New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-10-29 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #908 – Manhattan Magic! 🩰

Hello darlings! 💋 It's Monday again, which means it's time for a fresh new Pink Tutu Blog post. Today I'm spilling all the tea about my whirlwind weekend in New York City! I feel like my head is still spinning from all the sights, sounds, and - oh my goodness - shopping! 🛍️

As always, I arrived in the Big Apple via my trusty sidekick - the metro! 🚇 You simply cannot beat the efficient magic of New York's subway system, even if it does require a certain level of dodging and weaving during rush hour (let's just say my pink tutu caught the eye of a few surprised commuters - what a glorious surprise!).

This time, my NYC escapade was funded by a truly delightful performance of Swan Lake back in Derbyshire. Nothing quite fuels my New York adventures like the magic of ballet, right? Every time I see a show, I’m so energised - I just have to hit the stage again myself and then I can afford to treat myself to a few more pink tutu-approved treasures! 💖

Right, let's delve into this fabulously fun-filled weekend, shall we?

Friday: Fashion Forward

The first thing I did upon arriving in Manhattan was head straight for the Garment District - a sartorial haven if ever there was one! Let’s just say a few beautiful, whimsical dresses and a fabulous pair of shoes found their way into my luggage. I think it’s a little unfair to call it "shopping", more like a necessary excursion! I always tell myself, "I simply have to buy something - how else can I spread the pink tutu gospel?!"

Speaking of gospel - the Friday evening wasn't just about fashion! I went to see an incredible Broadway show – it was Hamilton (as it must be!)! I've seen it so many times, I even try to see it on the other side of the pond when it's touring (and by the other side, I mean Derbyshire!!). It was still utterly brilliant, and, dare I say it, a little emotional! 😭

Saturday: Shopping Splendour!

Now, a typical Saturday in New York City might be about museums, galleries, or Central Park… but my itinerary included something even more essential! Drum roll please… more shopping, obviously!

I spent the entire afternoon flitting through Soho boutiques, discovering some utterly delightful pink accessories – even my little ballet bag has had a makeover! I truly believe that everything you wear has to sparkle, even your everyday necessities! You never know who you might meet. You know me – always on the hunt for opportunities to inspire fellow New Yorkers to wear a pink tutu! 😉

Saturday Night: Dance Magic

But enough about the shops… even a Pink Tutu Princess needs to indulge in some serious dance magic every now and then, right? That's why I booked a beginner's ballet class at this fantastic little studio downtown. And let me tell you – the New York ballet scene is absolutely bursting with talent! The teacher was so inspiring, and even though it was just a beginner class, she had us gliding across the floor like seasoned professionals. It was simply glorious! 🩰

Of course, my pink tutu was the perfect companion for the class - the more pink the better, especially in a place like New York, the bolder the better! You need a vibrant touch in a city that never sleeps, right?! Plus, if anyone needs any extra motivation to dance, they just need to see me!

Sunday: Central Park Delights

Ah, Central Park. Every time I visit, I fall deeper in love. It’s like stepping into another world – especially when you’re sashaying in a pink tutu through the crisp autumn air. (Let's face it - the best part of this journey is always wearing my pink tutu!). Even better than my morning latte was seeing the kids having so much fun while running around. You could almost hear the laughter swirling up amongst the leaves – simply magical!

I love the way Central Park allows the city’s energy to seep through, but provides some tranquility too! It makes the chaos of the city even more exciting, right?! And when you have an extra sparkle in your day thanks to a bit of pink tulle, all the better!

Pink Tutu Thoughts & Reflections

This weekend was absolutely brilliant. A bit exhausting, to be sure, but what’s life without a little whirlwind, right?! I absolutely love this city! From the fashion to the dance to the bustling energy – it makes you want to embrace life to the fullest!

What's a girl to do? Why, keep going back, obviously! Every time I leave NYC, the little Pink Tutu Princess inside me just has to come back to that concrete jungle! But for now, I'm back in Derbyshire. It's always lovely to come home. 🏡 And who knows? Maybe one day my pink tutu and I will inspire a whole town of Derbyshire folks to embrace their own pink tulle dreams. 💭

As for what’s next? Let’s just say my Pink Tutu to-do list is growing longer every day! But I'll save that for my next post. Until then, darlings – keep dancing and don’t be afraid to sparkle. Remember, every day is an opportunity to wear pink, and to make the world a bit more magical! 🌸 ✨

See you next week for more Pink Tutu Blog fun! 💖



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#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-10-29 she danced in New York City