldn’t smile at a pink tutu twirling amidst the green beauty of Central Park, right?

It was then, on the streets of a vibrant little neighbourhood in the city, that I stumbled upon the Ballet Street Festival. This little corner of New York had transformed itself into a stage for a kaleidoscope of dancers. There were ballet companies from across the city, each with their unique style, energy and vision. Every move, every flourish, every pose, told a different story. I was utterly captivated! I twirled and jumped alongside these talented dancers, lost in the magic of the moment. You know, there's just something magical about dancing in public. It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned professional or just learning, it's about the joy of expression, about sharing that passion with the world.

Now, talking about sharing and expressing oneself, how did I, a girl from a quaint Derbyshire town, manage to snag tickets to a Broadway show? It's a simple recipe, darling! Ballet, performances, dedication, and a dash of pink tutu magic. That's my formula, you see! My evening took me to a Broadway classic. It was a dazzling experience, the lights, the costumes, the performance, all breathtakingly beautiful. I could see why people are drawn to the magic of Broadway! And let me tell you, seeing such talent makes me even more determined to reach my dreams!

Sunday was dedicated to shopping! New York, you are my retail wonderland! I indulged in some fabulous vintage finds, bought a new pair of pink ballet shoes with sparkly embellishments, and a silk scarf with a whimsical ballerina design, just to complete the picture. I’m sure you'll see me sporting these treasures in future posts.

But the most extraordinary event of the day was something completely unexpected. As I was making my way to a charming little café for afternoon tea, I was swept up in a surprise street performance. Imagine my delight! This one involved a mix of music, art, and ballet. The dancers painted while they twirled, using their bodies as brushes against a canvas held aloft by volunteers. And guess what? My pink tutu and I were part of the performance! I was asked to be part of the ensemble and danced alongside the street performers, the sun warming our faces and the vibrant art on display inspiring me. It was such an exhilarating experience!

There is something so incredible about dancing on the streets of New York, in amongst the bustling crowds, amidst the traffic, the horns, the cacophony of life. You twirl and spin, and for those few precious moments, everything around you fades into a background, and the music becomes your world. It’s an incredible feeling.

So, as I’m wrapping up this week’s post, I’m left pondering… Why doesn’t every city have a Ballet Street Festival? I feel like there’s magic in that - it's an incredibly exciting and positive event that allows everyone to participate, whether they’re seasoned dancers or just learning to twirl. I really hope this catches on everywhere, don’t you?

Next week, I'm thinking of exploring some of the smaller, hidden corners of New York. There are so many adorable little dance studios, hidden cafes, and art galleries that I haven't explored yet!

I'll leave you with a reminder - if you’ve ever thought about slipping into a pink tutu, then take a leap! Be bold, embrace the sparkle and colour! Remember, you’re not just wearing a tutu, you’re wearing a statement of joy, a symbol of hope and inspiration, a reminder that anything is possible. So, dance with confidence, darling, and never, ever be afraid to twirl!

Until next Monday,



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-08-20 she danced in New York City