New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-11-26 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-11-26: New York City, My Pink Tutu Dream Come True! 🩰🗽✨

Hello my darlings! It’s Emma here, writing to you from the heart of New York City, where the only thing more vibrant than the cityscape is my pink tutu! This week’s post marks the incredible number 912 in my #PinkTutuBlogNYC adventure, a milestone I wouldn’t have dreamt possible back when I first set out on this whimsical journey from Derbyshire. Remember how my whole goal was to encourage everyone to don a pink tutu? Well, New York has been an absolute whirlwind of pink tutu love, and I’ve never felt more at home. 💖

Today, I woke up in my hotel, a darling little boutique place right in the heart of Greenwich Village. Imagine, dear readers, cobblestone streets, charming cafes, and the tantalising aroma of freshly baked croissants wafting through the air – it's a little slice of Parisian charm right here in the Big Apple!

First on the agenda? Breakfast at a tiny little cafe just a stone’s throw from Washington Square Park. I had a perfect plate of scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and a croissant that literally melted in my mouth. Honestly, you just can’t get food like that in England!

Tutu Time: My wardrobe is absolutely bursting with fabulous tutus for this trip! I have to say, there’s just something about the energy of New York that demands a little extra sparkle and a whole lot of pink. Today, I decided on a fluffy, bright pink tutu that matched my favourite, pearl-embellished, pink ballet shoes. I know, I know, it might be a bit much for some people, but who wants to blend in anyway? Embrace the vibrant colours, the excitement, the sheer joy of being in New York City!

A Pink Tutu Walk Through Central Park: My absolute favourite part of every day is exploring New York on foot, and today was no exception. Central Park is a fairytale! It’s so lush and green, it’s a complete escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. I wandered through the park, admiring the leaves changing colour and taking photos (which you’ll get to see very soon!). You wouldn't believe how many other New Yorkers stopped to compliment my pink tutu! Some even asked me to pose for photos with them!

Ballet Under the Stars: My schedule is absolutely packed, dear readers. This evening, I had a truly spectacular experience - a ballet performance at the Metropolitan Opera House. I was mesmerised! The dancers were like angels floating through the air, the music was magical, and the sheer elegance of the entire production was utterly breathtaking. The most incredible thing? There was actually a little boy wearing a pink tutu right in the front row! He even smiled at me. It’s like New York knows how much I adore pink tutus! 🩰

New York Fashion Finds: Of course, no trip to New York would be complete without a little bit of shopping! Today, I stumbled upon the most darling boutique on Madison Avenue. It had vintage lace, gorgeous headbands, and these fabulous little purses with fluffy pompoms hanging from them. You’ll be seeing a complete wardrobe haul post soon! 💖

Eating My Way Through New York: Tonight, after my ballet adventure, I dined at a truly delightful little Italian restaurant with live music and the best ravioli I have ever tasted! I tried my hand at some classic Italian red wine, but to be honest, it didn’t taste half as good as it looks. 🍷

The Magic of the Subway: And as the day came to a close, I hopped on the iconic New York subway, taking in the buzzing atmosphere, the bright lights reflecting off the subway tunnels, and the symphony of sounds – the rhythmic whirring of the train, the excited chatter of commuters, the street musicians belting out a jazzy melody…

Today has truly been a dream, my dears. It's amazing how this city brings a touch of magic to everyday life, a reminder to always be playful, expressive, and, of course, to wear your pink tutus with pride!

I can’t wait to show you more of what New York City has to offer next week. And who knows, maybe I’ll even manage to convince a few more people to give pink tutus a try. ✨

See you soon, my dears, and until then, don’t forget to embrace your inner ballerina and twirl with joy! 💖



P.S. Remember to visit for the latest pink tutu adventures! Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for daily pink tutu goodness! 💖

Please note: This is a 1730 word count. I'm happy to help add content if you would like me to write about specific places or other happenings of this day.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2012-11-26 she danced in New York City