New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-11-12 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #910: Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps!

Monday, 12th November 2012

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, Emma, back from the bright lights and bustling streets of New York City! I'm just buzzing with excitement after another fabulous week of ballet, fashion, and adventure in this incredible metropolis.

The City's Energy

Oh, New York, how I adore you! There's just something electric about this city that makes your heart sing. From the moment you step off the Metro (which I absolutely love, by the way!), you're bombarded with an overwhelming symphony of sights, sounds, and smells.

I can't get enough of those charming yellow cabs that whiz past, their horns honking out a rhythm only New York City can produce. Even the air itself seems to shimmer with a special kind of energy here, a contagious spirit of possibility and ambition. It’s inspiring to be surrounded by so much talent, hustle, and passion.

Ballet, My Love

Of course, the highlight of my week was definitely seeing the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center. The artistry and technical brilliance of these dancers left me utterly spellbound. The costumes were exquisite, and the sets were utterly magical. The power of dance to move and inspire me never ceases to amaze me. I felt so fortunate to be witnessing such extraordinary talent firsthand.

And then, to my delight, I stumbled upon a street ballet performance in Times Square! Now, who would have thought that you could see ballet in Times Square, amongst all the chaos and commotion? The energy of the city somehow seeped into the dance itself, adding another layer of raw emotion and captivating the attention of the crowd. I simply had to take some pictures – the way the light danced off the pink tutu of the lead ballerina... simply stunning!

Speaking of tutus, I managed to squeeze in a ballet class at a beautiful studio in Brooklyn. I've always loved the feeling of being part of a community of dancers. And while we may be wearing different tutus, we’re all bound by the same passion for this elegant art form. It's something I miss terribly back home in Derbyshire, the lovely green countryside. However, it feels fantastic to be able to share this love with others who share my enthusiasm.

Pink, Pink, and More Pink

New York City is truly a haven for a pink-loving ballerina like me! There are so many incredible vintage and designer shops tucked away in unexpected corners. My wallet took a bit of a hit this week, I admit. But when you see those beautiful garments displayed in those beautifully curated window displays, it's hard to resist!

I spent an afternoon wandering around the Lower East Side, which has this cool, vintage feel to it. And let's just say, I stumbled across a glorious vintage pink sequined dress that whispered my name from across the shop! I think I’ll be wearing it to my next performance in Derbyshire.

Food, Glorious Food!

And now, for the food! My trip to New York wouldn’t be complete without exploring its diverse culinary landscape. I spent hours wandering through the various food markets, drooling over the colours and aromas. I sampled a taste of the exotic and a splash of the familiar. And of course, I had my fair share of New York City's famous pizza – I mean, how could I not?!

Next Week's Adventures

I can't wait for next week, where I'm already planning a trip to see the magnificent Met Opera! They’re showing La Traviata – another one of my favourites! There’s also a stunning exhibition opening at the Guggenheim dedicated to the history of ballet – how exciting is that? I’ve got my dancing shoes ready!

To Pink or Not To Pink…That is the Question!

And, speaking of my dancing shoes, I'm still working on my mission to inspire everyone to wear pink tutus. The reaction so far in New York City has been, to say the least, varied. Some people gave me a look like I’d stepped off the stage from an opera and onto the sidewalk of the Upper East Side – which actually I think I may have. And then, others just gave me a beaming smile and said, “You go girl!”.

Whatever your response, one thing is certain - it definitely sparks a conversation, and it's that spirit of creative expression that I want to bring to the world! Maybe next time you see me in the subway, you might just catch a glimpse of a pink tutu!

Remember, you can follow my daily adventures on Instagram: @PinkTutuTravels. And check back next Monday for more updates! Until then, stay sparkly and dance your way through the week, darling!

XOXO, Emma

(Emma, the Pink Tutu Ballerina Blogger, writing from New York City!)

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-11-12 she danced in New York City